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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    Jesus Says...

    Jesus says, "Nigga what I am stoned nigga." - Love, Jeezu$$$$$$$$$$$$ NUGGRAH
  2. Matt Young

    Super Mario Bros. for the DS

    I'm on World 6 after getting the game yesterday. This game rocks balls. I can see myself beating it dozens of times.
  3. Matt Young

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    But of course. I prefer to spend as little money as possible.
  4. Matt Young

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Dragon Quest VIII for PS2 will be clearanced for an amazing $9.99 at Circuit City starting a week from today. Fuck yeah, I'm finally picking the game up.
  5. Matt Young

    I'm back.

    It was changed before I moved.
  6. Matt Young

    I'm back.

    So, I have internet access for the first time since early March. A lot has changed, but that's to be expected. I've gained 20 pounds in the nearly 3 months I've been working out... blah blah blah. Anyway, that's about it. I'm glad to be back.
  7. Matt Young

    MLB 06: The Show

    I hadn't planned on purchasing a baseball game this year, since I still haven't finished a season on the amazing MVP 2005, and I traded in MLB 2K5 long ago. However, my roommate got this game soon after it was released, and we've been really enjoying multiplayer. I LOVE the rivalry feature, as it is great to be able to keep track of all the stats and such in our games. I never started a season since Jake (my roommate) was always playing the game and I had other titles to work on. But I decided to try 1 player out last night, before it got too far into the season. I was worried that the game would suffer from MLB 2K5 syndrome (great multiplayer, terrible single player) but, despite the annoying glitches, it's a good game. My main gripe is that, like in MVP 2005, I can't do a season that is shorter than 162 games.
  8. Matt Young

    Another reference to the Reformation of DX

    Coincidence? I think not.
  9. Matt Young

    I'm back.

    I'm 5'8".
  10. Matt Young

    I'm back.

    Yeah, I can't really afford any supplements anyway, but I have been taking a multivitamin. I try to consume plenty of carbs before a workout, and a good amount of protein afterwards, although I try to take in as much protein as I can all day long. I'm actually really loving working out, and I can't stand to miss a day.
  11. Matt Young

    I'm back.

    147. I started at 127. I'm pretty happy with that much of a gain seeing as how I haven't used any supplements or anything. I've just been eating a lot more and working out 2 days on, 1 day off. Day 1- Chest, triceps, shoulders, abs Day 2- Legs, back, biceps, and abs My proudest achievement thus far has been on the leg press. I started out doing a little over 200 pounds, and now I'm able to do 3 sets of 10 reps at 420 pounds.
  12. Matt Young

    I'm back.

    Heh... I'll spare the board, but you can check MySpace in a few days. I've put on 20 pounds of almost all muscle and I look and feel a hell of a lot better.
  13. Matt Young

    I'm back.

    Nope, guys, no more druggies for me. I have a few non-druggie prospects right now since moving back to Illinois, but I think I'm going to stay single for a while. But relax- I doubt I'll be going into detail on my love life on this board anymore. So, for the sake of this thread having some meaning, did I miss anything interesting?
  14. Matt Young

    I'm back.

    I love you guys.
  15. Now that I have DSL, I'd like to be able to download both old TV shows that I never got a chance to see, as well as recent stuff in case I miss an episode like I did with these week's 24 and last night's American Idol. Can someone give me some sites to check out? I've heard of bittorrent, but I have no idea what it is or how it works.
  16. Matt Young

    Well, see ya later guys

    I'm sure few people care, and many more will rejoice, but after tonight, I will be without internet access indefinitely. I'm moving, and I'm not sure when I'llbe connected again. As much as many of you dislike me (even though it seems that more than a few don't mind me, judging by the best poster tournament or maybe they just don't know who Special K is) I love this place and I will miss it. I'll check back in whenever possible.
  17. Matt Young

    the official who is on your ignore list thread

    Not really. I only blocked you because you kept starting threads. I'll remove you now. Despite you also showing your two-faceness in this thread. But, I can't ignore everyone who has asshole moments. I know that was the reason, and I know you won't really miss me. I was just pointing something out. I didn't think I made any two faced comments, and if I did, they were likely in jest, but maybe I forgot about something. I dunno.
  18. Matt Young

    the official who is on your ignore list thread

    I have always treated you with respect, and you ignored me. Ah well. You'll miss me after tomorrow.
  19. Matt Young

    the official who is on your ignore list thread

    Patrick, you gotsta hook me up with your celly numba again so's us niggaz can stay connected.
  20. Matt Young

    the official who is on your ignore list thread

    After tomorrow, she may be the only Young who's able to post on TSM for a while.
  21. Matt Young

    the official who is on your ignore list thread

    She discriminates against gimmicks, and HDS is your ex's cat who copied off my cat who totally posted several times before becoming more interested in playing with yarn, sleeping on my computer, and licking her own asshole.
  22. Matt Young

    I love Dawnson's Creek and I went to a Ja

    After my sister stole and sold my N64 games while I lived in Illinois (and most of my stuff was out here) I waited til she went on vacation and took a shit in her pants drawer. When people doubted me on GameFAQs' LUE board, I posted pics.
  23. Matt Young

    I love Dawnson's Creek and I went to a Ja

    1. I love Ashlee Simpson, have both her CDs, and have seen every episode of her show 3 times or more. 2. I have seen every episode of Lizzie McGuire several times, as well as the movie. 3. My favorite color is purple. 4. I once had 72 wrestling posters on my wall at once. 5. I take pride in winning my school's spelling bee every year I was eligible. 6. I've masturbated during (but not to) a couple boring Rhyno/Hardcore Holly and Undertaker/Test matches. More will come to me later.
  24. Matt Young

    I love Dawnson's Creek and I went to a Ja

    Aside from the Dawson's Creek love (ugh!) you can't even approach my or wildpegasus' levels of makefunofability.