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Everything posted by CanadianChris

  1. CanadianChris

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    The rout is on.
  2. CanadianChris

    The One and Only ....

    Drawing. I couldn't draw anything to save my life.
  3. CanadianChris

    New Year's Resolutions

    Why don't you post one in every other folder, then, too, just to see how itchy Dames' trigger finger is?
  4. CanadianChris

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    Yeah, I think we need a small reminder:
  5. CanadianChris

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    Sadly, we'll never know. And that pisses me off more than anything.
  6. CanadianChris

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    Well, they seem to be doing OK against the #7 defense in the country.
  7. CanadianChris

    Apparently GTA is worse than Child Molestation

    I remember when I was a kid how my brother and I would crawl into the sewers and take out all these giant turtles, crabs and flies. We'd usually find a lot of money lying around down there, too.
  8. CanadianChris

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    What other conferences are they a member of? I don't remember seeing them play in the Big East or SEC.
  9. CanadianChris

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    Aren't you forgetting one small detail? TD SC, with ease.
  10. CanadianChris

    For those who like Bush...

    Clinton ignored the WTC bombing on 1993. He ignored the bombing of the USS Cole. He ignored the embassy bombings. This emboldened terrorists. Well, sure, if you want to call arresting, trying, convicting and jailing the perpetrators of WTC "ignoring," then, sure, I guess he ignored that. If Clinton is guilty of "ignoring" all of the above, then Reagan is certainly guilty of "ignoring" Pam Am 103, among other things. And, of course, there's the small matter of that Time article which said that the administration DID have a plan in the wake of the Cole bombing, which was then "ignored" by his successor. Let's see, who was that again?
  11. CanadianChris

    N.Y. to Require Self-Extinguishing Cigs

    It's all about personal responsibility. Or today's complete lack thereof.
  12. CanadianChris

    New Year's Resolutions

    Two resolutions for me: 1) Lose weight. 2) Turn 30. I should be able to keep at least one of those.
  13. CanadianChris

    For those who like Bush...

    I'll give you that. I DID enjoy the article "Fair And Balanced Mathematics," though. Stupid Fox News.
  14. CanadianChris

    For those who like Bush...

    Certainly not, but context IS everything.
  15. CanadianChris

    For those who like Bush...

    Gee, I don't know, Mike...said person ought to be able to explain it to you as well: SOURCE: http://www.nationalreview.com/lowry/lowry2...00310140832.asp I'd love to see the full transcript of that "interview."
  16. CanadianChris

    Auld Lang Syne

    To no shock, CWM got the very first post of 2004. Well, except that the board clock's still about 50 minutes fast.
  17. CanadianChris

    Auld Lang Syne

    Happy New Year, everybody.
  18. CanadianChris

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    Back to last place! YEAH!!!!!
  19. CanadianChris

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    If Maddux comes back to the Cubs, something tells me he will be headed for retirement sooner rather than later. So the Cubs get Maddux immediately before and immediately after he is one of the greatest pitchers of all time. And they wonder why they can't win a World Series.
  20. CanadianChris

    For those who like Bush...

    You're right, medicare isn't for the poor, my bad. However, elderly people do need medicare beause RX prices are so high. It doesn't need to be cut, but raised if anything. Bingo. Given that the population is aging, and that the elderly are living longer than ever before, funding for Medicare has to be increased if the system is to remain sustainable. Oh the gov't could control RX prices, but that won't happen. Heavens, no. That would anger a special-interest group friendly with the government, and we can't have that.
  21. CanadianChris

    For those who like Bush...

    You're right, medicare isn't for the poor, my bad. However, elderly people do need medicare beause RX prices are so high. It doesn't need to be cut, but raised if anything. Bingo. Given that the population is aging, and that the elderly are living longer than ever before, funding for Medicare has to be increased if the system is to remain sustainable.
  22. CanadianChris

    Hogan Vs. Warrior II

    Can't forget how they tried to "burn" Warrior after the match was over. Yeah, I remember SK saying he'd bump the match up to DUD if they actually DID manage to BBQ him.
  23. CanadianChris

    TV shows you like well enough to own on DVD

    Friends 1-4 Buffy 1-3 Angel 1 M*A*S*H 1-3 Cheers 1 Frasier 1 Three's Company 1 Waiting desperately for Quantum Leap.
  24. CanadianChris

    For those who like Bush...

    Not to dispute your other points, but this one is incorrect, or at least misleading. Inflation isn't measured by exchange rates, it's measured by changes in prices. The inflation rate is up slightly, but it's still under 3%, same as it's been for the last decade. ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/cpi/cpiai.txt I have other bones to pick (not with you), but I'll do it later.
  25. CanadianChris

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    *takes "first to 100" away from 2GOLD*