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spiny norman

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Everything posted by spiny norman

  1. spiny norman

    Public Schools Cannot Discriminate....

    If this were a Muslim boy saying something similar about women, can you imagine the reaction?
  2. spiny norman

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    See, you have to think about the name. RoyalBlue, now what does it rhyme with? Electric Avenue. Therefore, it is obvious that RoyalBlue is in fact Eddy Grant.
  3. spiny norman

    Dead Willy

    Will You Be There was the theme to Free Willy? Are you sure? I thought it was Childhood. Oh yeah, sadness and stuff.
  4. spiny norman

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    Oh gosh. I think even I know who it is, and I'm pretty freaking slow.
  5. spiny norman

    Banned posters

    BX, there is a prime guy? I can't remember who said it, but it was announced that it was just a group of people all being the one gimmick poster.
  6. spiny norman

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    I was actually thinking with high regard maybe Kinetic was back or something. But I think it's a little below him, but that's what Banky was saying. Kotz and Inc would be strange.
  7. spiny norman

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    You all grammar appallingly.
  8. spiny norman

    Banned posters

    Prime is a collection of people, in actuality. There is no true prime guy, as depressing as it is for me to say it. While we are talking about banned posters, why is RoyalBlue back?
  9. spiny norman

    Joss Whedon's Firefly

    I realise this is completely off topic, but I was just curious. Is it possible to be either The Wonder Years or Twin Peaks on DVD?
  10. spiny norman


    Does going back to one's roots involve putting apostrophes in unecessary places and not putting a space between words?
  11. spiny norman

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    Wow, with a disguise as elaborate as that I am sure you'll last a while before your banning.
  12. spiny norman

    I don't get it.

    Yeah, when it was all The Beef Eater and there was the picture I found that rather amusing. If he had never actually posted I would have held him in much higher regard.
  13. spiny norman


    But you'll be revealed due to the fact that everyone realises Kotzenjunge is calling himself Kozten and something must be up.
  14. spiny norman


    Corporatewobbler Mangrove has a nice ring.
  15. spiny norman

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That's a good point. I guess it was a life or death situation, which Ben wasn't in the short-term.
  16. spiny norman

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    Apparentally Kahran knows who it is but he ain't telling diddly squat. Luckily diddly squat doesn't post here so I'm sure as long as we promise not to tell DS Kahran will let us know who the enigmatic Bluemeister was.
  17. spiny norman

    I don't get it.

    No Hot Bicks?
  18. spiny norman

    Will you say anything when you leave?

    I shall never leave this board. Twenty years from now I will be celebrating my 10,000th post and I will be saying "Ha! I made it!" I will outlast you all. I am....THE OUTLASTER~!!!!!11
  19. spiny norman

    !!~Funny Pics~!!

    OMG you're gay! BAN PLZ~!!!!!
  20. spiny norman

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    My last post was saying you should reveal yourself or something so as to liven up your character. How ironical. This could help in livening up your character, I think. Good move. My guess is mR. x tHe sPOokY sECreT PHanTOm mAn.
  21. spiny norman

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    I am your father. The last person who went around saying "You have no idea who I am" turned out to be Eagan (and everyone had an idea it was him). Also, the Mystery Man gimmick does eventually wear thin so you should reinvent yourself and have an unmasking or something soon so as to retain interest.
  22. spiny norman

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    There hasn't been a name change for four days. I think that has more to do with it than their inability to find your request.
  23. spiny norman

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    Yeah, I just post more too. But since when has quantity been more important than quality? Besides, my name is really cool.
  24. spiny norman

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    JAxl, your improvement has been miniscule in comparison to mine. I completely reinvented myself, unlike you, you worthless piece of slime scum. You are nothing compared to the greatness of Throatwobbler Mangrove. Mind you, I was pretty good to begin with, which might work against me.