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Just call me Dan

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Everything posted by Just call me Dan

  1. Just call me Dan

    DragonBallZ Movie

    I don't know hpow many fans of the series there are on the board, but is there anyone whos seen it? I haven't been in a Blockbuster in years.
  2. Just call me Dan

    Forgotten Match

    I'm an Austin fan, and I'd still have to say it was Kick Wham Stunner. Match was given away WAY too early, and Austin won semi-clean. Now what? There went Wight's career.
  3. Just call me Dan

    Round 2 Voting for Folder champions

    Spicy, I don't remember you being in this race. If I screwed up, i am sincerely sorry. i'm sure the Champion who is voted on wouldn't mind seeing if he or she matches up to you afterwards, if its that big of a deal. I don't remember anyone nominating you in this folder.
  4. Just call me Dan

    nWo DVD Extras

    What the hell are the easter eggs? I've never seen them. This topic can't die.
  5. Just call me Dan

    Forgotten Match

    Wight upon entering the WWF around the time of this match and Wight winning the title in late 2000 were two totally different leagues.
  6. Just call me Dan

    DragonBallZ Movie

    That would be great. I've always seen the foreign clips for years and it looked so intriguing, but i'm a big fan of the English voices.
  7. Just call me Dan

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    It's a fucking TV show? Wow, I'm not even going to comment on that. Next time you go and take bumps night in and night out, maybe you'll understand what a high regad it is to be on top of the greatest wrestling promotion in the world.
  8. Just call me Dan

    Round 2 Voting for Folder champions

  9. Just call me Dan

    The One Heat Thread

    Yang vs Dreamer was pretty entertaining, gotta admit. His DDT sell looks better than Rob's.
  10. Just call me Dan

    Round 2 Voting for Folder champions

    Someone break the Downhome/Zsasz tie for movies champ. Incandenza is the MUSIC FOLDER CHAMPION, defeating CoreyLazarus and AoO by a score of 4-2-0. Someone please break the 3-3 ties for General chat champion between KINETIC and ZACK MALIBU. Dr.Tom advances in the Current events folder unanimously. Cancer Marney also does. Someone needs to break the tie between NoCalMike and TheMikeSC in the CE folder bracket. Tyler McCelland unanimously advances in this bracket. Someone needs to break the 2-2 tie between fkteale and AoO in the bracket. Texas Small Arms 09 advances in the LSD category with a score of 4-2. IDRM advances with the same score. stardust advances with the same score as well. So.... Love Sex and Dating Folder Champion Round 2 Voting Stardust vs. IDrinkRatsMilk vs. Texas small Arms 09 Movies Folder Champion Rematch Mr.Zsasz vs. Downhome General Chat Folder Champion Rematch Kinetc vs. Zack Malibu Current Events Folder Champion Round 2 Voting Dr.Tom vs. Agent of Oblivion and fkteale vs. Cancer Marney and NoCalMike vs. TheMike SC and Tyler McCelland gets a random bye. All of these Champions/advancements will be decided IN THIS TOPIC. Please vote for one in each match, and limit the bullshit. You can't vote for one single person and be counted. Vote in every category or don't vote. Voting ends Tomorrow before RAW.
  11. Just call me Dan

    Angle's possible opponent at No Mercy

    I don't see the big deal with him. This has been discussed numerous times, so I'll pass on the point-counter point Cena arguments. Great chemistry, somewhat carryable, but main event? Not yet. Stop these bullshit GOD pushes. Earn your stripes by staying fresh for a prolonged period of time.
  12. Just call me Dan

    Angle's possible opponent at No Mercy

    no shit. Keword there is penciled in. Eddy vs Angle would get much higher placemnt if it were a title match on the card of No Mercy than survivor Series. I think now would be the right time for Eddy's title hunt, and let something else entail at Survivor Series. If the fans demand a rematch, so be it. Fuck Cena getting a title shot. For what? What big win has he gotten in a long time? And if he beats Eddy, he should be defending his US title on the show, not in line for a title shot.
  13. Just call me Dan

    The NWO in 2002

    God, I love the heat for Canadian shows, but they really fuck up the booking.
  14. Just call me Dan

    Angle's possible opponent at No Mercy

    It won't drw and I won't be interested. that gimmick isn't suited for a main event push. Let this gimmick be a testament to the guy's ability to get over and switch up this character. Eddy should be getting this shot after beating Cena in a big match later this month.
  15. Just call me Dan

    Forgotten Match

    What do you think really marked the end for Wight being a credible main event guy? He obviously was well over those days by Mania 2000.
  16. Just call me Dan

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    Something tells me the nWo will return and continue to get ruined. After all, the red and black Wolfpac never surfaced on WWE TV.
  17. Just call me Dan

    The NWO in 2002

    The novelty DID NOT wear off at NWO 02. I'm sorry but I marked like a bitch for that Rock beating armed with one of the only Edges Hall pulled off in his tenure. Aside from the horrible truck thing (which would have been ok had it been done months before and only hit the ambulance once), that was atrue mark out moment foe me.
  18. Just call me Dan

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    He was really made to look like a champion with the credibility of Angle in his 1st run or Jericho.
  19. Just call me Dan

    Specultion on No Mercy's card

    I think they realized having Angle as champ is lost. He makes a great champ, but there aren't enough strong heels to challenge. A heel needs the belt at this point in time because you could easily have Angle/Taker/Benoit going after Brock. Angle is left with nothing but perhaps an Eddie feud, which both willm play the faces, and won't be worth a shit without any really built up storylines. The match will be spectacular, I'd assume, but casual fans wouldn't give a shit because they won't build it up properly. Brock's walking out with the title. I think they wanted to give Angle a good rub by maiing him get a much needed RWALLY big win, and equal out everything, add some spontinaety (sp?) to the title picture, and go back with the Brock reign this time as a heel. It's really time for some trades.
  20. Just call me Dan

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    I speculate that at this time, they weren't sure what to do with Rob, and may actually have considered him having another top program feud with the Undertaker, or have him chase the title soon after. At that time, the champ was still supposed to be on both shows. I say Rob should have layed down clean at KOTR without so much Heyman, and they never had that Unforgiven match. I mean, if Brock can plow through mega-face ROCK of all people, why was Rob different, especially when you look at where he ended up.
  21. Just call me Dan

    Forgotten Match

    Oh, at the time he did. Call me a mark, but the guy was REALLY a focal point at that time. He began to put on weight, have terrible upkeep of his look and his lumbering feud with the Rock killed him in early 2000. Show was definitely looking to pick up steam in just about all of 1999.
  22. Just call me Dan

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    As far as I can remember, Rock was definitely the first besides hogan to give the big rub. Rob was getting the better of Brock in their feud and always looked superior.
  23. Just call me Dan

    Forgotten Match

    Anyone got any star ratings on the match? Thanks so much for that recap and especially the time.
  24. Just call me Dan

    Austin/HBK 'Mania 14

    I just don't remember Austin taking a shit on his stuff from early 2001 or early 2002, he seemed like everything he was doing was fine, although he was really stinking it up in the ring. For some reason, they just keep stabbing at this match. I've got to get it on DVD if it ever comes out to get a more accurate view.
  25. Just call me Dan

    Forgotten Match

    OK, but did anyonew do a rant on the match oor could they explain it in detail? I remember it being pretty enjoyable.