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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    No, I did not have to hit them in succession. By the way, what is your Gamertag?
  2. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    Supposedly Microsoft will compensate those who own Undertow if you call their customer service line. Good luck with that. But shit dude, the first thing I noticed when I added you as a friend was that you have every arcade game ever.
  3. Matt Young

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Did you actually spring off the ropes or did you climb the turnbuckles?
  4. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    So, the free game is Undertow.
  5. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I have no strong feelings either way on TaigaStar.
  6. THAT'S AL? Holy shit. he looks way older than I imagined. Milky Czech
  7. Matt Young

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Yeah, you have to hit one from each of the 4 sides of the ring.
  8. Matt Young

    Pictures I Like

    That looks like my friend Paul:
  9. Matt Young

    Impact spoilers for 1/17

    Balderdash. I wrestled a tag match once with ODB as my partner. Trust me, the action got much better every time I tagged out. I was referring solely to her TNA work. That's all I've seen. Stone Cold Shark Boy was so awesome.
  10. Matt Young

    Impact spoilers for 1/17

    ODB has her first good match, well, ever, and it's against Angel Williams?
  11. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    It's exactly the same for me.
  12. Matt Young

    Highlander The Game

    It'll turn out terrible. Thankfully, there can only be one.
  13. Matt Young

    Your Band

    I saw this exact topic on Cheap Ass Gamer. Did you get it from there?
  14. Matt Young

    Pictures I Like

    I remember having to construct my own armor of God for Bible class back at Christian Elementary School. It was way less gay than that.
  15. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I wonder if Byron knows he misspelled his new user name. I hope it was intentional.
  16. Milky- I like Venk a lot, but Milky is the best poster on the board. King- Hmm, 2 guys who are dicks to me and who don't make very memorable posts. I'll go with King since he's less of a dick to me. Vitamin X- I've always liked Leo a lot. He's good people. Black Lushus- If it weren't for Milky, Dan would be winning the whole thing. Gotta support my fellow black man.
  17. Matt Young

    ECW 1.15.08

    My favorite part of the show was seeing my friend on camera the whole time. He was the black guy dressed in red holding up such signs as, "Punk/Guererro III", "Anton", and "Sexy Shaman". This guy:
  18. Matt Young

    Madden NFL 08

    Has anyone here ever actually had a game they played end in a tie? I ask because, in my first ever Superstar mode with Brady Quinn and the Browns, my last preseason game and first regular season game both ended in ties, and then my 2nd regular season game almost did when I got greedy while up 21-7 with 1:30 left, threw a pick, and then the Bengals tied the game at 21. I won 24-21 in OT.
  19. Matt Young

    Madden NFL 08

    There was no thread on this, amazingly. the game will be released in the Eastern time zone in less than an hour and a half. I will not be able to afford it at launch, but I will play it tomorrow since my workout partner has it preordered. Post all thoughts here. Gamespot review: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/sports/mad...topslot;title;1
  20. Who are you to doubt El Dandy's heat? Touche, Ginger Snaps. I love a girl who can reference Bret Hart promos.
  21. Matt Young

    ECW 1.15.08

    Which spot in particular? His finisher.
  22. Why is El Dandy leeching off my heat?
  23. Matt Young


    Tonight I begin my Lost-a-thon, albeit later than planned. All 3 seasons. Every episode. Must finish by the 31st. Also, I saw an Oceanic commercial last night, Can't remember which channel, though. It wasn't ABC.
  24. Matt Young


    LAME. What's so lame about it? It looks stupid and generic.
  25. Matt Young


    Smash Bros. was delayed til March 9th.