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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young


    I should have listened to you guys sooner. A friend showed me the first 4 episodes of the series over the summer, and now I'm hooked. I bought the first 2 seasons on DVD and have watched them repeatedly, and I've of course seen all 6 season 3 episodes. I even have some of the books and the Todd McFarlane figurines. This has been the first non-wrestling show I have watched regularly in 5 years or so. It's fucking fantastic.
  2. Matt Young

    How much cash is in your wallet?

    $642... But when I leave the house, I'll only take as much as I need. Speaking of need, I need to get myself a bank account out here.
  3. Matt Young

    Xbox LiveGamertags

    Conspiracy, what games do you have besides Gears? Smues, do you have anything else you could/would want to play? Mole, I sent you a friend request since Madden and 2K7 are the 2 games I'm looking to play most. I have a lot of free time on my hands now, til I find a job, so whenever you want a game, let me know.
  4. Matt Young

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I just connected my 360 to Live for the first time, but it says my Gamerscore is 0 when it should be 450. Do achievements unlocked while not connected to Live not count? if so, that'd be pretty bogus, especially after spending all that time on Oblivion.
  5. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It's a couple months away, but is anyone going to No Way Out in Los Angeles on February 18th? Tickets went on sale October 16th, so I was surprised to see a fuck ton of good seats still available. I'm strongly considering attending, since the only PPV event I've gone to was WrestleMania 21.
  6. Matt Young

    Boogeyman released

    Ah, okay. Thanks. I looked through various threads but never saw an answer.
  7. Matt Young

    Boogeyman released

    So, I've been wondering... What happened? I read this, and a week or 2 later, Boogeyman was back on TV.
  8. Matt Young

    Show's over

    He didn't say he was retiring. He referred to it as a hiatus. Now, I may be out of the loop since I haven't been online much in recent months, but does anyone else think that means he'll come back for one last WrestleMania match, maybe against Hogan?
  9. Matt Young

    TSM List of Fallen Posters

    I'm still here. I was just really busy with work, and I only had sporadic access to the internet.
  10. Matt Young

    The Smarks Board circa 2001(?)

    I was there.
  11. Matt Young

    Xbox 360 Live account migration

    So, I purchased a 360 a couple weeks ago, and now I once again have internet access. I'd like to transfer my Gamertag to my 360, but I'm having issues. The FAQs I checked out at GameFAQs and Xbox.com confused the hell out of me, so I was hoping one of you might be able to help out. As of right now, only the internet connection has been verified. The system cannot detect an IP address, and even when I input the one used by the computer itself, I get nothing. I may be overlooking something simple, but I am fairly uneducated when it comes to these things. Oh, and the system is hooked directly to the modem (I have Verizon DSL, if it matters) with no router. I don't know where to even start, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    My friends and I didn't stop playing GH1 from the day I got it last November til Tuesday. While it is a bit easier, GH2 outclasses the first in every way (except, as mentioned, certain vocal work). I fucking love this game.
  13. Matt Young

    Good lifting plan?

    Is your goal just to gain weight. No. My goal is to gain muscle.
  14. Matt Young

    Good lifting plan?

    Word, son. P.S. I'm 156 now.
  15. Matt Young

    Good lifting plan?

    Yeah, I'm working on it. I know I'm not "big" by any means, but I am proud of what I have accomplished.
  16. I'm aiming for 9 Xbox 360 games along with Okami for PS2, and probably a couple DS games. At least one of those 360 games will remain sealed and be traded for SD vs. Raw, and probably a second for Gears of War. Then, when I get paid at the beginning of November, I can actually buy a 360 (I almost did a couple weeks ago but I got a guitar).
  17. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    I loved the first game, I have GH2 reserved, and I'm playing the shit out of the PSM demo. But what's this about Guitar Hero 360? =-o
  18. Matt Young

    Good lifting plan?

    So... As of a few days ago, I weighed in at 151.6 pounds at Gold's Gym, surpassing my then-current goal of 150. That means that in just short of 8 months (I started February 21st) I have gained 26.6 pounds of almost all muscle. That's been with mostly machines and very few free weights, and I have trouble eating enough calories. I'm hoping that when I switch completely to free weights soon and get a weight gainer to add calories, I'll see even better results.
  19. Matt Young

    Any weed smokers here???

    Good point, Lushus. I've heard of blades/hot knives, but I've never tried that method. I have always smoked bowls, although I do own a bong. I have friends who like to smoke blunts and sometimes joints, but I think it's often a waste and I don't even know how to roll, anyway. Recently, my friends and I have purchased some decent $10 sneak-a-tokes from Penny Lane, a local head shop, in the colors of different Power Rangers. Hey, what can I say? We are Power Ranger marks. I'm the black ranger- Mattstodon. Okay wow, I should have kept that to myself. Now, time for a wake and bake.. kind of. I woke up an hour ago.
  20. Matt Young

    Any weed smokers here???

    I've smoked both, and only judging by limited sampling, I liked Toronto's better. But as others have said, it depends on many factors.
  21. Matt Young

    Any weed smokers here???

    It's not too far past 4:20 here. I've smoked 3 bowls, and i'm feeling pretty good. I agree with you on Canada's weed. The stuff I had in Toronto was excellent.
  22. I've read the DVDVR Urban Legends of Professional Wrestling list and the memorable WCW quotes from the Observer. Can someone direct me to more funny or in any way entertaining shit?
  23. Matt Young

    Possible Buffalo Sabres logo??

    But the "D" is a duck's foot.
  24. Matt Young

    Ain't That A Bitch

    Everybody has at least one of those.