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Everything posted by reign

  1. reign

    Syndication of HBO Shoes

    If anybody can find the MadTV "Sopranos go to syndication" skit there's your answer on how it will look....
  2. That was crazy...was that just soem fan or a real worker?
  3. reign

    Raw spolers for 4/24/06

    Are they just testing the D-X thing or what? The set up is being built up pretty good...stick Cena with Vince and we could then have a DX reunion that would almost for sure bring WWE out of this slump...and it would propel Edge into more of a heel as well if he turned against them...
  4. reign

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Y'know, I realized that female Trips doesn't appear to be wearing any tights....that's worse than Carltio(Carlita?) having the open shirt, if you ask me ...maybe She-Trips is going a medical exam. With taped fists and elbow pads? This IS a version of Triple H we're talking about. Maybe it's a pre-match exam. With Vince....
  5. reign


    I read that it's possible to download Moore and Geiman's MiracleMan run on the web someplace but I've yet to find it. Any ideas friends?
  6. reign

    Harry Smith signs with WWE

    Watching those videos and looking at the pictures of Nattie Neidhart just made me think of how cool it is that all of them wear either pink and black or the Union Jack colors...kind of the same thing when Christian and Trish Stratus would wear pink and black...the Hart Family will always be great to me...I hope that this next generation ends up better than the last...
  7. reign

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    One great thing that could arise from an Orton depush would be the rise of Ken Kennedy, Lashley, Finlay and Burchill(I hope)...with Mr. Kennedy getting the most of the push....these are the future of the SD! brand...
  8. I wish that someone from WWE would just come out and say that they don't care about the tag "division"...but they should definately bring tag teams through OVW and then introduce them as a team. A name, similiar tights and actual tag team moves would be nice also. And bring back the term "tag team specialists". Back in day. the two best singles wrestlers could get their asses kicked by a badass tag team. Now there's no stopping the maineventers from teaming up and taking the tag titles whenever they damn please. The only times I thought this worked was HHH/Austin cause I marked for them holding all the gold and Hogan/Edge cause it fit the story.
  9. I wouldn'g go so far as to say Benoit would be boo'd against the current face line up that WWE has to offer, especially at this point in his career what with him doing the only real tributes to Eddie IMO. In fact I think that if Benoit went against Rey for the title Rey would get boo'd. Benoit was mega over in 04 because of proper booking and a heavy Heyman influence on SD! and people really wanted him to just win the title for once. The fans cooled on him pretty quickly after that. RVD was just mega over during the Invasion and kept that heat throughout some terrible booking. It never matter ed that he wasn't World Champion...he did for the Hardcore and IC titles what he did for the ECW TV title to an extent...even Hogan acknowldged that fact during an interview on Mancow last summer where he asked if RVD(who was injured but on the show) was "still doin' the WWE thing" and sais that WWE dropped the ball on RVD. "They went left when they shoulda went right" or something like that....and I actually believe what the Hulkster said.. for a meningless contribution to this thread I can't stand Shelton right now...his music needs to go and I wish that they would quit with trying to make their "own" RVD because that seems to be what they're doing with Shelton most of the time...
  10. Vince did that just so he could job him to Cena at ONS2...he hates all of us and revels in the fact that even though we can't stand his product we continue to give him money...
  11. reign

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    That's exactly my point...that's why I said I hope that someone bumps this thread if and when Orton does something the people actually like...there's all this clamering that he should go, get released, he sucks, who cares about him, blah blah blah...but if Edge or JBL would've gotten released back when people thought the same thing of them then we wouldn't have the Rated R Superstar or the best heel in the business in JBL...Orton is like 26...something is bound to work with him at some point...I just think that it is truely funny that so many people wish ill on somebody's carreer one day and then love him the next...I know that's called improvement and I think that Orton is capable of doing it...what's bush league around here is that so many people are negative on a guy to the point of absurdity then all of the sudden he's a god...but I respect and agree with most of what you said but since this is a discussion I'll stick to my arguement...
  12. reign

    Backlash Main Event announced...

