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Everything posted by AnonymousBroccoli

  1. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    So I could use just any old HDMI cable to connect the 360 to the TV or does the 360 specifically require that I use a the 360 HDMI cable? Any HDMI cable will work, if that's the only cable you need to use. If you want an optical cable to run from your 360 to an audio receiver, or for some reason, you need to use old RCA stereo (red & white) connections, you'll need that extra bit that comes with the official MS package. It's not possible to plug in an HDMI cable, and the cables included with the system at the same time. (Some people figure MS did this on purpose, so you'd buy their $50 package, rather than spending $6 at Monoprice.)
  2. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    There's a downloadable content deal going for May. Two songs a week for 80MSP/$0.99 apiece. http://www.mtv.com/asm/rockdollarmenu/rockband_home.jhtml I got "Crushcrushcrush" and "Shockwave". (And "Saints of Los Angeles", which is still a buck.) The first week's songs may still be at the cheaper price. "Rock and Roll Band" is showing as 80MSP for me.
  3. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    All you're really trading off is Canadian taxes for US taxes. The console prices are the same right now. Unless you're getting it used or on sale or something.
  4. AnonymousBroccoli

    Guitar Hero.

    My skill level is such that I could just barely do "Stricken" well on Hard, and have a lot of fun with it. I wasn't great at "3's & 7's", but I love the song. Gonna buy it for Rock Band eventually. I think I pretty much hated "Before I Forget", though. I didn't get past "The Metal" on Expert career, but I think I tried a few from that harder tier on Quickplay. The 3-note chord wankery kinda ruined things for me. Not only did I fail, but it wasn't much fun.
  5. AnonymousBroccoli

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    The angry Indian/Pakistani cabbie is one of my favourite characters. Complaining about having to drive you around for free for Roman, and bragging about how he gets so much pussy, he's surprised there's any left for other guys.
  6. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    That kinda reminds me of the tale of the dusty PS3 being denied warranty service.
  7. AnonymousBroccoli

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    I had some pretty significant visual problems with the Xbox hooked up via HDMI. I switched to component, and strangely, it's better. I don't know if it's my TV (an older 540p/1080i Toshiba 26" CRT), or the HDMI cable, or some setting I've neglected, but I got a lot of shimmering, especially in the sky, and with the cell phone screen. I also had to crank the contrast and brightness way up to see anything. The same thing happened with the Tomb Raider: Legend demo, so I guess it's not just the one game.
  8. AnonymousBroccoli

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    The Kotaku FAQ suggests multiplayer is only online. "Rockstar also told us at this point that while the game will support 1080p, the game will only run in 720p natively, and will therefore be scaled up to the higher resolution." http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/grandth...tml?sid=6188921 I saw something about it possibly only running at 620 vertical pixels natively, then upscaled to 720, kind of like what Halo 3 did. I don't think anyone but the most ardent of technophiles will notice, though.
  9. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    I don't know about moving them to the hard drive, but you can definitely plug in a USB drive and use that. I'm just using a 2GB Kingston DataTraveler thumb drive. Alternatively, there's some way to network your 360 and a Windows PC together, and share content that way. I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know if or how well it works.
  10. AnonymousBroccoli

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Is there an option for custom soundtracks? No, the game's radio stations will have to suffice. Xbox 360 owners can still stream music from their hard drive or an iPod, but music played via the Xbox 360 Guide will continue to play over cell phone calls and cut scenes. If you're just going out for a stroll in GTA IV, it's still an option. http://kotaku.com/384503/everything-you-wa...-so-stop-asking That kinda sucks. But assuming the game comes to PC, that version should have them. San Andreas has a folder that you copy songs files and/or shurtcuts into to make a custom station.
  11. AnonymousBroccoli

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    I've got a USB drive full of MP3s connected to the Xbox. You can also use most portable MP3 players, except DRM'd iTunes stuff. You just press the Guide (centre/jewel/Xbox) button while you're playing, scroll down to "Select Music", and whatever you choose should replace the game's background music. http://www.xbox.com/en-AU/support/xbox360/...o-xboxguide.htm
  12. AnonymousBroccoli

