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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    Judgment Day Roundtable

    "I'm lactose intolerant, but I rink strawberry cheesequake blizzards from the DQ anyway" LMAO!
  2. Matt Young

    Judgment Day Roundtable

    Reminds me of the WM21 match, except what I saw of this one was better. I was in the crowd at WM21 and we were not expecting a 10 minute match ending with the first FU.
  3. Matt Young

    Judgment Day Roundtable

    http://www.watchwrestlingonline.co.nr/ No sound, but it works. Cena/JBL opens.
  4. Matt Young

    Judgment Day Roundtable

    411 said there was something in the Power 25 about it, but if that's true, it must have been edited out of Show's caption. So... any streams?
  5. Matt Young

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    LOL. Nice catch. Milky, I would have figured you'd have fun with people like that and make them do crazy shit for a cigarette.
  6. Matt Young

    3 Doors Down and Staind: THE THREAD

    The album had quite a few strong singles that did well and carried the record's momentum. "Loser", "Be Like That", "Duck And Run" were all in the top 10-20 of the modern rock charts back then.
  7. Matt Young

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    Speaking of black people- I've probably mentioned this here before, but every time a black person would ask me for a cigarette and I would pull out my Newports, they'd react like they had just won the lottery or something. Of course, Newports are the best cigarette, but that didn't make things any less comical.
  8. Matt Young

    TNA ratings drop

    The Guns were both eliminated due to the no contest, and Christian took the place of whomever might have won. Not sure if there was an angle that led to that. Harris was thrown in since TNA was stupid and booked Rikishi in the thing despite not having him under contract.
  9. Matt Young

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    The fucked up thing is that most cities have those receptacles filled with sand, either the open face kind or the enclosed ones (or both) to dispose of your cigarette butts in, yet I usually see more on the ground in the general area of those things than actually in it. I'm all for people's right to smoke, as a former smoker myself, but come on. You needn't go to the extreme that CWM did, but don't just toss them on the ground.
  10. Matt Young

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    Indeed, but it seems like the local cops in MoVal/Riverside often do cite people for that. I quit a year ago, but I know of 6 people, including my mom, who were ticketed for cigarette BUTT tossing. Of course, other areas' law enforcement might not be so strict about enforcing those types of laws.
  11. Matt Young

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    There are laws against that. It's been that way for a long time now. Not sure if it's a national law or just state law.
  12. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    If we're taking turns, I could give a fuck if anyone else is good. But if we're on co-op, please don't bring me down and cause us to fail. The weird thing is, I have friends who are not musically inclined at all (I am a mediocre guitar player) and they kick my ass at Guitar Hero. I still can't play most Expert songs on GH3 while sober. Stoned, yes- that's how I beat TtFatF- but sober, no way.
  13. Matt Young

    3 Doors Down and Staind: THE THREAD

    3 Doors Down was actually really good when I saw them on tour with Tantric and Lifehouse in 2001. I still have a place in my heart for them and Staind. Bands like that are enjoyable, inoffensive pop-rock, but I think the main reason people get sick of them (those who don't hate them in the first place, anyhow) is the fact that they, like Nickelback, recycle the same tired (yet marketable) formula.
  14. Matt Young

    TNA ratings drop

    The problem with Joe is this- smarks love him, but the mainstream audience, the one responsible for the ratings, has been conditioned to the WWE standard of main eventers. They see a guy like Joe, who works his ass off but has a bad physique, and they write him off due to his body type.
  15. Matt Young

    NBA 2K8 360 Summer League

    I can't remember if it was something that was discussed as fact or a possibility, but Ripper and others were talking in LD about Coral doing some lesbo porn. I'm pretty sure it was just hypothetical discussion, but I hope I am wrong. Coral's tits are top notch. EDIT: Ripper's user title, which got the jingle in my head, makes the tits even more entertaining.
  16. Matt Young

    NBA 2K8 360 Summer League

    Yeah, that's the fucked up thing. They have it listed on their website. You can order it from the site and pick it up at the store. Also, if you have it shipped from the site to your home, you can exchange it in-store. But they wouldn't allow it due to them not having any copies.
  17. Matt Young

    TNA ratings drop

    I looked and couldn't find the info, but I would imagine TNA is the 2nd highest first run show (I say first run to exclude Star Trek) after UFC programming.
  18. Matt Young

    NBA 2K8 360 Summer League

    Also, nogoodnic is in, according to Jorge. However, I may not be able to play. Wal-Mart wouldn't let me exchange Virtua Tennis 3 since they didn't have it in their store, despite the fact that it is very clearly marked on their website. So unless I happen to come across an extra $40, I don't know when I can get the game.
  19. Matt Young

    Guitar Hero.

    Maybe you'll have the same luck I did, and beat the song after a layoff. I think it relieved alot of the pressure. That, and I had just smoked some good weed.
  20. Matt Young

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    I'd take all the weed I could get. I wouldn't arrest people who have weed on them, either- not that they arrest people for possession in California.
  21. Matt Young

    NBA 2K8 360 Summer League

    In regards to the fantasy draft, I say we do it. For one, it's likely the only shot I (and most of the rest) will have to get that achievement. It'd also allow everyone to use their favorite team and not have to worry about being over matched. One can always pick their favorite players back to the team, anyway. And it'd remedy situations like mine, where the Bulls are my favorite team, but they're not as much fun to play with as, say, the Lakers or Philadelphia (LA's my 2nd favorite, and Philly has Andre Iguodala, who I was acquainted with due to him attending high school in my town with my best friend- plus the teams are fun to play). After the longest parenthetical statement ever, I want to add that- assuming all goes as planned- I should have NBA 2K8 again, today, although I may not be able to get on Live till tomorrow. I'll send Rip a PM and maybe a MySpace message with a link to the topic. Hopefully, he shall join us. Does the game give options for 10 team leagues? Because, from what Jorge said, we have 8 interested, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you have to set the number of teams when you create the league, and Jorge said he's creating it tonight.
  22. Matt Young

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    Cavs go on a big run to take a 9 point lead. I just hope to God that the Celtics continue their home dominance in Game 7. I don't think I can stomach another Pistons/Cavs ECF. Fuck both those teams, hard. Bring on Celtics vs. Lakers! Either LA wins the title or KG gets a ring. It'd be a win-win for me.
  23. Matt Young

    NBA 2K8 360 Summer League

    Ripper damn well better join. Dude has been the biggest 2K8 advocate on the board, and chastised Lushus and myself for selling our copies long ago, LOL. He'd probably whip most of us, too. I'll have to look, but I believe this game has online league achievements just like most (all?) other 2K Sports games, so we could get those together... Okay, I did check. There's a 15 pointer for completing 1 online league game, and the same for 1 tournament game. You can also get 10 points for participating in an online league's draft. The otheronline achievements are for winning certain numbers of ranked games.
  24. Matt Young

    NBA 2K8 360 Summer League

    I picked up Virtua Tennis 3 at Target on clearance for $10. I saw that it goes for $40 at Wal-Mart, so maybe I can just flip it for store credit and get NBA 2K8. Again. I really want NHL 08, but that fucker won't drop from $50 and I don't want to pay more than $40.
  25. Matt Young

    NBA 2K8 360 Summer League

    Eh... That's how it was for me, too. They basically took NBA 2K&, made it impossible to hit even the simplest of shots and ruined the right stick mechanics, and sent it out to retail. I was kind of hoping things would be better online, however.