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Just call me Dan

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Everything posted by Just call me Dan

  1. Just call me Dan

    Austin/HBK 'Mania 14

    Both men have had far worse matches, and that match had a lot of emotion, although not the greatest. I've always seen and heard them both talk very low of the match. Austin admits it was sorry, and even in HBK's DVD I think he mentions it as not a match he liked. What went wrong?
  2. Just call me Dan

    Smackdown Rating Drops

    Wow, I'm severly downed on that. I was very appreciative that the WWE would provide such a spectacle on free TV. It didn't deliver, and wasn't worth anything, but the fact that they liad that out there for us made me happy. I hate it didn't garner more interst.
  3. Just call me Dan

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    Wait, do you have to have 3 specials to pull off an EX?
  4. Just call me Dan

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    Sandman9000 Choken One Lightening Flik Zack Malibu kkktookybabyaway Use Your Illusion DangerousA R2DFooster McSockman Corey Lazarus Incandenza Wrestling Deacon JustCallMeDan Cancer Marney Mr Rant Bravesfan Downhome Dr. Tom Bob barron Papacita Banky RavishingRickRudo BPS The Dames Spaceman Spiff FrozenBlockOfPissReborn CobainWasMurdered Agent of Oblivion Kinetic JHawk Anglesault ShooterJay HartFan86
  5. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    He sure looks better than he did in SYM, Lance was one of the dumbest looking guys in there. They still can't get his hair right, it's never that fully grown out, abut it'll do. I'd assume smiling , dancing Lance will not make an enrance in this game.
  6. Just call me Dan

    How to stop the bleeding

    With the lack of top teir heels on the Smackdown side, I'd say Kurt needs to be in the runnings of a Vince feud. Yes, i hate them too, but a feud with vince will always be heavily promoted, and will always be something "big". Taker could easily feud with Brock through Survivor Series, and leave Vince and Angle to go at it there. After plowing through Vince, he could perhaps feud with the likes of Cena, as he was just in another top program and clearly was the victor. there just is no top heel right now that he could really be in there with and not be seen as wasting his time. Smackdown has such an awesome roster, but there is a big separation between the few top guys and the rest of the roster. Problem is the two top heels are Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar, but there are 4-5 guys who could easily be top faces.
  7. Just call me Dan

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    DangerousA and barron
  8. Just call me Dan

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    the match felt just like summerslam. Blah. No special moves really besides Angle's few. Brock didn't attempt a triple powerbomb, spiral bomb, bear hug, chain backbreakers, anything. He just stalled, used weapons and his TV moveset. Severely disappointing. *** Flat from me. No chain wrestling, no crazy spots, announcing was run of the mill, crowd sucked, and this felt like a TV match. Too bad.
  9. Just call me Dan

    Quick Question

    I keep catching wind of the rumor that they will bring the game over to the Cube soon, and just release it later this year. I've wanted to try it out for a while, but lack a PS2. Is my friend full of shit?
  10. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    I am very hyped. I just fear that I caught some spoilers on this board unintentionally. Basically with the news of Angle's sister dying followed by "and Spoilers for SD", I can pretty much put two and two together, but I guess we'll have to see.
  11. Just call me Dan

    Kurt Angle challenges Bret Hart

    I could see him envying how Shawn was able to really impress upon his comeback. Sure, he's limited, but I've been thoroughly impressed with him, and enjoy him very much IN the ring. I think that is great motivation for Bret to try and see what he could do. What would be sad is if he got real close to the Mania deadline and failed to make it to the show, so they put the match on at Backlash and it drew nothing.
  12. Just call me Dan

    The HHHonk

    Holy shit, I never got to go back and listen to it and was too lazy to find it in the archives. I'm in tears. Thank you so much.
  13. Just call me Dan

