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Narcoleptic Jumper

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Everything posted by Narcoleptic Jumper

  1. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Having no tennis thread

    they're replaying it on ESPNClassic tonight at 8pm eastern.
  2. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Live Earth this sat

    I'm glad that the awareness is spreading or whatever but these types of events mostly just remind me of that South Park episode with the hippie rock concert where instead of 'spreading the word' or whatever everybody just sits around smoking pot and playing really terrible music. which is basically what this is. ah well.
  3. Narcoleptic Jumper

    John From Cinncinati

    This show is fucking awesome, despite that kid sucking really badly. He's the only one that sucks, everybody else is perfect.
  4. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    oh god. if only Benoit had waited a few more days so he could kill her before he offed himself to spare us all of her fucking blatherings.
  5. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I see. didn't read the whole thread.
  6. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Roland Garros 2007

    So most of the coverage of this is on the Tennis Channel which most people probably don't get, but if you have DirecTV, it's on there and it's awesome. 5 different channels for the different courts. I don't know how I got along watching tennis without this, because it rules.
  7. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Ex bodyguard of Lindsay Lohan tells all

    A lot of that sounds like total bullshit, but how the hell should I know?
  8. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Roland Garros 2007

    yeah, that's right. I should have specified. Roland Garros is the "official" name for it.
  9. Narcoleptic Jumper

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    Jon Barry is just an awful fucking commentator. Hubie Brown or Steve Kerr or Reggie would have called that motherfucker out.
  10. Narcoleptic Jumper

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    That was some of the worst officiating I've ever seen.
  11. Narcoleptic Jumper

    28 Weeks Later

    This movie pretty much sucked, and had about a tenth of the integrity of the original. I want my 90 minutes back.
  12. Narcoleptic Jumper

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Nash is about to break the playoff record for assists in a game. That doesn't put him at least in contention for greatest passer of all time?
  13. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Scientists predict next 193 years of Earth History

    Make that 2050. We're rising exponentially. There's a difference.
  14. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Scientists predict next 193 years of Earth History

    There is nothing that we can do to put more oil in the ground. No amount of advancements in oil refinery processes will stop oil production from peaking, though it might delay the peak for a time. the Black Plague is a completely different moment in history, I don't really see the connection. Yeah, well, this IS the first time that the human population is 6.5 billion people and growing exponentially. It IS the first time we've been able to directly affect the planet through our actions. until the industrial revolution we were relatively insignificant relative to the planet's equilibrium. it's when we got greedy and started exploiting as much energy as possible and multiplied in such numbers so that WE now dominate planet, and not the other way around. I'm not saying the human race will go extinct, because I agree, we are a pretty crafty ape. just incredibly short sighted thus far. hopefully our successors will have learned from our mistakes (oh wait, they'll have to, because there won't be any more fossil fuels in the ground to burn). that is providing that the amount of carbon dioxide we pump into the atmosphere doesn't turn the planet into something like Venus before they get the chance.
  15. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Scientists predict next 193 years of Earth History

    It's all relative to oil production. If you want to talk about the advancement of technology, oil is EVERYTHING. cheap energy. Oil production will peak in the next decade or so, if it hasn't peaked already (as many scientists believe), and enter a terminal decline. less oil = less energy = less fancy stuff that does all the work for us = the end of modern agriculture = a lot of people starve to death. plus, you factor in global warming which will reduce food production and raise sea levels and you're looking at a significant reduction of the human population within the next 50-100 years. but hey, we may get lucky and die before the worst of it happens. but probably not.
  16. Narcoleptic Jumper


    everybody go buy Kororinpa, as it's probably the best game on the Wii right now.
  17. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Tennis Thread: March.

    this is where he would then step it up to the next level and prove that he's capable, which I think we know he is. he'll do fine.
  18. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Tennis Thread: March.

    man oh man I cannot wait for the men's final tomorrow. best of 5! I'm thinking it might go the distance. Murray has issues.
  19. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Tennis Thread: March.

    What about Roger MISSING the ball on match point? My theory is that Roger is thinking hard about the clay court season and winning the French open. Thus, he was just not mentally there enough to overtake Canas who is someone who is not going to fold in the least bit, a personality trait that is rare these days. Anyone who saw the second set knows that Federer is capable of crushing Canas just like anyone else, when his game is turned up. I look forward to the French Open. Andy Murray will win this title, I think.
  20. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Tennis Thread: March.

    Yeah I think I was misunderstanding something. They apparently recanted on their decision, which I still don't entirely understand. but yeah, Fuck Round Robin.
  21. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Tennis Thread: March.

    I don't really see how that's an either embarassing and/or stupid decision. Stupid rule, maybe, stemming from a stupid tournament format, yes. But the right decision was made.
  22. Narcoleptic Jumper

    Pan's Labyrinth

    best movie of the year.
  23. Narcoleptic Jumper


    Where the fuck is Wii Ping Pong is all I want to know.
  24. Narcoleptic Jumper

    This week in the NBA
