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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Wait, Tank Toland is in ROH? As in, one half of The Dicks? How does he fit in there?
  2. Matt Young

    Ricky Williams Tests Postive...

    Yeah... If he played for the Argonauts or whatever team(s) BC has, he could play and smoke some great buds. As for the money issue, even though there would still be a large discrepancy, I can't see many NFL teams offering him much above the league minimum at this point.
  3. Matt Young

    Ricky Williams Tests Postive...

    It is/was only like that for me if I'm made to be the center of attention around a bunch of sober people. Fuck that.
  4. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The last time we saw him was, I believe, when he was getting his ass whipped by Kane leading up to the Kane/Khali WrestleMania match.
  5. Matt Young

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    Scroby condom?
  6. Matt Young

    Ricky Williams Tests Postive...

    Medically legitimate, no, but it works for some people. I don't feel the need much anymore though.
  7. Matt Young

    TSM Chat room

    MySpace is much better than AIM chats. And how is Leena retiredif she just posted today.
  8. Matt Young

    Ricky Williams Tests Postive...

    "Remember, he's been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder -- that's a real disease and a good percentage of those folks self-medicate with substances like marijuana, often at the moment they are about to have a high level of social interaction." It's true. I know from personal experience.
  9. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    It's actually 1,250 total, but I agree.
  10. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    Saints Row is great, but Crackdown is better and they are really two different types of games, third person sandbox destruction notwithstanding.
  11. Matt Young

    Totally unintentional racism.

    Yeah... I have traveled all over North America, and Detroit is the one city that I visited where I would have willingly chosen to be fucked in the ear with a razor blade rather than continuing to spend time there. P.S. Don't you all know? VX hates minorities. Mainly hispanics.
  12. Matt Young

    What did you eat today?

    It's back on shelves, eh?
  13. Matt Young

    Pictures I Like

    Luke, you may well be more attractive than Jennifer Garner. That bitch is beastly.
  14. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    Yeah, there are 2 free portions, 1 pay, and 350 more achievement points for a total of 1,250.
  15. Matt Young

    TSM Chat room

    Another forum I go to has one that appears on top of their main board index. It's basically a real-time chat.
  16. Matt Young

    Mr. Kennedy Severely Injures His Triceps

    I didn't know he cashed it in. I don't read the spoilers. I'm gonna enjoy seeing Edge win it tomorrow night. I thought since you said you "love the idea of another Edge title run" that you knew. That, and the fact that it's plastered all over this site and WWE.com. Sorry... Didn't mean to spoil anything.
  17. Matt Young

    TSM Chat room

    The shoutbox is the best thing a message board could have.
  18. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I really like the exclamation, "Well, fuck me cross-eyed!"
  19. Matt Young

    Mr. Kennedy Severely Injures His Triceps

    That's what I was thinking. It all seemed a bit premature. Like you say, 2 months is nothing for MITB, especially considering Kennedy had already chosen WM24 to cash it in. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of another Edge title run, but WWE should have left Kennedy with the MITB in order to build him up even more. Even if Kennedy goes over Edge and regains the MITB when he returns, It still doesn't make him look as strong as not losing it in the first place. Anyway, it's great to know Kennedy will be back sooner than expected. I'm with you on all counts. The only thing is, Kennedy can't win the MITB back. Edge used the contract, so it's gone.
  20. Matt Young

    Pictures I Like

    LOL, you actually pointed out that it was you. Luke, you're like me. Everyone on the board knows what you look like because of lots of pics being posted, and most hate you. But we don't let that get us down. We're SOULJAS~!
  21. Matt Young

    Pictures I Like

    And just for the record, I did not do that myself.
  22. Matt Young

    Pictures I Like

  23. Matt Young

    5 Worst Intercontinental Champions

    Umaga did defend the belt against Jeff Hardy in a rematch. Goldust actually held the title on 3 occasions.
  24. Matt Young

    Mr. Kennedy Severely Injures His Triceps

    Yeah... they're my 2 favorite guys in the company and have been for a long time.
  25. Matt Young

    Smackdown Spoilers for 5/11

    The sound was shitty quality though... You could hear the nearby crowd noise, but Mark henry's big splashes didn't even register a sound on the recording.