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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    "New" Astroboy trailer 2003 series

    Hi Peggy. I've never seen Astro Boy, but this reminds me that I need to try out the GBA game. It's supposedly great.
  2. Matt Young

    Things that make you die a little inside....

    God, I ended up living with a dude who was way into D & D, and this girl I met through him took me to a Vampire: The Masquerade LARP session Both were brutal. I felt like a total fag for participating in such gayity.
  3. Matt Young

    Who here wrestles?

    Holy shit, dude! You probably know some of my friends then. I have known the guys from New Midwest Wrestling in Springfield, Illinois from going to many shows over the years and training with them briefly (I hope to return once I move back). I know that at least a few of NMW's wrestlers have worked for your promotion, such as "The Marvel" Shane Matthews, Hardcore KC, and "Mr. Elite" Jake Manning. Also, I believe that one half of their current Tag Team Champs, Tank Roberts, used to or still does work for SCW. Who knows? Maybe one day you and I will get to work together, heh. Oh, and Johnny T.- Your Grenier pic link is no longer working.
  4. Matt Young

    OAO 1/28 Impact Thread

    I am consistently very entertained by Impact. I really enjoy it, and on the rare occasions when I get to watch it on Saturday (like tonight) I will still watch the Monday replay.
  5. Matt Young

    Joe vs. AJ

    That would have been a letdown if not for the fact that that first encounter was fucking amazing.
  6. Matt Young

    Hey Incandenza

    Another one? Fuck.
  7. Matt Young

    Hot Dogs and Hot Dog culture.

    Portillo's= best hot dogs EVAH.
  8. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Just when I thought itcouldn't get any worse...
  9. Matt Young

    On shiny red dragon shirts

    Recently, I have gotten some flak for my choice to own and wear a shiny red polyester shirt with dragons on it. According to many, such attire is not fashionable for self-respecting individuals. Exhibits A, B, and C (thelast2 I've never shown before and just have to): Well, I am happy to say that my detractors were wrong. I had refrained from wearing the shirt for a while, but now, thanks to Samoa Joe, I can feel secure in my shirt choice once again: And if you disagree, he will choke you the fuck out. EDIT: Of note, I also own that same necklace.
  10. Matt Young

    The OAO Smackdown Thread for 1-27-06

    Really good show. But I am curious- Did anyone else catch Michael Cole's mention of piledrivers being banned in WWE? Heh.
  11. Matt Young

    On shiny red dragon shirts

    Haha... Well, it's true. Burritos, actually. She doesn't look pregnant in other pictures, but oh well. So what is it? Is she knocked up or have I just awkwardly stated that she looks a bit thick around the middle? Nope, she's not pregnant. She just looked that way in that one pic. Trust me, even if the reasons are different... I don't wish to reproduce in the near future anymore than anyone here wants me to.
  12. Matt Young

    Very good Kurt Angle Interview

    Excellent. Angle comes across as incredibly confident, yet not cocky. He has every right to be confident. This just adds to the tremendous amount of respect I have for Angle, his work ethic, and his dedication.
  13. I would not doubt that he has had someHickenbottom in him on multiple occasions. Just wondering... I've really enjoyed the WWE and TNA Observer news posts. How much is a WON subscription? Oh, wait: Rates are: United States $11 for 4 issues $28 for 12 $54 for 24 $90 for 40 Canada and Mexico $12 for 4 $30 for 12 $57 for 24 $95 for 40 Europe You can get the fastest delivery and best rates by sending to [email protected] Rest of the world $14 for 4 $36 for 12 $72 for 24 $120 for 40 Mother fuck... Unless these things are magazine sized (doubtful) that's a pretty hefty price to pay.
  14. Matt Young

    It's a war

    Thanks man... That was awesome beyond words. I loved it.
  15. Matt Young

    What are you eating right now?

    I had zucchini fries for the first time last night, and thosethings were delicious.
  16. I'm trying to figure out how anyone took those comments seriously. And hearing Agent referredto as "Gene" makes him seem way less badass.
  17. Matt Young

    ECW Bloodsport

    I just noticed that this DVD, which I had heard a little about before, is set to be released on February 7th. It's apparently 300 minutes (5 hours) of ECW's "most violent matches". Any idea what will be included?
  18. Matt Young

    Raw rating

    God,I hope so.
  19. Matt Young

    So TNA Could Have Gotten Jericho But Went With Sting

    Smoking Gunns reunion!
  20. Matt Young

    ECW Bloodsport

    Thanks. Looks great, and I haven't seen any of the matches except the TNN ones. I'll definitely pick this up at Best Buy for $16.99.
  21. Thanks. My PM box was full, and I was too lazy to delete anything.
  22. Matt Young

    Anyone else own a scooter

    I don't know if he owns it, but Kotz rides one.
  23. Matt Young

    On shiny red dragon shirts

    Haha... Well, it's true. Burritos, actually. She doesn't look pregnant in other pictures, but oh well. Also true. I know that wasn't necessarily meant as a compliment, but thanks anyway.
  24. Matt Young

    Worst Indy Show Names

    I was wondering what were some of the worst names any of you have seen for indy shows. This was inspired by me going to the home page of New Midwest Wrestling (Springfield, IL) whose shows I attended every month til I moved to California. They have some good wrestling and usually have decent show names, but this is just beyond horrible:
  25. I know that... But I'd still like to see it.