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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    Huh? I made a prediction that turned out wrong. That's like, half the posts in this forum.
  2. Matt Young

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    That was awesome.
  3. Matt Young

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    Batista and Orton form the NEW Evolution with Rhodes and DiBiase after Orton costs cena this match.
  4. Matt Young

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    He's just a common man... Workin' hard with his hands.
  5. Matt Young

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    I wonder how much Todd Grisham and Matt Striker get paid for their 15 second match and 2 and a half minutes of commentary tonight.
  6. Matt Young

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    "I'm Matt Youngin' It"
  7. Matt Young

    Fucking Wisconsin

    Awesome. I love my home state. I just now read this, mouth agape. I scrolled down, and there was Czech's avatar. Pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter.
  8. Matt Young

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Don't know why, but I found this to be kinda funny. Yeah, Jackie posted a bulletin about that on MySpace.
  9. Matt Young

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    I have had the DVD set for a few weeks, but I've just started disc 2 of Austin's. I'm surprised they left the Cold Day in Hell promo in there. Not only does Pettengill call the KICK WHAM STUNNER as a "knee to the midsection followed by a stunner", but he also shouts, "TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!" when Undertaker delivers a chokeslam to Austin.
  10. Matt Young

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    LOL, Czech loves balls.
  11. Matt Young

    TSM Madden NFL 09 Online League Thread

    Okay, cool. As the commissioner, I could see everything fine and wondered why others couldn't join before.
  12. Matt Young

    2008: The Year in Music

    I am likely one of the least qualified posters here to talk about rap/hip-hop, but from my limited exposure to that sort of music, that guy is one of the best I have heard.
  13. Matt Young

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    All plays are auto-recorded. Like in NCAA, you can go to view any play, and after it ends, you are given the option to record. You can then upload it to EA's servers.
  14. Matt Young

    2008: The Year in Music

    Santogold is the shit. On a totally different note, I heard a song by rapper Immortal Technique the other day via a friend of mine. Dude kills.
  15. Matt Young

    How strong are you?

    If we're having a semi-serious discussion here, I max out at 235 on the bench. I was in a greased pig catching contest in the 1991 Illinois State Fair. That shit is difficult. RE: Running- I can go at a 10+ mph pace for quite some time without getting winded, but my knee problems (combination of being fat from age 7-19 and bad genetics) makes running and leg workouts very unpleasant.
  16. Matt Young

    TSM Madden NFL 09 Online League Thread

    Were you able to join, then?
  17. Matt Young

    Bigfoot proved real.

    I was wondering that myself. I read this earlier in the week and I'm very intrigued, to say the least.
  18. Matt Young

    Many guys released

  19. Matt Young

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    With the way things are going, Alex Smith probably won't be the starting QB once week 1 rolls around.
  20. Matt Young

    Many guys released

    I guess this makes Tommy Dreamer the sole survivor. Super Crazy.
  21. Matt Young

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I haven't seen him on TV in a month or so. From some FCW results:
  22. Matt Young

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I'm sorry. I just hate the Raider Nation. Around here, we have a lot of people with Raiders logos on their back windshields, painted on curbs near their homes... even fucking tattooed on their bodies. Invariably, all these people are dumb as fuck and really ghetto and/or trashy. I know you're not, Toby, but Raiders fans in my area piss me off. Also, the all-Raiders store in the mall. In other news, I played Head Coach for the first time last night. I hated the tasks that I had to do before week 1 of the preseason, but the actual preseason game was really fun. The games take a long time, though. About an hour. I should changed the quarter length from 15 minutes (default) to 12 or so.
  23. Matt Young

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Where has The Big Show been lately?
  24. Matt Young

    Many guys released

    It's horrible that Richards was released. He's always been a favorite of mine. Wes Adams, I didn't even know his name until yesterday when I watched my tape of ECW and they mentioned it. Watching that ECW tape yesterday, I thought to myself, "Colin's the next to go."
  25. Matt Young

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I think your problem might be that you are the Raiders.