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spiny norman

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Everything posted by spiny norman

  1. spiny norman

    Full House Forum?

    BANNED~! There's a loss.
  2. spiny norman

    Olympic Chatter

    Australia wins another gold! This time for women's trap shooting. I think by the time this day (or, in our case, night) is over we may be winning the medal tally. And stay at the top until track and field starts.
  3. spiny norman

    Olympic Chatter

    Who is currently leading/top fiving/top tenning the medal tally?
  4. spiny norman

    Which match are you looking forward to the most...

    From most anticipated to least anticipated: Orton/Benoit Jericho/Batista/Edge Angle/Guerrero Triple H/Eugene Six Man Tag Hardy/Kane Undertaker/JBL Cena/Booker Dodgeball
  5. spiny norman

    Olympic Chatter

    Yes, it's always a surprise when the team that came 4th in the World Cup beats a team that did so well I don't even remember their appearance in it. The 4x100m was a great race. That's the only WR broken at the moment?
  6. spiny norman

    Opening Ceremonies

    I loved Sydney's lighting of the torch. Of the four torch lightings I can remember (Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney, Athens) this one was the weakest. I love Bjork and everything, but she is not the right choice to sing at an Opening Ceremony. And finally, no live coverage in the US? On our coverage they said every country bar one (Thailand, I think, or somewhere in South-East Asia) was showing the Olympics live.
  7. spiny norman

    The Whiny Bitches folder...

    I faint when I get needles, so no immunity for me thanks.
  8. spiny norman

    Inc, Give me

    I think it'd be cool if someone were to send me a 3 foot cube.
  9. spiny norman

    Taking a day trip

    As someone who was a tourist in America myself, I thought Washington was the best place I went to, followed by New York of those on the list.
  10. spiny norman

    The guy I buy pot from occasionally was arrested.

    Well done NM. Drongo.
  11. spiny norman

    Favorite TV Series

    Does The Wonder Years count as a sitcom (I wouldn't think so, but according to the Emmies it was)? Or Buffy? If either do, then my pick is Twin Peaks.
  12. spiny norman

    Recent Purchases

    All great, but overrated. Maybe not Rumours, but the other two do have weak spots.
  13. spiny norman

    The most overrated albums in your collection

    Personally I think of all the albums from their awesome run of Zeppelin I to Physical Grafitti, III is the weakest. Then again, I think IV is the best. And not just for Stairway.
  14. spiny norman

    Is Tom Cruise Gay?

    You're right. I have anticipated that line since this thread's inception and am now completed due to it. Thank God people like Black Lushus are here to stop this board from going to utter drivel. If only everyone was more like you and used the "TTIG" joke more often, as it is an underimplemented joke and has not been beat into the ground.
  15. spiny norman

    Convince me to join your board

    And you thought you had a problem with Scott Keith following you around.
  16. spiny norman

    Where's the WWE Folder?

    Ha! My mummy does that for me! My mum's better than your mum!
  17. spiny norman

    Burn down TSM

    Astro's a cool kid, can he be banned too? I'm sure he'd like to be in with the in crowd.
  18. spiny norman

    Your pubic region:

    No, it feels pre-pubescent. This way there's a great hairy cushion.
  19. spiny norman

    Your pubic region:

    How can some of you tolerate not having pubic hair? That's unnatural.
  20. spiny norman

    Burn down TSM

    He, along with CWM, asked to be.
  21. spiny norman

    Amalgamated Spoon

    Do you think your lack of wanking could be part of the reason as to why you have not been sleeping?
  22. spiny norman

    Amalgamated Spoon

    What if the page has a front and back cover?
  23. spiny norman

    Amalgamated Spoon

    I happen to have the finest arse of everybody I know. Some have suggested I make it a tourist attraction and have people come from all over the continent to come see it. Some may dislike the sheer amount of hair on it, but others will find that appealing anyway.
  24. spiny norman

    What are you listening to right now?

    Velvet Underground - Waiting For The Man Coincidence?
  25. spiny norman

    I want to be a Moderator

    Only if I get the Education Folder.