    Funniest WWE Moment This Year

    I'm guessing it was the apron slip at Bad Blood.
  14. Just call me Dan

    Project 03

    I've never heard of it, what's the basic rundown?
  15. Just call me Dan

    Considering a Fuck Goldberg boycott

    If you want to boycott Goldberg, go ahead. It's pathetic to try and grab all the bandwagon jumpers and take them to your level of ignorance. You know nothing. You know heresay. You have never met the man. You have never stepped into the ring. The guy can come off bad, things I've SEEN him do (confrontation with tigger) suggest that he's an egomaniac. He's paranoid. Look man, I'd say he got that way because of WCW. He was on top with the likes of Hogan and Nash. Nash had THE BOOK. Now, even in the WWE you have NASH'S BEST FRIEND owning everything and making sure his buddy stays in the top program. He's not the best wrestler, he's not even very good. He did not pay his dues much like many of the guys did. Is it his fucking fault he was pushed? Would you say, "Nah, man, I want to be stuck in the midcard and buried." The best ever in the business have always been considered marks for themselves. Bret Hart and Steve Austin namely were very big on having creative input. Guys like Steve get paranoid when things get taken away from them to the point to where they act irrationally. I'd say if Benoit, Guerrero, anyone was put as a flagship of a brand and threatened with having that sacrificed so the likes of HHH can keep the title some more and completely dominate RAW, they may react the same. The guy goes out there and is booked in lopsided matches. It's his charattcer. He does 3 moves. He's BOOKED to do three moves. Would you want him to finish a match with a vertical suplex or a clothesline? What do you expect when he is booked in squashes? If you don't like that, write the WWE a letter, it may do you more good than this flaming piece of shit. Goldberg is looking out for himself, something he was taught the hard way. Look at him in 2000. He was booked completely wrong attempted heel turn), and retired by Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger. Stupidity. He can't let it happen again, and why should he? Bottom line is the guy goes out there and does his job.. He travels and sacrifices much more than you know. I know others put more effort into what they do, and they are not rewarded for it. It sucks. But even when goldberg WAS NOT IN THE COMPANY, the same shit was going on. Nothing will change because of im. Jericho will not get the dominating babyface push if bill is canned. Why don't you get off the guy's fucking back and stop trying to illustarte yourself as some savior to the WWE with all the solutions. your boycott is pathetic and should be abandoned. Until you have walked in the man's shoes, don't be so quick to judge. I'm sure you're no saint. I say go Goldberg, win the title and run with it.
  16. Just call me Dan

    New pic of Anakin from Ep. 3...

    Those seem to be the hairstyles floating around these days anyway..... Genius!
  17. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Wrestlemania XIX

    The faces are still ridiculous, and the few hair and face choices you get make it impossible to make someone that doesn't look like some generic CAW, imo. They just look out of place.
  18. Just call me Dan

    Austin/HBK 'Mania 14

    No after every move or anytime he has the offensive he stands there, huffing and puffing with his hands on his hips, looking bored. It completely takes any emotion or significance out of thematch. He's just going through the motions.
  19. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    It'd be great if he had the quad clutch + scream as one of his taunts, much like flair's taunts include him just flopping on the mat as if he were just killed.
  20. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Wrestlemania XIX

    The CAW sucks to me. I hate when you can't makje tights, or hair very black, theyare almost grayish. and having to shape your own nose and throw it in there with a bunch of stupid eyes, and horrible looking mouths, everyone looks patheic. why can't there be pre-picked faces, and just lots of other combos plus other guys faces from the game, and that is?
  21. Just call me Dan

    HHH's promo last night on Raw

    If someone could clip that together along with his few HEY HEY HEY HO HO HEY HO HEY, stopping the Rock in mid intervieww, I would mark.
  22. Just call me Dan


    I also shave my head. Not with a razor, but with clippers and no guard. It works wonders.
  23. Just call me Dan

    Quick Question

    I agree, I'm very much pissed off that I have no idea how the entire story goes, and have only been subjected to bits and peices, so when the movies come into play i have no idea whats going on. Basically, i don't know where to start. I've had fiends give me tapes, and its just in the middle somewhere, and I have no idea whats going on.
  24. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I'm not liking Kane's face model. Neck is too small, head it too round.
  25. Just call me Dan

    Quick Question

    I think my big thing is that I hate having to read subtitles and not be able to understand the language. sure, I can see the emotion on thier faces, and I can hear it in the voice, but I have to sit there and read what they are saying, which is very annoying, imo, and take away from the experience. I just can't get into it/enjoy it. It's like my stepfather's thing with widescreen DVDs. He just can't watch them. I haven't heard anything as far as spectacular reviews from game sites or friends, but it still looks pretty cool, and places online have it for pre-order at 29.99 already. I think it's probably worth the pickup.