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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    KFC Chicken Bowl

    Yeah, they have been for at least 5 months.
  2. Matt Young

    The Youtube Thread

    Oh wow. I nearly pissed myself.
  3. Matt Young

    Wendy's Jalapeno Cheddar Double Melt

    I just woke up after 4 hours and had to spend a half hour in the bathroom. I had shat 3 times already before bed. AHHHH MY ASS.
  4. Matt Young

    Going to No Way Out in Feburary

    Expect to see me there.
  5. Matt Young

    The OaO Raw Thread 12/18/2006

    A little late, but was that Johnny Jeter in the battle royal earlier?
  6. Matt Young

    Armageddon 2006 Thread

    That's way too blurry to really get a full grasp of the injury.
  7. Matt Young

    I'm tired of...

    I accepted your Xbox Live friend request, Paul.
  8. Matt Young

    Handmade Ranch Dressing

    This sort of thing probably occurs, unbeknownst to anyone, more often than any of us would like.
  9. Matt Young

    Chave's Heel Turn

  10. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Well Im going to the House show on the 26th in Albany. OMG historic night!! Who the fuck is Daniel Rodimer?
  11. Matt Young


    I hope this isn't looked upon as shameless plugging, but I wanted to share with you guys a great band that you may not have heard of. They are called Augustana. This band is a true inspiration to me for many reasons, but the main thing is that the bass player, Jared, was a member of the first band I ever formed, and the new guitarist, Chris, was another friend of mine. We were all in the same class back in the day at Christian Elementary School. Now these guys are on Epic Records, have their video for "Boston" on MTV and VH1, and are blowing up. Do yourself a favor and check them out: http://www.augustanamusic.com http://www.myspace.com/augustana
  12. Matt Young

    Smallville Season 6 thread

    Don't they require a membership, though?
  13. Matt Young

    Smallville Season 6 thread

    I just got into this series recently. A few weeks ago, when Superman Returns was released, Wal-Mart had the season box sets on sale for $15 each. Unfortunately, I had no money at the time. Now that I do, I see them going for $45 or so everywhere. Does anyone know where I can find a better deal?
  14. Speaking of Superman, I've just recently gotten into Smallville. Wal-Mart had the DVD season sets on sale for $15 the week Superman Returns came out, but now they go for around $45 everywhere. Does anyone know where I can get them more cheaply?
  15. Matt Young

    It's official: The next-gen battle is over.

    So has anyone actually purchased any of these? I plan to get all 3, but the only one I have now is PocketBike Racer. It's actually a decent Mario Kart clone, and it's morefun than some games I have paid full price for in the past. I haven't tried playing online yet.
  16. Matt Young

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    No problem, haha... It's now in my sig as well.
  17. Matt Young

    I'm calling YOU out.

    Zits is still pretty good, and I have a soft spot for Beetle Bailey.
  18. Matt Young

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread For 12/11/2006

    God, I hope not.
  19. Matt Young

    Tales of Laziness.

    Damn. I can't fathom doing any of that stuff. If I'm not active and doing something at all times (well, I don't usually move around while reading or watching TV, but other than that) I feel useless and I tend to get stir crazy. The only thing mentioned here that I have done, on several occasions, has been to put off finishing a paper for school til the day before. That I attribute more to procrastination than laziness.
  20. Matt Young

    your biggest mistake

    My biggest mistake:
  21. Matt Young

    your biggest mistake

    I stand by my prior regret as my biggest mistake, though that was certainly a mistake as well. wait....what??? What Lushus said.
  22. Matt Young


    I watched an episode or two of quite a few different shows (Point Pleasant comes to mind, since I know you were into that) but I never managed to keep up week after week. But I've really getting into Heroes now, and since seeing Superman Returns, I have discovered that Smallville is indeed the shit.
  23. Matt Young


    Yeah, man. I'm counting the days til February 7th. I just hope to God they don't kill off Sawyer. He and Locke are my 2 favorite characters.