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Everything posted by TSA09

  1. TSA09

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Her asking about homework isn't some girl code for "I want you" Jesus this chick isn't interested in you as boyfriend material. If anything you are in the Friend's Zone. Nice knowing you.
  2. TSA09

    Hey yall im new.

    We don't make any promises
  3. Banky - MoleSlayer is Mole
  4. TSA09

    Anybody been to Vegas?

    My boss just came back today from Vegas and she had a blast and wants to take me and Tony there. I think the first place she wants to go is to a strip club (something she wanted to do but didn't)
  5. TSA09

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    I wonder what the "M" stands for in TMD's post to TSM.
  6. TSA09

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    He won't admit he is wrong.
  7. TSA09

    O Town breaks up

    No, Nick was in 98 Degrees...another boy band that broke up
  8. TSA09

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    You are a dipshit. You stated that you have never been warned for a ban. I proved your stupid ass wrong. APO warned you in the music folder. So my point is valid. Learn to back up your facts before you open your mouth again.
  9. TSA09

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    Hey dipshit, you have a very short memory. Look what I found.... This was from APO, in the music folder and just in case your memory still sucks, here is the thread Happy reading dumbass
  10. TSA09

    Do The Right Thing

    What would happen if ALina was allowed back? That might be scary
  11. TSA09


    There is a place around here called Saltgrass Steakhouse..there's my vote
  12. TSA09

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    Yikes. You should've been banned like 20 times over! TMD - I have seen some of your stuff in the music folder, so I wouldn't use that as an example. In fact, you have been warned numerous times for stuff in there, and you are still here.
  13. TSA09

    Michael Jackson Makes A Startling Announcement

    This was yesterday's news...and it's not that startling. I mean people have forgot about his near broke ass so he needed to media spotlight on him again. But if he gets the adoption it'll just prove he got it for his money and for nothing else.
  14. TSA09

    Moore ousted as Chief Justice

    And what do you still swear on when you go to court? This shit is just too funny.
  15. TSA09

    'Ladies Night' lands nightclub $500 fine

    When a man and a woman have identical jobs, on average men get paid more than the woman. Now there are bars here in Houston that have ladies night, but on other days they charge men .50 for a beer, yet women $3. So it works both ways.
  16. TSA09

    'Ladies Night' lands nightclub $500 fine

    Bullshit.... When we are paid the same amount for the same work then, and only then should men bitch. Til then ladies' night should still stand.
  17. TSA09

    Who in the hell is Sandro?

    I see Sandro too, but nothing else.
  18. TSA09

    Anna Nicole Smith Taunted Into Weightloss

    From the reports that have been released they have said she is down to the size and weight she was when she posed in Playboy. She is taking this supliment called Tru-Slim (I think that's what it is) and they are planning on having her as their spokesperson and also plan on having her do some runway work as well.
  19. TSA09


    Happy Birthday Stardust....
  20. TSA09


    Did you not see the thread pinned by Zack that this should go into? Look at the top and you should have posted this in there.
  21. TSA09

    Mods and Admins and such: Regarding UGS stuff

    Well that fucking sucks....That makes your board look bad.
  22. TSA09

    Mods and Admins and such: Regarding UGS stuff

    Banky, I'm kinda surprised you let Mario post there.
  23. TSA09

    New California

    That is way too funny
  24. TSA09

    Quick Question

    You think we didn't get it? We always knew, we just like dick too much to complain.