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Rhyno is the type of huy that TNA can give the Goldberg push to...few words and just beat the piss out of everybody...and the Gore has always been badass...especially when he does it out of nowhere...I'm changing my mind as I go about this but perhaps TNA is smarter than I thought...
How much of tonight do you think TNA redid becasue of Nash's injury...they plan the gauntlet which was smart on such a short notice...but Joe/Lyger gets 7 minutes and Joe works slow, possibly to save himself for the Gauntlet, Rhyno wins the Ball but who knows if tyhat was the original idea since they haven't been pushing Rhyno...sounds like a crazy night...glad I didn't spend the money...better luck next month TNA....
Man...it really sounds like TNA dropped the ball big time with this one....did Vince come in and book this show or something...and no not Russo...it'll be interesting to see where they go with this considering I've never heard Rhyno on the mike before...although I do recall a time when people on this board were all over Rhyno's jock and wanting him to be pushed in the E so maybe TNA let's him go monster an kill everybody before dropping the title to Joe?
I'd actually like to see HBK and Kane tag...HBK makes just about anybody look good but I'll be damned if I wanna see Big Show in the main event with Cena and Angle..that's waaay too much dead weight for Angle to carry. As for the other matches... 1.Christian and Hardy vs. Maters and Edge 2.Submission match-If the fans cared about Flair at all the last thing they'd do is put him in a cage with HHH. 3. Street Fight with Coach bleeding all over the place... 4. Mankind 5. Cheerleaders...the others have been done to death
What I wanna know is who in the company actually thinks Carlito is good...his matches suck and he's already stale on the mike...unless this is way to hit the reset button on his stupid ass gimmick by making him a credible contender then Foley needs to go over...Orton is one thing but Mick will start to lose his own credibilty by losing to Carlito...they shoulda given this one to Edge or Conway since he's also doing the Legend Killer thing...can't somebody on this board hack into WWE.Com or something and change the match...hell I'd vote for a Foley versus the broomstick over this impending crap...but maybe Carlito will bleed....
Zachary W. Snygg?? I checked out his amazing list of craptacular films...I simply can't wait for his next gem to come out...WolfDogg perhaps? Creature from the BLACK Lagoon maybe? Or maybe he'll treat us with a moden day horror classic like the Harlem Chainsawz Maassacre...-sigh-...I can dream can't I?
Yes they do...I've seen them together walking into the "I Hate Black People" club....
People always talk about how Vince can put aside little (or big) bullshit when he sees dollar signs...so he must not see much cash in Kid Kash(get it) if he's willing to can his ass over the dress code...not that Vince even knows who the hell Kid Kash is other than "that little guy who doesn't play ball"....I hope that TNA can pull off something extraordinary because with these mental giants are too concerned with half blind Oklahomans and 5:00 am airport trips for their future jobbers to put anything decent on TV....I can't wait for Heyman's contract to expire...anybody have an exact date on that?
Dusty called Hall the "best wrestler never to be World Champion" and actually gave like a face promo praising Scott Hall on Nitro...he even showed up on that monster truck show on TNN wearing the NWO shirt a few times...BTW that monster truck show was kinda cool..it had wrestling-like promos and angles but it was...you know...a friggin' monster truck show......
I still think it's fun to watch Batista throw HHH around the ring for the last 5 minutes...
Cole losing his voice during Brock/Angle was terrible but not his fault...If I recall Hacksaw didn't do too bad of a job either...and he got to call the Rockers/Orient Express(I think) which was a fun match but really I'm too lazy to look it up and I know either way someone here will...predictable bastards
Boy Raw sure blew tonight...and Taboo Tuesday is being booked like a Smackdown show...Foley/CCC and Austin/Coach...WTF...and I'm not even sure what Kane won tonight...weak...I hope Carlito loses his spot after that botch job on the chokeslam.. fuck it Kane too while we're at it...
It's official that Cena sucks as JR's replacement....oh what a shocker...Kane wins...
That was the best Austin promo in years despite the rust...
What the hell is up with Stephanie's voice? I guess I'm not complaining because it's sure as hell better than that screeching from before....
...and BOOYAH Linda...well let's just not go there
That was gold...and getting shinier....
Now THAT"S an entrance...
To play devil's advocate there are still many many poeple out there who think TNA's X-Division is too off the wall to follow and over-pops the crowd...for years wrestling was move set and then a big move that popped the crowd but when I watch the X-Division stuff it does get a little repetitious even when there are so many different things being done..not to mention there are so many guys coming in doing crazy bumps and flips over and over that it does come off like a gymnastic competition and can -GASP- get boring....I'm in no way saying Styles is not not the bomb because he is f'n phenomenal but I would enjoy those matches more with some slowing down and by making those high impact move mean a little more....
There are just too many things that screw up SD!'s mommentum...Teddy Long, Michael Cole and who ever thought of the "Dominic" angle need to fucking go...end of story....SD! has just as good of a roster(even better in terms of workrate IMO) so it remains a mystery why it can't do better...but I've a feeling that if you switched the two shows(SD! to Monday, RAW to Friday) and left them exactly as they are now they would still pull the same ratings for those respective nights(maybe Friday gets a little better)....but mark mt words the Juniors division is gong to kill that show dead....
RVD is in the studio and Hulk is on the phone right now(Jimmy Hart is with RVD too) -Hulk to RVD "What's up RVD...you still doin' the WWE thing?" Hulk did say that that they should gave RVD the ball -"the took a left when they shoulda taken a right"...apprently Hogan was watching when RVD first came into the WWE and was very impressed...and I don't think he was lying. Quick but good...RVD is still on so take a listen if you can....
Maybe Vince and family won't show up on SD! at all...you know since it's beneath them....
Why would Vince just let him go home and have surgery when he can use this as an opportunity to get his whole lame ass family back on TV...well really just Linda is lame but we're gonna get 14,000 backstage segments with the McMahons on Raw now...
Rodney McMahon? That might only be cool if he is a badass who rallies the locker room against McMahon...that or Ted Turner shows up on Raw with Sting...that's the only force strong enough in the universe that seems on McMahons level...I can't fucking belive they'e going with this now that TNA is on Spike...Vince must be walking on his ankles after shooting himself in the foot so many damn times....