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Everything posted by dutchse.cx

  1. dutchse.cx

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

    http://www.slowbeef.com/MG2/intro1.html Deadly Zanzibar hamsters.
  2. dutchse.cx


    I'm hoping you picked House. The Office is a remake of a show that already exists from the U.K. called The Office. I mean, c'mon.
  3. dutchse.cx


    "I'm very competitive."
  4. dutchse.cx


    "I need you to wear your labcoat." "I need two days of outrageous sex with someone oscenely younger than you. Like half your age." "How are we doing on cotton swabs today? If there's a critical shortage, I could run home ..." "No, you couldn't." "... nice."
  5. dutchse.cx

    James and the Giant Peach

    I think I'm stuck at 1000 posts. Interesting.
  6. dutchse.cx

    James and the Giant Peach

    I was hoping for something a little more mindblowing.
  7. dutchse.cx

    James and the Giant Peach

    I'm more interested in what you learned.
  8. dutchse.cx


    "If you're particularly annoying, you may see me reach for this. This is Vicadin. It's mine. You can't have any."
  9. dutchse.cx

    A Dating Site For Kotz

    2 within 25 of me.
  10. dutchse.cx


    Witty's out of the will.
  11. dutchse.cx


    If I ever deleted the MST3K thread, no less than 4 people would actively hunt me down and kill me. Rest assured, it's safe.
  12. dutchse.cx

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    As someone who saw both movies back to back yesterday, let me say "No." Shaun of the Dead blows Team America away. Team America just wasn't that good. It had some funny moments (the puppets fighting was amusing) and the Dicks, Pussies, and Assholes monologue was fucking gold, but for the most part, it didn't work for me. They were so intent on mocking cheesy dialogue, that almost the whole movie ended up being cheesy dialogue ... which WASN'T funny. You have to do it in small doses. Another thing was that everyone in the movie other than Kim Jong Il used the "Generic South Park Male" or "General South Park Female" voice, which is okay in the small doses they use on SP, but for a whole movie it's just really lame. All I'm saying is Shaun of the Dead is far superior. The idea that the guy was so used to people acting like zombies in the first place that he didn't even notice when they turned into zombies at first was brilliant. And there were a few repeated jokes done in the movies, but they were only repeated once, under a different context that made them even funnier the second time. I will say this though. America ... fuck yeah.
  13. dutchse.cx

    Wes Craven's New Nightmare

    I'm not sure, but I think the whole thing was some demon from hell knew about the Freddy movies and thought "Hey, that's a good idea."
  14. dutchse.cx

    Welly DeLorean Models

    Holy shit. I'm buying all 3. I never once noticed that the III model had different wheels (except when they removed the tires to put it on the tracks, obviously). Also, where'd you get your Ectomobile model?
  15. dutchse.cx

    What's going on @ WDI?

    No. Ill.
  16. dutchse.cx

    What's going on @ WDI?

  17. dutchse.cx

    What's going on @ WDI?

    Ours is composed of mostly carbon dioxide and helium.
  18. dutchse.cx

    What's going on @ WDI?

    Hi. WDI has been around since December 2001 and has nothing to do with TheSmartMarks, except for having some TSMers post there. It's not new and it's certainly not a replacement for TSM.
  19. dutchse.cx

    Official Star Trek thread

    Kirk in the original series did a hurricane rana once. No, really. It was awesome.
  20. dutchse.cx

    Official Star Trek thread

    Voyager could have been so much better than it was. The problem with Voyager is that you never once felt like they were struggling. The only way you could tell the ship was in the delta quadrant was that they had food rations and there were different aliens. Not to mention how easily the Maquis crew members acquiesed to the Starfleet way. The crew should have ended up an amalgation of both styles, not pure Federation. They should have been bending and breaking the Prime Directive left and right just to survive. Also, they're a lone ship with no support and very few opportunities to repair. The ship should have been damaged almost constantly throughout the entire series. If you want a good idea of what Voyager SHOULD have been, watch the two parter "Year of Hell". Those are the only two episodes worth watching. A lot of the characters sucked too. Kim, Chakotay, Kes, Neelix, Paris, Janeway, and Torres sucked. And the addition of Seven, however boobalicious, sucked as well. HOWEVER, the series did have two great characters in Tuvok and The Doctor. You have no idea how much I wish those two were Deep Space Nine regulars instead.
  21. Do me, baby. Do me, baby. You can do me in the morning; you can do me in the night. You can do me when you wanna do me.
  22. dutchse.cx

    The Pictures in People's .sigs

    And you NEVER should.
  23. dutchse.cx

    Alcoholic Beverage you drink

    Gem Clear (190 Proof) or Wild Turkey 101. Straight shots. Tastes like burning.
  24. dutchse.cx

    TSM Chat Moments

    House Ampoliros: Kotex is making tampons that have SMELLS to them. House Ampoliros: The fuck? MYSTERIOUSONETSM: dude MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i didn't need to hear that House Ampoliros: Violet, aloe vera and chamomile. House Ampoliros: I'm just ... wow. MYSTERIOUSONETSM: stop MYSTERIOUSONETSM: please House Ampoliros: THEY HAVE SMELLS. MYSTERIOUSONETSM: shut up man! House Ampoliros: Can you imagine going down on your girl without knowin' she has a tampon in? House Ampoliros: "Do I smell aloe vera?" House Ampoliros: "Why yes. Yes you do." MYSTERIOUSONETSM: you're awful MYSTERIOUSONETSM: plz stop