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spiny norman

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Everything posted by spiny norman

  1. spiny norman


    Don't be put off by those with unkind words, Lukester. They do not understand that you are different to them and are a unique person. I find your ability to be so faithful to your love of birdwatching admirable and, while I myself do not enjoy birdwatching as a hobby, I do respect birdwatchers for their fine work in watching birds. Keep up the good work in these forums Lukester, you are welcome. Just ignore the nay-sayers.
  2. spiny norman

    You asked for it, you got it. The Smartmarks

    Young Frankenstein Misery The Thing Rosemary's Baby.
  3. spiny norman


    If I go 12000 km south I end up in the Antarctic and then I begin going north again, I do think. So where in Australia, croweater?
  4. spiny norman

    Land of a Million Remakes

    Are Ben and Jennifer still doing Casablanca? Because that can be guaranteed to be a billion times worse than any of the mentioned remakes so far.
  5. spiny norman

    Dr. Tom...

    That guy already had four in a row. The game should have been over. Seriously, what an idiot!
  6. I've read this thread from pages 1 to 5 and still have no idea what this fight is about. Lil Naitch, grow a thicker skin. His insults were jokes, they were weak, they were petty. Your lack of sense of humour or even acceptance that there was humour in those posts shows that you are riled up too easily and shouldn't take yourself so seriously. The fact that you are so quick to defend yourself about that picture shows you really are insecure about it and need to become stronger in terms of people disliking your outer self, as it is the inner beauty that counts. In closing, get over yourself. Really, this is just asinine.
  7. spiny norman


    I have a friend called Luke! I am amazed and slightly bemused by the presence of another Luke in my life. Oh, the offbeat shenanigans that you and he could muster together. Luke and Luke! How joyous and monumental.
  8. spiny norman

    Hey, look what I found!

    But Mr. Rant, everyone lies about their ages on gay personal ads. So I've heard.
  9. spiny norman

    You asked for it, you got it. The Smartmarks

    Surely The Birds is a special exception to the after 1970 rule? Because it's not obscure (which is the point of the rule, I think) and besides, it's Hitchcock. The Birds The Shining Aliens
  10. spiny norman

    What was your past life?

    Name: Ada Muhameed City: Manhattan, USA Job: Customs Inspector Death: Shot by spouse for snoring too loud.
  11. spiny norman

    The One and Only Bird Watching Thread

    It's threads like these that are a birden to this forum.
  12. spiny norman

    Death shouldn't be funny, right?

    Yeah, death by a vehicle accident is generally frowned upon as being a source of humour. Most people don't find it very funny, which is just really strange, because death is incredibly amusing.
  13. spiny norman

    Party Music

    You can never go wrong with some retro classics. Mickey, My Sharona, Centrefold, Video Killed The Radio Star etc. almost always work. But it can depend on the type of people going to your party and other things like that. But I always rely on 80s pop.
  14. spiny norman

    Another Name Change Please

    I know this is name-change season right now. Wasn't there once a thread completely devoted to those who wished to change their names? Maybe that should be brought back. At any rate, I want to be known from now on as Throatwobbler Mangrove from this moment on. Any mod assistance in me accomplishing this task will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  15. spiny norman


    This is strange and offputting.
  16. spiny norman

    TSM Poster Tournament II: THE FINAL~!

    Zack changed my name, and he's losing, so I'll vote for him.
  17. spiny norman

    Buffy Thread Enters Classics?

    Get over it! It's such a tiny thing to be worked up about. Dames gave his reasoning for it to be a classic thread in his final post in the thread, and so it is added in. There are a few threads in the classic thread thing that I didn't find all that great but I'm not going to start whinging about their addition to that part of the forum. So blah!
  18. spiny norman

    Two Rumored 'Mania XX Matches

    JCMD, Triple H is going to eat Goldberg!? I don't know why you're so against seeing this, as it would be entertaining, if not slightly barbarous. Aren't Undertaker and Kane on different shows?
  19. spiny norman

    Roy of "Siegfried & Roy" attacked

    That certainly wouldn't further aggravate it.
  20. spiny norman

    Who wants to learn?

  21. spiny norman

    What the hell happened to solos?

    I think it's because music is no longer seen as being important for this generation as it has in previous. There is no longer the passion for music now as there was previously with the Beatles, the Dylans, the Hendrixes etc. Music is not as important an artform now. That's why concerts for new acts are down. That's why music is crap. Anyone can become a musician provided they know the right people. C-grade celebrities such as Hillary Duff can release albums. So of course there are no good solos anymore. There is no passion anymore. So anybody who does have the talent to do an All Along The Watchtower-esque solo doesn't have the passion to do so.
  22. spiny norman

    Hi everyone

    Wow! Another Mick Blaire fan! And I thought I was the only one!!!! *kisses Memphis*
  23. What kind of dinosaur are you? Because I don't know of many that breathe fire. I am going to put my foot down and say that this forum should become more paleontologically accurate or else I fear that the gross inaccuracies brought about by posters will prevent postings by archaeological experts and the board will fall into General Disarray, which would be a shame because the General is a good, fair man and boards shouldn't fall into him, as a board falling into one can be painful (I know from experience) and can create horrific flashbacks which torment people for the rest of their lives. In summation, this is a hoax people! Dinosaurs don't breathe fire, nor can they type. This man should be banned for faking his own death and being so incredibly tasteless. Korrosive, you have no shame and disgust me.
  24. spiny norman

    100 Greatest Guitar Solos

    I pity you. I'm going to see #64 live in nineteen days.
  25. spiny norman

    Popular Songs for WWE Stars

    Triple H: Flashdance...What A Feeling Kurt Angle: Karma Chameleon Chris Benoit: Come On Eileen Undertaker: Material Girl Brock Lesnar: Total Eclipse Of The Heart Kane: Waterloo Rob Van Dam: Raspberry Beret. I think those songs would really suit these wrestlers well.