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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    WWE releases Chris Masters

    This sucks. I liked Chris Masters a lot.
  2. Matt Young

    This week in the NBA

    My new girlfriend is awesome. Aside from us having great chemistry together, she is a basketball fan- a Pistons fan from Michigan. So tomorrow night, we get to watch our teams play each other, and no matter what the result of the game turns out to be, we both win. :-P
  3. No, Vince obviously has some sort of Eeeeeeeeeeevil Plan to destroy and humiliate DX. Thus we will be treated to some awful unstoppable DX gimmick. I mean, HBK himself took at both Edge and Orton in a handicap match earlier in the year, and HHH has squashed everyone he's faced since returning. Santino should not get a win over Austin, as that would change his comic character into something it is not meant to be. Santino should get to at least escape the stunner in some dastardly manner (see above suggestion regarding the rochambeau) only to be forced into the ring with Stone Cold at the next PPV to receive his richly deserved stunner and subsequent beer-dousing. Santino's character is a comedic heel; he can't get the duke over the company's original badass face and still remain a comedy act. And let's face it, that's all Santino has is that glorious mic work. We don't want to have to watch any painful attempts at matches by him, do we? I completely agree with this logic. The only problem is, WWE's focus has been all on ratings as opposed to building to a PPV payoff. Since they view the ratings with more priority than anything else, Santino's fate is sealed. MY issue is, with Santino getting all of his cheap comedic heel heat, I can't believe they are wasting it on Austin. Santino is the type of guy (as mentioned above) that needs to be booked as the weasel, running away at the right times, only to have a face finally catch up to him and 'shut him up'. I know the Condemned DVD is out, and Bonnie "I Was A Teenaged" Hammer wants the ratings, but Santino is the type of guy that can actually be used to help build someone (i.e. as an enhancement talent). (And also: they have a built in, classic program with Maria as the "valet needed to be saved from the heel" that Santino's mic skills alone could make a golden angle) Of course, with Cody Rhodes jobbed out to Spark Plug, and DH Smith in love with his dad's mistress, there isn't really a face left that can be enhanced (minus HHH of course). Can you elaborate on this? Steroids, dude.
  4. Matt Young

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Now we'll never see Extreme Expose in Playboy. :'(
  5. Matt Young

    Scary games for Halloween

    Skatin'. Bitchin'. Skitchin'.
  6. Matt Young

    Your first favorite band

    I remember hearing Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet (via my dad) at age 3. and rocking out to it. That is my first musical memory.
  7. Matt Young


    Son of a bitch. I was looking forward to that. Plus I hate hiatuses.
  8. Matt Young

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    It's still October here, Future Craig.
  9. Matt Young

    Wanna hear Dog the Bounty Hunter say "nigger"?

    It won't work in Firefox, but I tried IE and it does.
  10. Matt Young

    Wanna hear Dog the Bounty Hunter say "nigger"?

    I did. Nothing happens.
  11. Matt Young

    Wanna hear Dog the Bounty Hunter say "nigger"?

    Doesn't work.
  12. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    Wait, what? Dragonforce is hated?
  13. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    Yeah, as was mentioned, it is in co-op. I had a friend over tonight and we did the first tier of co-op. It was the first encore. Also, I finished career on medium, and holy fuck, TTFATF was unbelievably hard. But playing "One" was everything I ever dreamed of. Love this game, maybe more than all the others preceding it. I haven't even tried the online modes yet.
  14. Matt Young

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    Well, no Jericho tonight.
  15. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    The normal ones are, yeah. Also, I wanted to mention that my Gamertag is MattYoung for anyone who wants to play GH with/against me. I saw AndrewTS and UTBroward on last night.
  16. Matt Young

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...94&st=28410 Way more.
  17. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    It just takes practice. Granted, I progressed a lot more quickly (with the first GH) than you have been, but I play the guitar for real and I still struggled with easy difficulty for a few hours when I first got the game. Once you get the hang of things, you'll never want to play easy again.
  18. Matt Young


    I used to drink 3 tall cans of Steel Reserve 211 per night (all in one sitting) til a year and a half ago. I have no fucking clue how I managed that. Not only can I not imagine consuming so much malt liquor at once now (despite being 65 pounds heavier) but the shit is fucking gross. I smelled some a week ago and gagged.
  19. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    I have a pretty good computer, but for some reason Frets on Fire runs way too slowly for me.
  20. Matt Young

    OAO 10/25 Impact Thread

    But so hot.
  21. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Some random fag added me on Facebook a couple weeks ago, and just today, he left me this comment: randomfag.bmp
  22. Matt Young

    2007 World Series

    Yeah, this reminds me of 1996 a lot. I think the series will go at least 6 games.
  23. Matt Young

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    Fuck, that alone sold me on the street fight 100% over the steel cage.
  24. Matt Young

    Xbox LiveGamertags

    LOL... Because it's me or because you didn't think there was a max? You can only have 100 friends.
  25. Matt Young

    Who here

    Actually, 3 of us did.