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Tiffani Malibu

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Everything posted by Tiffani Malibu

  1. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    You seem like the one who didn't realize somebody else was kidding. -Tiff
  2. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    I'll see you in a few minutes. I'm going to chat with everyone else until you get here. -Tiff
  3. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    From boyfriend to pimp. I feel like I'm on Jerry Springer. -Tiff
  4. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    I know you probably meant no harm. I just usually have a tough time understanding when people are kidding (save for Banky and a few of our close friends). It makes it even harder to understand when I only know you from typing to you. -Tiff
  5. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Just hire a campaign manager, lol. -Tiff
  6. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Rock on, Tifanni, ROCK ON! Easy tiger. No need to brag on the forum. -Tiff
  7. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Well I certainly know where someone's mind is going to be at this weekend. We'll just have to see if we have time to celebrate the grand opening of Bankywood Industries. -Tiff
  8. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    So I've turned into a bitch all of the sudden? -Tiff
  9. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Bitch? Excuse yourself for that one, please. Don't worry Banky, I promise not to ruin your image. If I wanted to do that I would have said that you like the song too. Just teasing babe. -Tiff
  10. Tiffani Malibu

    what are your favorite movies

    Armageddon, The Shawshank Redemption, Scream, Waiting To Exhale and Chances Are. -Tiff
  11. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    I just put it because you know I love that song. -Tiff
  12. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Fine, it's up to you, hun. Like I said, you know more about these people than I do. I'm still finding my way around. -Tiff
  13. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Well, Zorin did say he loved my hair. That's something that could work into his favor. -Tiff
  14. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Yes, we really should limit the members. Of course I'm sure that I've been drawing some of the attention to the group, but one member who imagines he is touching my chest (Anglesault) is enough for me. I wouldn't want us to wind up with a slew of them. -Tiff
  15. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    He's a rather animated person, isn't he? -Tiff
  16. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    I'm sure you don't need to pretend to touch mine, unless you haven't had many close encounters as of late. Just teasing. -Tiff
  17. Tiffani Malibu

    Rock Your Body

    I was going to mention N'Sync, but my thoughts were that many, if not most of you, were rock and alternative fans. I also think that songs like Bye Bye Bye and Dirty Pop were good songs. I like anything I can dance to, and those songs always get me going when I'm at a party or a club. -Tiff
  18. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Who's Mr. Zsasz? -Tiff
  19. Tiffani Malibu

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Miss Independent"-Kelly Clarkson -Tiff
  20. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    My gut feeling is telling me you just wanted to mention my cleavage, Anglesault. -Tiff
  21. Tiffani Malibu

    Rock Your Body

    I agree with those who admitted to liking all of Justin's singles. I find them incredibly catchy, even when they don't appeal to me at first. That's what happened with Like I Love You, but the more I heard it, (special thanks to my friend Erin who played it nonstop, at home or in her car) I grew to like it. -Tiff
  22. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Sorry, Cover, but you're getting your own car or you're walking. -Tiff
  23. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    You can also hand some of those funds over to me. I think that I'm due for a spending spree at the expense of my boytoy. -Tiff
  24. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Internet espionage? Suddenly the James Bond theme came to my mind. -Tiff
  25. Tiffani Malibu

    BANKYWOOD Industries

    Glad to see you trust me. Are there any particular requirements? You know the people here a lot more than I do. -Tiff