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    GameTrailers video reviews: HD & SD
  13. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    $15 seems a bit steep for a Judas Priest album at about 8 songs or so. I understand some extra cost involved with the work that goes into taking the tracks and making them playable but still. 9 tracks, 10 songs, with "The Hellion" mixed in to "Electric Eye", since it's only 41 seconds. It's in line with the two 6-packs released so far, at $1.66/song. Compared to $1.83/song for 3-packs, or $2/song individually.
  14. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    First full-album DLC this Tuesday: Screaming for Vengeance by Judas Priest for $15, or $2 per individual song. And two more albums to add for future release: The Cars' self-titled album, and Doolittle by The Pixies. Possibly in May and June, respectively. Who's Next and Nevermind are still in the works, as far as I can tell. http://www.rockband.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44599
  15. AnonymousBroccoli

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Halo 3 apparently did $170 million in sales in its first 24 hours, to make it the biggest entertainment launch ever. It's currently sold about 8 million copies, which puts it neck and neck with Halo 2. Here's an all-time best-sellers list from just before Halo 3 came out. It's pretty much Pokémon, Mario, GTA and The Sims down the list, with a little Gran Turismo and Blizzard for good measure. http://www.gunslot.com/blog/top-twenty-fiv...-games-all-time And here's a Wikipedia page that may be more current/accurate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-...ing_video_games Nintendogs is closing in on Super Mario Bros. 3.
  16. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    Some new Xbox hardware: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/promotions/2008/spring/
  17. AnonymousBroccoli


    Minor comfort here: http://watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/
  18. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    Gibson is suing, because they claim the games violate a patent they hold regarding virtual reality musical performance simulation. They're suing Activision, Harmonix, Viacom, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Toys R Us, Target... Good luck with that. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23732204/
  19. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    There's a game update available now for Xbox 360, and possibly PS3 (if not, then coming soon). Includes some gameplay fixes and changes, and an in-game downloadable song store. http://www.rockband.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36811 There's some pictures of the Music Store at IGN, among other places, and a short video of the interface at RockBand.com's front page.
  20. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    A lot can happen in 7 months. Prices could change, some crazy awesome exclusive game could come out of nowhere. 360s may have the cooler GPU in them by August, which should theoretically make them a lot more reliable. Since November '06 for US, Canada and Japan.
  21. AnonymousBroccoli

    Angel the complete series on DVD $55.99 @ Amazon.com

    Buffy Chosen Collection - $99.99 Angel Complete Series - $69.99 Don't know how long the prices will last. They're not in the Gold Box, or anything like that, so it could be longer than just today.
  22. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    I can't find the Yahoo! article, but I think it was pretty much this: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3166259 SquareTrade, a third-party warranty service, claims roughly 1 of 6 Xbox 360s will fail. There's the odd quote from, say, a retail manager, claiming they've experienced as high as 1 in 3. The units with the smaller, cooler Falcon CPUs are said to be a lot better, but most people think the GPU is what's creating most of the heat. And the only improvement it's received is a better heatsink. Anyhoo. I'll throw this in here, since we're on the subject. A friend and I made it about a year ago.
  23. AnonymousBroccoli

    Guitar Hero.

    http://www3.hmv.ca/hmvca/images/special/contests/index.html HMV Canada is putting on a GH3 tournament, with qualifiers starting today (Friday), and running through the weekend.
  24. AnonymousBroccoli

    Favorite ~5 minute matches...

    It's closer to 10 minutes, but here's Angle vs. Mysterio from SummerSlam '02. Always a good watch, and includes some great executions of a wheelbarrow suplex, and a springboard leg drop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yUOZZOXgiY
  25. AnonymousBroccoli

    Favorite ~5 minute matches...

    Here's Spanky's debut (?) 5-minute tryout match against Kurt Angle, from February '03. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4dcie_ku...ck-sd-2-2_sport I was at the taping, and it was a lot of fun.