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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    Happy Birthday, Special K

    He's a cool guy. He loves getting face. He enjoys Chu-Chu Rocket. Most importantly (to me), he helped me to end my days as a (daily) problem drinker. Happy 27th birthday, Special K. You should post more.
  2. Matt Young

    Happy Birthday, Special K

    No. We had many long chats in which he shared his past experiences with alcoholism, and talked some sense into me. I haven't drank regularly in a year and a half.
  3. Matt Young

    pbone vs B@RTOK

  4. Matt Young

    Muggy Bogues

    Muggy is cool. Muggy's new name is cool.
  5. Matt Young

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Im assuming the guy is going purely by best overall record rather than playoff seeding since he has cleveland and chicago in the top 3.In the overall standings, Bulls had the third best record in the conference last year. No. Cleveland and Chicago can both be in the top 3. The seedings are no longer division winners as 1-3. The 3 division winners are guaranteed a top 4 (home court, first round) seed, but the 2nd place team with the best record can be anywhere from 2-4. For example. Detroit was the 1 seed last year, and Cleveland was #2.
  6. Matt Young

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    1-5 is not much of a drop, really. The Bulls dropped from 2-5 by virtue of 1 game in the standings.
  7. Matt Young

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Those Hawks uniforms look like USA Basketball unis.
  8. Matt Young

    pbone vs B@RTOK

    I like them both, but if I have to choose, it's pbone. I was the first to support pbone.
  9. Matt Young

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Booker T Oh yeah, forgot about him. I think they've had what? Maybe as many as 15 televised matches in WCW and WWE? He definately takes the cake here. Booker T wrestled Bret in WWE? Did I miss something? They're talking about him wrestling Benoit, not Bret. But Bret did wrestle Booker in WCW.
  10. Matt Young

    8/9/2007 Impact Thread

    I thought Pacman was making an in-ring appearance tonight.
  11. Matt Young

    8/9/2007 Impact Thread

    Worst Fameasser ever.
  12. Matt Young

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    The Heat have signed Penny Hardaway: http://www.nba.com/heat/news/heat_sign_phardaway_070809.html
  13. Matt Young

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    LMAO! UTSU wins the thread.
  14. Matt Young


    Wrestlescale - Results You are central in your beliefs about wrestling. You accept the idea of both old-school and sports entertainment but you are not extreme in either way. You believe that angles and matches are equally important to create a good wrestling product. Most similar booker: Paul Heyman Most similar promotion: TNA 2002 Got any feedback on the poll? We would love to hear it so we can improve the Wrestlescale project. Click here
  15. Matt Young

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    No. It was the best 3-D wrestling game ever to be released in North America.
  16. Matt Young

    ECW on 8/7

    Punk won't lose. I doubt he'll win, though. He will simply last the 15 minutes, then win at the PPV.
  17. Matt Young

    The Miz

    I've always liked him. He's one of the more entertaining guys on the roster, and talented in the ring.
  18. Matt Young

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    I think he meant "creep", but we're treading dangerously close to Big Show's "gook" comment here. I know he emant "creep", but it sounded like "crip".
  19. Matt Young

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Did he call Ron Simmons a "crip"?
  20. Matt Young

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    HAHAHA! Santino is great tonight!
  21. Matt Young

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    SPAM! That was fucking great.
  22. Matt Young

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Mike Rotunda cameo!
  23. Matt Young

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    * Commissioner.
  24. Matt Young

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    That was the funniest I've seen Regal in ages, and that's saying something.