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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. LOL... Good one. Seriously, I laughed. My real name is not Matt Young. It is.... *drum roll.... .......... ...................... Wait for it......
  2. Haha... my real name. You want to know it? All right.
  3. I've actually said that word before, heh... I use Matt Young everywhere on the internet (even though it's not my real name) butmaybe "Thundercunt" Matt Young would work.
  4. Matt Young

    Anyone here go to Casinos?

    Never been to one, but I'm interested in trying sometimeearly next year. Christmas season has sucked away all my cash.
  5. Who the fuck are you. I'll rape you. Oh shit. I don't know why, but that was very funny. Change your username to Thundercunt.
  6. Matt Young

    The HD Final Fantasy Thread

    Well, I already bought it... But it was only $10 for Dawn of Souls sealed. I've got to at least tryitout, at any rate.
  7. Matt Young

    Jeff Hardy No-Shows Turning Point

    You idiots... He was making aluminummies.
  8. Matt Young

    The HD Final Fantasy Thread

    Yeah, I know. But I still need to buy Animal Crossing, and as I've mentioned several times in the video game forum, I still haven't opened several of my games. I could be playing now, actually, but I'm addicted to TSM. Sometimes I enjoy reading about games more than playing them. Also, I kind of want to play the series in order. FF III (not 6, but the real 3) is being remade in 3D for the DS, to be released for the first time in North America next year.
  9. Matt Young


    9. He's one of the few people that uses ellipses more than I do...
  10. Matt Young

    What are you eating right now?

    Since waking up at 9:30 AM Pacific, I've consumed 6 cans each of Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi and Diet Mountain Dew.
  11. Matt Young

    The HD Final Fantasy Thread

    Since I didn't get into RPGs til a few years ago (I.E. after I became an adult and lost all my free time for gaming) and just now got a PS2, I have barely played any Final Fantasy, although I do own FF 1 and 2: Dawn of Souls for the GBA.
  12. Andrew Bowen? As in the guy with the brother whose name I forgot who went to WrestlingGames.com? Maybe...
  13. Matt Young

    New Ashlee Simpson album

  14. Matt Young

    The effects of the steroid policy

    Masters, HHH, and Angle don't look any different, and all the people who say HHHis fat or chunky have serious issues with judging image.
  15. There's a whole website dedicated to stuff on cats? Wow. As for some of those pics, you people are sick fucks. I can't stand to see dead cats. I almost dropped my sophomore Biology class when I heard we would be dissecting cats. Luckily, we switched to rank, nasty fetal pigs.
  16. Matt Young

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Seriously, I want a PSP justso I can play this game on the go and on my breaks at work.
  17. Matt Young

    2006 Baseball Games

    I'm just hoping 2K's game improves a LOT. I love their basketball, football and hockey titles, but MLB 2K5 sucked a fat dick. MVP was amazing, but I'd much rather have a good Major League Baseball game.
  18. Matt Young

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I don't often agree with TAP, but DiBiase as GM would have the potential to be pretty awesome.
  19. Matt Young

    What's Up with the Main Page?

    As I told Czech on AIM, I like those graphics. They're classy.
  20. Matt Young

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    He jobbed to Shark Boy of all people on the pregame show before a PPV a couple months ago and that's it. I've never seen RoH, but I feel comfortable saying that if a guy's good enough to hold their Pure Wrestling Championship, he should be given a much better spot on the card than jobbing to fucking Shark Boy.
  21. Matt Young

    Should TNA get a new world belt??

    I like the NWA belt a lot, but I do understand the problems people have with it. I'm all for a new belt, anyway... Something that separates them from the NWA. Mind you, I always felt that they should emphasize the NWA part of their name, but since they seem to be branding themselves as TNA, why not create a new TNA World's Heavyweight Championship?
  22. Matt Young

    Duke The Dog

    My cat is real. I have the pics of us together to prove it. I'm not Duke the Dog. Duke's posts are funnier than mine.
  23. Matt Young

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    Government Mule?
  24. Matt Young

    Lex Luger back in jail

    Holy shit... How did I never hear of that before? LMAO.
  25. Matt Young

    Jimi Hendrix=One hit wonder?

    There are plenty of artists who have put out tons of great shit and never had a single hit. As much as I love a lot of mainstream music, a lot of it is pure shit. Quality does not always equal success, and talent does not always breed recognition or accolades. There I go, stating the obvious again.