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Everything posted by reign

  1. reign

    Will WWE end.......

    How about "Latino Heat"...the one he used with Eddie as a tag team when they were still heels...Eddie's first WWE theme I believe...
  2. reign

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    Under the circustances those matches were great and I can only hope that they will each have a chance to work together again...especially with 3 out of the 4 on the same roster so there's no excuse not to have Angle vs. Shelton and HBK vs. Shelton too...hell he should be wrestling every body on the roster...and seeing these "dream" matches just makes me even more sad that Eddie can't be included...
  3. reign

    Test speaks out on Eddie:

    safer style needs to mean no steroids or shoot...less at least...then tone down down the matches so the can cut down on the somas and other pain killers...
  4. reign

    ESPN Radio Host makes comments on passing

    Do you think this prick will take any phone calls tomorrow from wrestling fans...I know that the calls are screened but damn if we all shouldn't try to get in...I'd like to get in a word on this piece of shit...
  5. 4044 have signed it says....VIVA LA RAZA!
  6. reign

    Test speaks out on Eddie:

    I tend to see a lot of punches, kicks, knees and chinlocks these days...not many arm drags or even body slams...but they over use the suplexes and finishers...espcially with guys like Batista...and the constant whipping into the ropes or the ring posts must be devestating...they need to invest some serious money in a new ring design, one that minimizes the impact and STOP using chair shots and blading like they do every other month...HBK and Flair must be superhuman to have endured all that they have over the years...
  7. reign

    WO Newsletter News and Notes

    I'd like more info on the Edge situation...I see an exodus on the horizon...
  8. reign

    Test speaks out on Eddie:

    The problem that WWE faces is that wrestling is a show and that show needs continuation week after week and that even with the deep roster the guys WON'T take time off for fear of losing their spot(if they have one) or not moving up...I would agree though that if they did cycle the workers in that they could elevate newer talent all the while letting the other guys heal themselves...
  9. reign

    Test speaks out on Eddie:

    The fallout of this could be bigger than we can even imagine right now...with an MSNBC special on the way we may see some big changes in the way WWE does business, especially now that they are considered the "only" big promotion...did any one hear Batista say that Eddie was in pain "all the time"...this may lead to either Vince changing his schedule or an influx of wrestlers to TNA who want a lighter schedule....
  10. reign

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    Then I won't resort to anything more harsh than this: no class on this night for anyone who posted a Haiku...
  11. reign

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    Can somebody please explain these stupid ass hikus...and yes Orton had an armband on and his eyes were about as red as anybody elses...bad booking but you really had to sorta feel for the heels(MNM and the Ortons)becasue they were told to go out and still be their usual dickhead self and probably don't have the pull like an Angle or HHH who are given time to say something nice about Eddie...they shoulda just kept Orton and MNM off the show...Melina especially looked like she was very upset...
  12. reign

    OAO 11/12 Impact Thread

    Good booking of Joe...I love the slow b uild to Daniels vs Joe
  13. reign

    OAO 11/12 Impact Thread

    LMFAO...I love smarks who know their football...
  14. reign

    Tenay speaks about Liger

    No doubt it wouldn't have done any good to try for a Liger story as A. He's Japanese and his English isn't wakademaske(?) and B. they are apealing to people who already know Liger as well as Joe..that's why they were curtain jerking...I'm sorry but they were...I'm excited that Joe is part of TNA but he's getting the slow build which is the right way to handle such a treasure...yes I'm still drunk...
  15. reign

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    At least they acknolwedge Shelton and Helms(although a win over Rosey sure put him way up there)...I wish they'd team Helms with HHH...he could use the rub and Helms may be perfect for it....they even have a history...don't bury me cause I can dream Smarks!!! I just want Helms to suceed damnit...X-Pac freakin did it...why not Suga Shane!!! yes I am kinda intoxicated..
  16. reign

    Just Watched the Bret Hart DVD

    Then that makes me wonder how many f'd up WCW matches they have in their library 'cause who knows what those people were doing with their own library prior to the sale...but that's cool you got to see the DVD my man...can't wait for this DVD to fall into my hands cause I'm still a huge Bret mark...this may overtake ECW ONS as the DVD I watch once a month....
  17. reign

    Byte This - Cole/Tazz segment

    I doubt that it was a work if they edited the damn thing out...in fact my respect for Cole just went way up...now if he can only take this attitude out on the shows with him and make the SD! announcing better....
  18. reign

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    One question that was answered tonight: Funaki is the fastest sprinter in the SD! locker room while Animal is undoubtably the slowest....
  19. reign

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    Batista may have been hurt prior to this...remember he had to pick up up the larger-than-ever-before Vader TWICE to spinebust his fat ass and that alone coulda done it...next week should be interestimg....
  20. reign

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    One interesting thing about Batistas injury is now Edge can't go back to Raw....maybe he'll be the replacement for SS...
  21. reign

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    That Dicks segment was great...and then Tazz says the Dicks are comin....
  22. reign

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    That Juniors graphic says it all....
  23. I meant TNA because it's in it's infancy right now and an influx of wrestlers who have made enough money to take a pay cut but have the desire to build a rival company would be pretty cool...
  24. reign

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    Do you suppose we'll have a backstage segment with Eddie and Rey to clear up the whole " I tried to take your kid" thing
  25. reign

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    And I'm calling Undertaker to take Batista's spot....