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Everything posted by TSA09

  1. TSA09


    What'll it be New Me?
  2. TSA09


    How about shots?
  3. TSA09


    All you guys want beer? Man oh man....
  4. TSA09


    anything you want....you know us Texans always have a fully stocked liquor cabinet.
  5. TSA09


    I log off early one night and I miss all this? Damn, it's been awhile since we had a Brain sighting. But to answer the dipshits question because I'm sure the fucker is looking...yes I am a Christian. Damn all you had all the fun....who wants drinks?
  6. TSA09


    Part white, part Native American
  7. You're Welcome Dr. and TheGame extremely gay, he just lacks Gaydar cuz he can't tell if other guys are gay or straight.
  8. Oakland - 1989 Boston - 1918
  9. Now all we need is someone to accuse a new person of being Prince Paul.
  10. TSA09

    My Dilemna...

    CWM you should train him in the fine art of gnomes
  11. TSA09

    My Dilemna...

    The beat the shit out of him and kick his ass out after semester...or just make his life a living hell so he'll leave on his own.
  12. I think my brother looked on here last PPV and was able to watch from school.....the wrestling marks didn't believe he was watching it though.
  13. TSA09

    Williams sues Romanowski

    He wouldn't sue you if you did do that. Remember it'll make him look like a pussy.
  14. TSA09

    What was your past life?

    Past lives revealed Past Life Name: Arthur Packman Past Life City: Boca Raton, FL Past Life Job: Dresser, A surgeon's assistant in a hospital How You died: Cocaine overdose
  15. TSA09

    Williams sues Romanowski

    Romo was in the wrong 100%. He ended a man's career before it could ever get off the ground. Can you honestly tell him Johnson that you can find a job that pays equally or more than a professional athlete? He is suing for damages and more than likely lost wages now that he can never play again. That is all justified. Johnson, if anyone of us decided we really don't like you (and for some of us that's not a stretch) and we come after you and sucker punch you in the eye socket, leaving it broken. We apologize to you after the fact, but since we did that you can no longer go back to the job you had. Instead you have to be dropped to a lower paying job because of your injuries. Are you telling us that you would not think of suing because that would show you are a pussy? Who will pay your outrageous medical bills? Who will comp all your lost work hours? Who will pay for all your pain and suffering and your family's as well? I'm sure your wife would make you sue because she probably has a brain and realizes that the person that did this to you needs to pay for what they did.
  16. TSA09

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    I've watched part of it tonight, but I only plan on really watching Game 3 to see Josh.
  17. TSA09

    Where do you work?

    I work for a training company that goes into Fortune 500 companies and customizes training programs for them and then we use that to train their employees on their companies financials.
  18. TSA09

    Best joke..

    HA HA, That was good Mole.....thank god almost everyone at work is gone and I'm not near the President of the company's office.
  19. TSA09

    Weird Question

    so you can't go to the grocery store and get some blonde hair dye or any other products? I don't know if they have this in other malls, but in a mall near me there is this store which sells surfer clothes or like beach wear for CA and Hawaii.
  20. TSA09

    Give me your "I was there" list...

    I was there for: '89 Bay Area Earthquake Tropical Storm Allison When Taker attacked HHH during Axxess When Bonds hit #70 (I was a row behind the Bond's family) The Smackdown right after 9/11
  21. TSA09

    One of those Personal Questionaires

    *WHO IS?* What poster do you remind yourself of? I would say SSD and stardust What poster is your best friend poster? MX and Zack The poster you admire the most? Too many to name The funniest poster you know? CWM, Ripper, Banky, kkktookmybabyway The sweetest poster you know? MX, Zack, JHawk The sexiest poster you know? MX The cutest poster you know? MX and Zack The smartest poster you know? Dr. Tom and Marney The nicest poster you know? Zack, Dandy, New Me The stupidest poster you know? Johnson, SKBF, Mario The scariest poster you know? IDRM wins hands down after that picture with the saw The sneakiest poster you know? I don’t know The poster who knows you the best? MX The biggest pervert poster you know? Too hard to say The weirdest poster you know? IDRM *FAVORITES* Favorite book?: To Kill a Mockingbird & Catch-22 Favorite Board game?: Sorry Favorite Music group(s)?: 112, Boys II Men Favorite Song(s)?:.. “Hot & Wet” – 112, “On Bended Knee” – Boys II Men, “Thank God I Found You” – Mariah Carey Favorite Music Video?: “Peaches and Cream” “Rhythm Nation” “On Bended Knee” Favorite Food?: Hamburgers, Chicken, steak Favorite Radio station?: Party 104.9 – Hop Hip Station Favorite Magazine?: Cosmo Favorite Smell?: Chanel No 5, Tony’s cologne Favorite Color?: Blue Favorite Ice cream flavor?: Chocolate Favorite Alcoholic Drink?: Bud Light, Sex on the Beach, Screaming Orgasms, Blowjob Favorite Movie(s)?: Psycho, Scarface Favorite Quote from a movie?: “Are you crying? Are you crying? There’s no crying. There’s no crying in baseball.” – Tom Hanks in A League of the Own Favorite Sport to play/to watch?: Baseball Favorite TV Show?: CSI and Boston Public Favorite Cartoon?: Daria, Simpsons, Soth Park Favorite Cartoon Character?: Daffy Duck Favorite Hangout?: Sherlock’s in Humble Favorite Restaurant?: Olive Garden Favorite Holiday?: Christmas Favorite Nonalcoholic drink?: Pepsi Favorite Candy?: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Favorite Fruit?: Apple Favorite Flower?: Red Rose Favorite Season?: Spring & Fall Favorite Animal?: Dog Favorite Place to be kissed?: Neck & Shoulders Favorite subject in school? History
  22. TSA09

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    He is pleading for his life. And WHOOOOOOOOOO, nice smash by Nixon
  23. TSA09

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    I'd still want one more run to be safe