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spiny norman

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Everything posted by spiny norman

  1. spiny norman

    Banky = Dames?

    I'm Brian!
  2. spiny norman

    Musical Tournament!

    Yeah, I'm just a bit busy right now. It will be up sometime this week, I guarantee it.
  3. spiny norman

    Favorite Christmas songs

    I was always told third is the one with the hairy chest, but whatever. Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas? (shoot me.) John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
  4. spiny norman

    The One and Only...

    When did he admit it?
  5. spiny norman

    Best Spears Song...

    I think Beautiful was a step in the right direction for Christina, as I felt it was the kind of song her voice needs (though preferably less sappy). She could so easily be something really special though. Even if Britney can get the right song, she'll have to work much harder. And Ernie Rowe, some people I know can't believe I think The Beatles are better than Beyonce. I think my idiots outweigh your idiots.
  6. spiny norman

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    Mole, remember the guy who started the thread hasn't seen every episode. Maybe you should spoiler that thing about Joyce.
  7. spiny norman

    Movies or TV Shows that made you cry

    I won't bother mentioning movies, because the list is endless. I cry at the drop of a hat. Really, once I was walking down the street and someone dropped a hat and I burst into uncontrollable sobbing. So I'll just mention TV moments where I've cried (aside from those moments where people dropped hats). I agree with The Wonder Years finale. When he talks about what happens with his father and then he and his father speak about what it will be like to be a grandfather, hell, I'm crying about it now. Oh hell, there's heaps of Wonder Years moments. Buffy: Two episodes in Season Five (those who watch can guess which incidents) plus the ends of Seasons Two and Six. Twin Peaks: The pilot episode when all the characters are finding out about Laura Palmer's death, and all their different reactions, particularly her mother's. Incredibly sad.
  8. spiny norman

    Best Beatles Cover

    Michael Jackson's version of Come Together is without a doubt my most loathed cover ever. Madonna's American Pie and Guns N Roses's Knockin' On Heaven's Door are up there, but neither can generate the absolute pure badness of Come Together.
  9. spiny norman

    Best Spears Song...

    I doubt she'll transcend the decades like Madonna. I think music will have a massive shakeup too soon for her to last for ages. Also, even now in the pop world, there is a large amount of anti-Britney sentiment as people prefer to go to the Avrils (and she's the greater of two evils, at least Britney doesn't pretend not to be manufactured). I see Christina as possibly being able to do it, but I doubt Britney's ability to do so.
  10. spiny norman

    Best Spears Song...

    I don't mind her new song with Madonna (I was reading somewhere about somebody complaining that song wasn't on Madonna's Immaculate Collection). I also like Oops I Did It Again and Lucky.
  11. spiny norman

    CD Suggestions

    Any Beatles album from A Hard Day's Night onwards. John Lennon - Imagine Prince - 1999 Madonna - Something To Remember David Bowie - Hunky Dory They'd be my faves. And, kind of related, what's Let It Be Naked like?
  12. spiny norman

    The One and Only...

    Spaces in one's name don't make the margin longer. Spaces make the name drop so it takes two lines. And yeah, TOAOPOTY, while you have a problem with CWM and that's fine, making fun of him for being in rehab is pretty tasteless and will offend a lot of people here who may have previously been okay with you.
  13. spiny norman

    Best Beatles Cover

    U2's Helter Skelter was off Rattle And Hum. I'd pick Joe Cocker's With A Little Help From My Friends as the only cover I like more than the original. Maybe The Carpenters's Ticket To Ride and Please Mr. Postman.
  14. spiny norman

    The Rolling Stones

    Yes, I know I couldn't survive without my 300 million dollars. And Smash Head, your sig is way too long. Cut it down, seriously.
  15. spiny norman

    The Rolling Stones

    In my opinion, the reason The Stones get more money from their tours than their albums is because they haven't released a decent album in how many years now? But in concert they might still do some awesome song from their early years. But nobody cares about their recent material. Same as most older artists, people prefer to see them perform their old stuff live than listen to their new stuff.
  16. spiny norman

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    I do know that, but what I meant was that I don't think anything's really been given away in here. All people are doing is saying "I liked such and such an episode" and I don't think anything's been severely spoiled in here. If you're going to talk about what happens in the end of season six, I can understand using spoiler tags. But not for just mentioning episode names.
  17. spiny norman

    And now, taking the stage, put your hands together

    But according to the article didn't they actually go to Afghanistan to help the Taliban before America declared war on them?
  18. spiny norman

    Would I be like Eagan to say that Waldo is Eagan?

    "Waldo is following in his foot steps by chosing to argue he isn't Eagen even though it makes no sense to" Waldo is denying that he is Eagan! Only Eagan would do that! He must be Eagan! BAN HIM! BAN HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. spiny norman

    Musical Tournament!

    I will check that out about Sweeney Todd and Into The Woods. I was just going off IMDB for those things. I don't see how South Park is such a given to win, I think Rocky Horror has a huge chance, along with a few of the others. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I don't think it's so clearcut as you say. These tournaments almost always have an unexpected result, anyway.
  20. spiny norman

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    I don't see why spoiler tags are necessary, as we are just naming future episode titles and not going into too much detail about them.
  21. spiny norman

    And now, taking the stage, put your hands together

    Okay, don't get me wrong, you are better off than most countries. But you're not as free etc. as you think.
  22. spiny norman

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    I registered in November 2000 as Spiny Norman. I didn't post all that much until about the last week on the EZBoard, but by then nobody was really left there. I joined this board and wasn't really inspired to post except for a brief moment in October last year. About two months ago I changed my name to Throatwobbler Mangrove, but it wasn't as inspiring a name as I found it to be. While I do post more, and the posts have become of greater quality (I have aged well, like a good wine), I can't really get into the username. I might change it back to Spiny Norman.
  23. spiny norman

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    I liked it more. It had something about it which was quite charming. Holden was a great character to have, Dawn's scenes in the house were terrifying, Willow's were heartbreaking and Spike absolutely shocked me. I would put it in my top five, I think.
  24. spiny norman

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    *sigh* I am beginning to doubt your abilities. I do not think you are a good choice for Poster Boy of Posting. I meant post in the style of 2000, not post the same topics. You are a shell of your former self. You are a washed up poster.
  25. spiny norman

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    Sorry, you misunderstood what I said. A newb mistake, I sympathise. I meant that we teach everyone else here how to post like they posted in 2000. Certainly the highpoint in forum posting everywhere.