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Everything posted by Darthtiki

  1. Darthtiki

    Give Lohan, Spears and Hilton a name

    The Battery, Lincoln, and Holland Tunnels
  2. Darthtiki

    WON News + Notes, 4th December Issue

    Is it wrong of me to want a link to Lita's myspace blog and compare it to the Lindsay Lohan Robert Altman condolence note?
  3. Darthtiki

    The Office, Season 3

    I was fucking dying during Prison Mike and the comparisons of white people to black people, especially when he mentioned Apollo Creed
  4. Darthtiki

    Black Friday

    I usually go with my mom because I can usually wrangle some cool pre-christmas items on her dime as well as at least a free lunch.
  5. Darthtiki

    Black Friday

    Best Buy here had a long line at 7pm PST. I don't know how people can do that shit. What sales did Best Buy have to warrant people waiting in line for 12 hours? Laptops for 250 and 380
  6. Darthtiki

    Black Friday

    Yeah, fucking best buy was a joke for crowd control and execution of ticketing waste of two hours. However I did get a Master Replicas Darth Vader Empire Force FX saber collectible for half price.
  7. Darthtiki

    Black Friday

    I just drove by my local best buy and there's already a line across the complex and it's 10 PM PST
  8. Darthtiki

    Xbox 360

    Man I was at the get this deal verification screen with it connecting to go through and then I got the big fuck you. Looks like it'll be my birthday until I get a system of any type.
  9. Darthtiki

    This week in the NBA

    Fucking Kings...up 21 in the second then lose by 9. This is 92-era chokage.
  10. Darthtiki

    ever regret missing a show?

    I had won two floor tickets to U2 in San Jose last year, two days before the show. Anyways, the night of the show I had tickets that I paid for to see Garbage in San Francisco. While, I probably should have taken the U2 tickets as that would have been the only time that I would have been on the floor for U2, I made 400 bucks cash on them and financed a trip to So-Cal later in the year.
  11. Darthtiki

    Nickelodeon is starting a wrestling promotion

    Olmec as Ring Announcer and Al Snow as your Vince character....BOOK IT NOW
  12. Darthtiki

    TSM 2006 Death Pool

    When will the Death Pool '07 thread start?
  13. Darthtiki


    Wasn't Turtle an X-Box guy according to Fight Night tourney episode. Secondly, all this says about Chad Michael Murray is that a) he has shitty representation or b) wasn't high on the Hollywood totem pole to get an invite to the launch party. On a side note, I hope that they have Wii on Friday, my parents are getting one for my brother.
  14. Darthtiki

    NFL Week 11

    During the Jerry Rice Retirement Ceremony today there was some venom in the crowd when 49ers owner John York was mentioned.
  15. Darthtiki

    Car Rental Question

    Scroby, I assume you're over 25? If not, plan on factoring in an extra 25 a day, also get an Entertainment book or use your AAA membership if you have one for good deals. Last month I had to go to Orange County for orientation and so I decided to make a weekend out of it and I got through Alamo a midsize with a 5 dollars off a day coupon for like 150 (it would have been half that if it was 8 months later). Hertz is one of the most expensive though.
  16. Darthtiki

    Zodiac trailer

    No it's just Jake Gyllenhaal.....Zodiac, I wish I knew how to quit you
  17. Darthtiki

    First the A's, now the 49ers

    I can't say that I don't agree with you at least on the coast and well most of the central valley is crap from what I've seen on my trips down 5.
  18. Darthtiki

    Complete this sentence:

    I love Chevy, I've been a Chevy guy since birth until this car (only because we got a deal on a Dodge), but god damn whoever in their ad agency who conceptualized these commercials needs to be fired. First the West Coast being forest fires and then the Dixie Highway being flooded by Katrina....smart let's sell trucks by playing on images that are seen as downers.
  19. Darthtiki

    What the hell did I spend $10.39 on

    A copy of Boregasm
  20. Darthtiki

    First the A's, now the 49ers

    Actually the breakdown is more conservative throughout the central valley and North state (except Del Norte, & Humboldt), then the coastline (with the exception of Ventura County, the majority of Orange and North San Diego County) is left. Sorry, it's the political animal in me that comes out when breaking down this fucked up state. As for my comment about the steaming cesspool, I have a hatred of SF, then again I'm a Dodger fan.
  21. We all grew up with it and it's time to say goodbye: VHS, 30, Dies of Lonliness
  22. Darthtiki

    For those that rent...

    Scroby, where are you heading?
  23. Darthtiki

    Job Searching....

    CalJobs website This is like the state's version of monster. Also here's the link to the EDD's main site
  24. Darthtiki

    For those that rent...

    Don't get one. That'd be all well and good but when rent is close to 1,000 a month for what constitutes as a studio apartment and my income will be severely cut down because of getting a new job, I'll kind of need one. Damn, you can get a nice 2 bedroom apartment where I live for 650 a month. I'm moving to Southern California for school and since my major is geographically somewhat specific, I need to be there, hence why rent is so high
  25. Darthtiki

    Eddie Van Halen replaces Michael Anthony

    I think it was because Michael has been collaborating with Sammy and Eddie and Sammy have a ton of friction again.