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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    But neither of us have girlfriends... And Melissa didn't care, since she had seen the thread. It's the principle of the thing, though.
  2. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    I didn't say shit. It was probably Frigid and/or one of the same assholes who tried messaging Melissa. Pathetic, they are.
  3. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    Edit: Fuck it...
  4. Matt Young


    I just read the first 10. What did Kerry Von Erich have against cats? LOL.
  5. I think about everything, but I'm nothing like WP. WP says some funny, wild shit, though. He seems too over the top to be truly as he portrays himself, however. No way a real person is like that. That being said, he still seems like a good guy.
  6. He's never gone by "Mike". He's been called Shawn, even by his family, since he was a kid. And yeah, that was interesting. I wonder what HBK vs. Sting would have been like in 1996?
  7. Matt Young

    Mega Man X Collection

    Nothing tops Tornado Tonion. Nothing. Too bad that game isn't included here (I believe it was MMX7).
  8. Matt Young

    Black Cherry Vanilla Coke

    Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepperis the king of sodas, so this sounds like it'd be good.
  9. Matt Young

    Deep Thought

    Do you have the kind with M & M's in them, Craigory? Those are oh so delectable.
  10. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    No, because she didn't care that I posted her pics here and she saw the threads. That's why I said "look at what they tried". Their comments pissed me off, but had no effect on my relationship.
  11. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    Dude, how can you have been at this board for as long as you have and still believe that? There are a lot of assholes here. Look at what they tried with me.
  12. Matt Young

    Animal Crossing DS...

    I got it for Christmas from my fiancee, but I still have no clue where my wireless router went when I moved. Fuckbeans.
  13. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    She can't access LSD without registering, anyhow.
  14. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    The heat really hasn't been on me for a while, nor should/will it be on Carny. EDIT: I wouldn't contact her, but it may not have been the best idea to post this when other TSM members are your friends on MySpace and more have easy access to it. Learn from my mistakes, young lad.
  15. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    Carnival isn't going to want to be my friend anymore after this.
  16. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...riendid=2523893 Hehe. Pics of TSM poster Hot Dicky Shoe are on there as well.
  17. Matt Young

    Hillarious Vince McMahon AOL chat

    There's no AOL chat that I see.
  18. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    How come Carnival can get away with being disgustingly skinny and posting pics of girls, but I can't? ROFL MY WAFFLE~!!!!!!!111
  19. Matt Young

    Circuit City Clearance

    Why did you get banned? I noticed that was your status when I went to go wish you a happy birthday. ragingfear, I did not know you went to CAG. As for the sale, there wasn't much there that I wanted anyway, but what I did want was gone the day the sale started.
  20. Matt Young

    Deep Thought

    You're way worse. You're an Illinois-born Packer fan. And you like the Cubs and Sox equally. Yeah, I've been a Packers fan since I started watching football. Maybe if the Bears didn't suck, I would have been interested in them. And no, I do not like the Cubs and Sox equally. It's always been the Sox first, then the Cubs. Now let's let Czech and Special K go back to making this thread interesting.
  21. Matt Young

    Deep Thought

    I've followed the Bulls since long before 1995, and I never did call you a bandwagon fan. You may be a Bulls fanatic, but that doesn't make you any less of a dickhole. And yes, I like the White Sox and Cubs. I took to the White Sox and favor them, but I was raised in a Cubs-loving family. I like both. So what?
  22. Matt Young

    New Girl....

    I liked Kari a lot... til I saw her body. Her face is great, though. Jessi iseasily 1 million times more attractive, but personality is far more important, as you should know (as do I) from being involved with an insane girl.
  23. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    This may have been answered already, but a search on the subject yielded no results. As most probably know, a Japanese 360 premium system can be had for $430 US on Liksang.com. This seems like a pretty good deal, especially since it would mean I'd actually have a 360. I have 2 questions, however: 1) Is there a way to play US games on Japanese systems as of this time? 2) Will American peripherals work on Japanese systems? If the answers to those questions are "yes", I'll likely be buying a 360 sooner rather than later.
  24. I smell a sitcom! Haha, I jokingly suggested that VH1 would premiere "Life with the Lesnars" at another forum.