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Just call me Dan

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Everything posted by Just call me Dan

  1. Just call me Dan

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round IV

    Incandenza Ripper Downhome Zack Malibu
  2. Just call me Dan

    Back when RVD was a world title threat...

    That's correct, I was actually there. It was taped from Lafayette, LA.
  3. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Bah, he's pretty behind on the attire as well, so i guess IGN was just toying with the different costimes.
  4. Just call me Dan

    Was the Ladder Match any good?

    Star ratings people! star ratings! Like 'em or not, they are a good summary of how you felt. No matter what you say in detail, the star rating can say it better. Needless to say, thanks Ernierowe, now more star ratings please!
  5. Just call me Dan

    Was the Ladder Match any good?

    How did it measure up to the Eddie/RVD Ladder match(es)?
  6. Just call me Dan

    Best Troll Ever?

    I gotta give it up to Cutthroat. I don't ever remember him being banned or forced out, and just disappeared. That guy REALLY got on my nerves, and was just gone.
  7. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    Build it up as a possible classic. Fuck, I don't care for 3 weeks of trading finishers and one liners, just let thoise two get in there. There is plenty of backstory to build around DURING the match.
  8. Just call me Dan

    WrestleMania XX

    I don't think they would have bought it after the SS match. The ironman didn't draw anything, so I'd assume neither would a WM20 Ironman.
  9. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    Seriously, if Angle has nothing to do and neither does Benoit, why can't that match be used a sell point for NM?
  10. Just call me Dan

    WrestleMania XX

    Oh, you got me wrong. I meant that I don't think the WM20 would have delivered to the incredible hype it would have had. After seeing the last two, I HATE them in the ring together, and if I waited a year for a match in the same league as those two, I'd be pissed. I liked the 19 match except for the absence of crowd heat and of course the botched SSP. If that would have connected and been the finish, the match as a whole may have come off better. Still, I don't think they can top 19, even with its flaws.
  11. Just call me Dan

    WrestleMania XX

    Clarify that chick, I'm not sure what you're referring to.
  12. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    I would like a heel Benoit if he gets pushed, but HATE a Benoit heel title run. Benoit has gotten SO close for so long and never had a rightful long run, and to see him get a flash in the pan heel run would be sickening. He has to get that momentum he had around RR 03 (or the momentum that Eddie found) and win the title then. It would seriously be a travesty if his 1st and possibly only title run wasn't built up as something great, and not just a flavor of the month heel/face encounter.
  13. Just call me Dan

    WrestleMania XX

    I agree. Sorry, but WWE really over did that match up. IF they wanted to put it in the main event, they shouldn't of had a rematch until WM 20. But upon views of their last 2 encounters, I'm quite glad they didn't do that.
  14. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    Edge needs to get well soon, and he'll have the momentum to really produce. Benoit and Eddy need to be pushed REAL hard, and a person or two needs to turn heel. THEN you will have something on the SD side. There is nothing wrong with 6 or 7 strong guys at the top. That's why there are 3 sections in the card. smackdown is going through a shades of grey time because of one thing. EVERYONE is a FACE. It is ridiculous. When Brock, Vince and Show are all you have to work with, that sucks.
  15. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    Problem there is Jericho was brought over to Raw to beef up the wrestling for an occasional good match. That was why th Un-americans jumped and Jericho along with them. He's stuck. I'm trying to think along the lines of what actually could happen and not what I dream will happen.
  16. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    Basically, if a trade happens it has to be really something different. Someone who is going to get a big push or repackaging. The SD trade for Show saved his career. If you can do that for someone else, go for it. Just swapping show weakness and a lack of confidence in this whole split.
  17. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    But you don't want really 2 guys to just replace eachother (Jericho/Angle). You need guys who would really be pushed or really be utilized, and I don't think a trade would give that to Jericho. I'd say he's probably not going to get a big re-packaging anytime soon on ANY show. The last time Angle and Trips were together on Smackdown, Angle was REALLY buried. I don't like him and Trips on the same show, so I guess I wouldnt be happy with a Jericho move to SD or a Trips.
  18. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    Chavo with the US belt would be giving it the Christian treatment. Someone te likes of a Cena or Rey needs that belt, with chavo tryng to capture it for a while, and if he gets over could have it in a blowoff match. He shouldn't be given a belt of the magnitude I THINK they're trying to establish this new US title as.
  19. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    I don't think Angle has been consistently built up to be able to give people any kind of rub, and can EASILY be relegated to the midcard because of that lacking. Someone like Rock, HHH, or Austin would never be in the low midcard like Angle/Rey opening SS 02. the inconsistency needs to stop, and I WOULD like to see a trade.
  20. Just call me Dan

    Stupid Question I have

    I was never on a crusade of any kind, but nice try. I felt as if a lot of people who came off (in my opinion of course) as intelligent and insightful people were lurking around in here, but not in the WWE folder. I hoped that mabe they would converse there more often. EDIT: You know what, you may be thinking of CWM. He did kind of give off the vibe for just a bit there that he was "going home" and was going to do something about the struggling folder.
  21. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    I think the stipulations and the build for the matches killed his cred. If you looked at the matches from the two bell rings you wouldn't see it. EVERYTHING outside of that was horrific.
  22. Just call me Dan

    Would a trade be good

    there is nothing wrong with building a superface with the 2nd teir belt and having him get a title shot. If he loses a close one, he still defends HIS title and the credibility is HUGE if the guy holding the belt is a world title contender. If you ask me, that SHOULD be done. A bad ass match hurts NO ONE midcarder, main eventer, or jobber. If the bring the goods for 20+, how is that really hurting anyone?
  23. Just call me Dan

    People who's avatars

    Even with a cable modem those mpegs of spike taking a sick bump or anything else stop me from scrolling down. We've all seen the clips, keep em on your computer, but off the board. GIfs are cool, but mpegs are not. Thank you.
  24. Just call me Dan

    Stupid Question I have

    That's getting REALLY washed up. It would still be funny if he didn't acknowledge anyone and was still this enigma, but he posted in response in your thread about him. Time to stop, don't you think?
  25. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Damn that video was the SHIT. So is the song. WOW. Awesome.