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Everything posted by TSA09

  1. But it was the same principle bob. Once he was ignored he left. But Eagan will not let this crap rest. No wonder Paul targets Eagan. Eagan is Paul's bitch.
  2. Or foreplay, or masturbation, or sex in general for that matter.
  3. um...damn I thought we were all in this crusade together. -1 We are. However you are the ONLY one taking this shit way too fucking far. You know, maybe if you didn't mention his name every 5 seconds and forget about him, he might go away. But since you make it a point to keep bringing his name back up he feels there is still business that he needs to tend to. So he'll just keep coming back for more. There is another troll (who will remain nameless) that used to do the same shit as Prince Paul. He would annoy the fuck out of everyone and get everyine all riled up. People would keep talking about him and he would keep coiming back for more just to spite everyone. Then one day everyone decided to just ignore him and not mention him. Now granted he might still be around here somewhere, but he hardly surfaces anymore because everyone stopped caring and ignored him. Once he realized no one give a shit anymore he gave up and left. So shut the fuck up and stop adding to the problem.
  4. Oh Jesus Fucking Christ Eagan shut the fuck up. Eagan you are turning into Abigail from The Crucible. NO ONE CARES ANYMORE, so do yourself a favor and stop it with all this Prince Paul crap. You hate Prince Paul and want him banned forever, WE GET IT! Damn right now you are just as annoying as Prince Paul. I have an idea, if you keep this horseshit up, let's ban your ass....then problem solved.
  5. TSA09

    Ask Incandenza

    Why is my digital cable box out?
  6. TSA09

    RIP Bobby Bonds

    8. It's a sad day in San Francisco. And this could be a good year for the Giants to go all the way. So sad to see him go. R.I.P. Bobby.
  7. Sure you're not Paul
  8. Where's This Thread is Ghey?
  9. TSA09

    Jason vs...or Freddy vs...

    So that would mean Kevin Nash would die?
  10. TSA09

    Am I an ass?

    You have to ask?
  11. TSA09

    The "HBK16 gets arrested" Thread

    Then as he was filing the police report, he'd be doing play by play from his cell phone.
  12. TSA09


    I believe at one point in the show, Jessica was pissed about something and Nick told his brother "This is why I don't have a gun."
  13. TSA09

    Do You Fit The Drink?

    Well I sure do fall into alot. Although it does kinda sum me up in a nutshell.
  14. TSA09

    The "HBK16 gets arrested" Thread

    It's probably a safe bet to say he would come back just to start a thread like that. Then he would proceed to whine and bitch about all the injustice.
  15. TSA09

    My Farewell Speech

    I say he won't deliver the pictures
  16. TSA09

    My Farewell Speech

    Well seeing as how I think it's pretty lame to copy cat someone over the net, I have been a bitch to him. However you haven't seen me post when HBK and I got along. He was a cool poster until he started the "I'm gonna post everything in my life" and even post with cut off finger as we wait for help. That was completely stupid, and the fact that it was already done with sex and someone that was supposedly shot I wasn't buying it (and I still am not buying it) I'm sypathic to people who deserve it, but this spoiled little brat deserves nothing but an ass kicking and some common sense beat into him. Don't forget that the guy continously got into trouble for speeding. Isn't once enough? Some people never learn their lessons. Then he boasts about it on the board! What a dumb fuck. In some way, it probably boosts his ego.
  17. TSA09

    My Farewell Speech

    Well seeing as how I think it's pretty lame to copy cat someone over the net, I have been a bitch to him. However you haven't seen me post when HBK and I got along. He was a cool poster until he started the "I'm gonna post everything in my life" and even post with cut off finger as we wait for help. That was completely stupid, and the fact that it was already done with sex and someone that was supposedly shot I wasn't buying it (and I still am not buying it) I'm sypathic to people who deserve it, but this spoiled little brat deserves nothing but an ass kicking and some common sense beat into him.
  18. TSA09

    My Farewell Speech

    :::claps:::: bravo
  19. TSA09

    My Farewell Speech

    Just like OJ Hart.....well kinda. I know if I had my finger cut off the last thing on my mind would be posting it on TSM. My first thought would be is there some way to save my finger? Personally OJ Hart's thread was funnier. No one likes a copy cat.
  20. TSA09

    My Farewell Speech

    That's funny. Seems I have no life...that's news to me. Oh well like KK said, he was cool until his OJ Hart side took over.
  21. TSA09

    What should you do...

    I never said HBK had brains.
  22. TSA09

    What should you do...

    OJ Hart was better.
  23. TSA09

    The One and Only Patrick Gets Fired THREAD~!

    That fucking sucks man. Did you see the 16 year old anywhere? If not, how the fuck would you have known who the video was for?
  24. TSA09


    Again proving things in Texas are always bigger and better
  25. TSA09

    The "HBK16 gets arrested" Thread

    I'd laugh if your insurance company kicked you off the policy for your stupid shit. As it is right now your insurance has go to be through the roof. Although since you are a spolied little brat I'm sure all that is taken care of by mommy and daddy. Because nobody paying their own insurance would be this fucking stupid and irresponsible.