    By June after this run with Cena people might actually cheer for HHH legit, especially if he keeps teeing off on his oppenents with shoot-like comments...fans will always pop for HHH, ECW or not. Pre-Cena HHH would have been perfect for RVD at ONS but right now I'd rather see CENA do the JOB....plus in June we might be experiencing D-X all over again...but I doubt it
  13. reign

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Some of you with your Edge and JBL praise are just hilarious...maybe those of you with the good words on these two have been saying it all along but I remember a time, and not too long ago, where those were the guys that every body hated and used the Oton-esque "being pushed down people's throats" term repeatedly. Of course since nobody listens to the Ultra-Bookers on this board and eventually something happened(Matt Hardy y Eddie Guerro?) where these two got the confidence they needed to become main eventers..and now people love them for it. I haven't seen either of those two go out and put on a Benoit-like match in a long time but their promo's are good and that makes them the best heels in the WWE? This board is fickle and I hope this thread gets bumped some time when Orton has a solid 3 month run of doing things the right way. I'll say it again...I know it's a scripted job but I doubt that when you are built up as something great and then you get jobbed out to every single main eventer clean over and over again you walk into work smiling and asking for more. And the smart thing to do when he beat Benoit was just let him keep doing what he was doing...everybody is right about him being spoiled and that's where they had him....leave him Evolution for a little while longer to see if people would actually take to him...instead they put him on the fast train to jobber land against HHH and UT. And as far as criticizing his workrate? Maybe if he came out and did 3 successive german or snap suplexes in a row like everybody else he'd be okay....
  14. I tried flipping becasue Spike is channel 38 and USA is conviently channel 39 on my cable but everytime HOF went to commercial TNA was likewise on commercial. If they could've somehow pull of not getting beat to commercial in this instance it would've been a great night for wrestling but it sadly did not happen.
  15. reign

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    They'll push him because for a short time, like around the time Mick Foley worked with him, he was over...he had that cool heel heat...and people thought he could be like the Rock. But Vince wanted to erase Lensar's record so he put him over Benoit with like two weeks of build and then turned him face the next night followed by two weeks of running scared and then a loss to HHH...and from then on he was basicly fucked. His face run never worked because people wanted him to be a heel but how do they turn him back? Have him lose to the Undertaker repeatedly and stick his lame ass dad with him. He's been booked weak over and over again. He has lost just about every high profile match that he's been in since winning and retaining the WHT from Benoit. If any body has a brain in creative they will continue to try to get something to stick against the wall with this guy because as history has proven, no one ever knows what will truley work to get someone over. The man is a third generation wrestler who, IMO, needs a Ric Flair like title run where he carries that gold around like God meant him to have it...just look at what it did for JBL...these are characters that need championships to get over...he's as legitimate as Paul London at this point. And for anybody that was watching Mania, Orton got a nice pop and, for whatever reason, was cheered when he beat on Rey. I don't know what that means but at least it's something...
  16. reign

    Tomko released

    Tomko may not be able to pull this off but imagine if a midcarder did go out with a bang and then publiclly said on Raw or SD! that he quit and that he was going to another fed to get better and then come back, that could be a nice little storyline. Perhaps they can do this with Chuck Palumbo. Just have him look strong in the ring against good opponents and keep hyping how he left to get better. That could get a guy over. At least it's something.
  17. reign

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    They love booking themselves into a corner don't they...
  18. reign

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    I still don't see the big deal on any of the booing, even in these examples with the exception of Benoit who didn't need to be boo'd at SS but was facing an up an coming younger talent and at that time people thought they were watching the next Rock win his first title. I think that when you have a fresh face who is interesting as a character and can work good, why wouldn't people cheer as in the case of Brock, Orton and Mickie, epecially in the last case where Trish is definately working a heel moveset, which she should be anyways. In the case of Shawn in 96, well just look at him as the do-gooder with Jose Lathario(sp?)...I was sick of him too especially becasue I thought he was badass as the cocky, edgier HBK. His latest run as face since coming back is great but back then it got stale. His boo's at Survivor Series helped turn him back into the cool tweener which soon became DX which leads me to... HHH...HHH is finally entering his resepct stage that HBK, Flair, Angle and even Hogan have been in where people are just glad to see a consistent character. And he's beck to being cool again. Combine that with Cena's issues, then yes he's over huge. In hindsight Vince made the right decesion in keeping that title on Cena becae the draw will be the chase to take it off him. HHH as the mega face would've died in a week, but Cena as the guy who continues to try to be a good guy when all the fans hate him will make for some great t.v. and hopefully we'll get some new stories ot of this.
  19. reign

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    HHH trapped!!!
  20. reign

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    And then he'll challenge anybody from the back, Bret Hart will come out and beat him for the title. Edit: Or something that would make a TON more sense. RVD will cash his MITB tonight and beat Cena for the title. BEST IDEA EVER
  21. reign

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Dueling "let's go Cena/fuck you Cena"...greatness
  22. reign

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    This is awesome...JR keeps saying that there are "traditional" wrestling fans here but all I see are people Cena's age...get with it WWE...they don't fucking like him!!! The crowd was actually screaming to warn HHH when Cena came up from behind...this place went nuclear during his offense...
  23. reign

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    They need to remember this trenchcoat for his heel run
  24. reign

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    JR is making a case for the Cena hate....hip hop versus tradition
  25. reign

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Let the booing continue....