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Everything posted by TSA09

  1. TSA09

    Zack Malibu: The Movie

    What can I say about Zack? Well he is a great guy, good sense of humor and I'm the one that Punk'd him good. I made him speechless (literally) and all he could do afterward was laugh. And besides he is so damn good looking, what woman could resist?
  2. TSA09

    Time to confront the bullshit

    American Chave American Chave 2 Animal Chave Chave Ugly Chave Intentions Chavula Fear of a Black Chave Legally Chave Legally Chave 2: Red, White, and Chave Queen of the Chave Chaveface Sweet Home Chave The Chaving Save the Last Chave Undercover Piss Pissy Gilmore Pissworld Halloween H2 Piss Sudden Piss Pissless Pissy Madison Indiana Piss and the Temple of Piss The Piss Out of Piss Pissity Blues Piss of Attraction Fatal Piss I'm done
  3. TSA09

    Ever see someone you know on TV?

    My neighbors were extras on SBTB.
  4. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    This story needs someone to get killed off.
  5. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Why did I just all the sudden start laughing when I read that? He must have written another chapter. I hope in this next installment Natalie is found to be a Russian spy and she threatens to kill you if you don't leave her alone.
  6. TSA09

    American Idol 3

    Houston is proving that the only two things to come out of Texas are steers and queers. I believe my brother's friend tried out but she was told she was "too country" and Simon couldn't market that.
  7. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Marney, I'm shocked you didn't say anything about the whole KGB thing he posted earlier.
  8. TSA09

    What do you do for a living?

    Financial training for Fortune 500 companies.
  9. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    It's like those books in the 80s where you picked what you wanted to do: If you wanna see rawmvp get his ass whipped, go to page 83. If you wanna see him defeat the Russian mob, go to page 114. If you wanna see rawmvp pop the cherry, go to page 69. I still say go with her and get your ass kicked it makes for a much better novel.
  10. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    I think this fool lost any dignity he once had. This is just pathetic and completely laughable now. I laughed so hard, I cried....no wait, I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt. Put yourself in harms way....that makes for a much better story.
  11. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Nose mask is like what Chris Nowinski wore to the ring. But this was just really sad. I guess he likes the tight hole or something. Nowadays there are some chicks who save themselves, not a huge shocker. You could have written this better rawmvp. I'm disappointed.
  12. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Of course there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. I wish I would have waited at bit longer, but what can ya do?
  13. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    It's safe to say yes. After there whole cereal/sour cream mess, they didn't even shower together. A non-virgin would have at least asked to.
  14. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    I still say his announcement is that they finally had sex and he "made her scream like a banchee". I bet he cried too.
  15. TSA09


    After Andy was signed with Houston, Roger started thinking. Then when the radio station rolled up to his house in a Hummer and said it was his if he played for Houston, then he really started thinking. After that it was off to Hawaii for golf and talks with Andy and 3 days after they returned to Houston Roger signed.
  16. TSA09

    14 year old Michelle Wie shoots a...

    And she was out driving the men as well. Pretty impressive for a 14 year old....man or woman.
  17. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    No, y'all said it was better than OJ. This thread should never ever be let into the Classics Folder.
  18. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Why does this "major announcement" sound like deja vu?..... Oh yeah, because OJ Hart did a much better thread a while ago. He's gonna do it. He's gonna "knock her up real hard" and make her "scream like a banchee."
  19. TSA09

    Polkaroo Is Upset

    Canada also gave us Phil Hartman They also produced Bryan Adams and Celine Deon.
  20. TSA09

    You're So Vain question

    If I'm not mistaken, I thought Carly backed out at the last minute on that.
  21. TSA09

    ROOMIES~! Episode One

    Art imitates life I'm on sex crazied with Tony....but then again who wouldn't be sex crazied with their boyfriend or girlfriend?
  22. TSA09

    I'm back from CT

    Congrats Dames....next time I visit MX we'll have to see you
  23. TSA09

    ROOMIES~! Episode One

    I best not be sex crazied.