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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    Introducing Myself

    Did you ever visit the GamingRing forums? There was a guy there who went by "King of All Ebonies". And no, I have not received a call from WCW in a few weeks.
  2. Matt Young

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 12/30/05

    Not soon enough. I wanted Matt Hardy to win, which he did... kinda. He and JBL, 2 guys I really like, have no chemistry together, however, judging from tonight and Armageddon. MNM winning the tag belts was great. Mark Henry... God, I hate that guy. Orton vs. Benoit was awesome as always, but Booker's commentary, while hilarious at times, really took away from the match. He should never be a regular commentator. And I marked out for Finlay... I never was a big fan of his, but I mark for just about anything WCW. Dude needs to feud with Regal and Benoit.
  3. Matt Young


    She still posts at The Pit, as far as I know.
  4. Matt Young


    I don't love myself... and I make most of my "bad" posts because when I put effort into making "good" ones, I still get shit on, so why bother? But I went into detail on that in another thread, so I won't here. And I'm not pretending to be black, Venkman... It's a joke directed at Black Lushus since he's always referred to as being white and, aside from Bob Barron, I'm about as white as they come. But back on topic, I don't see what's so bad about Leena. She has her flaws, surely, but she's far from the worst.
  5. Matt Young


    I'm amazed that it took so long and that this fag was the only guy to mention me. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, though, because bashing me seems to be the only reason this guy posts. He shouldn't be allowed to be a Bulls fan.
  6. Matt Young


    I remember you. You're purdy.
  7. Matt Young

    Few people

    Few people can get so drunk that they wake up naked with no recollection of how they got there, and not be hung over. Me, I did that and want more SoCo. The story is more fun when you have people tell it to you. In conclusion, I rock.
  8. Matt Young

    WON Notes for Dec 27th

    I think he meant house shows, but I may be wrong.
  9. Matt Young

    SD/Velocity Non-Spoilers

    Looks decent. As long as Matt Hardy and MNM win, and I see my friend Rachael (who was sitting next to a guy she said looks exactly like me) on camera, I'll be happy.
  10. Matt Young

    Mario Kart DS

  11. Matt Young

    2005: How was your year?

    Yes, theone and only... but I still love her. She's family.
  12. Matt Young

    2005: How was your year?

    Mine had its major ups and downs. I got to attend WrestleMania 21 and all 3 days of E3, which was awesome. I finally made some friends here after moving here in November 2004. I met an amazing girl and we got engaged in mid-August. I turned 21 in July, and that has led to a lot of fun times. On the other hand, most of those friends turned out to be assholes who I wanted nothing to do with. I continue to hate my job, and worst of all by far, my 18 year old sister has been missing for almost 6 months.
  13. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Chloe needs her own Desire video.
  14. Matt Young

    Wearing belts

    As do I... And I forgot about MNM. I like their style, but it wouldn't work for most. Oh yeah, no one mentioned Bubba Ray's old "around the neck" style.
  15. Matt Young

    Wearing belts

    It depends on the guy. For someone like HHH, around the waist. Bret Hart, over the shoulder. You did, however, forget The Rock's "dragging the belt along the ground" and guys like Kane just hold it in their hands...
  16. Matt Young

    Final Resolution lineup

    Another #1 contender screwed. I still say Christian should have gotten his title shot, have Sting debut and cost Jarrett the match, and then JJ and Sting feud.
  17. Matt Young

    Torrie's Dog now listed as a superstar

    Yeah, we discussed this in "comments which don't warrant a thread". Chloe rocks. Atleast she's the same dog every time, unlike Fifi.
  18. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Me too. I actually found the Murdoch promo after following a link to Helms' promo that Helms posted in a MySpace bulletin.
  19. Matt Young

    Which is the best TNA DVD?

    I havea Tower Records gift card. What's the best DVD from this list? http://www.towerrecords.com/Video/Default....na%20wrestling&
  20. Matt Young

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    For those who don't know, YouTube has a bunch of wrestling videos. They had Samoa Joe vs. Kobashi the other day, but now I can't find it. I am, however, about to watcdh Joe/Fallen Angel/AJ from Unbreakable and Joe vs. AJ from Turning Point.
  21. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    There's a very disturbing segment on WWE.com Unlimited where Trevor Murdoch shares his thoughts on Brokeback Mountain.
  22. Matt Young

    Danielson vs Strong

    The video's gone. I also saw a video of Samoa Joe vs. Kobashi that was on there, which I can't find now. Does anyone know where I can see that?
  23. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I'm beginning to really like Atreyu and Panic! At The Disco.
  24. Matt Young

    Few people

  25. Matt Young

    Few people

    I like reading the posts here... But since no matter what I say, I'll still get shit from 90% of the posters here, I don't often even bother to try outside the video game forum. It's not worth the effort.