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Everything posted by AnonymousBroccoli

  1. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Buffy's 7th season is coming out November 16th. http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/newsitem.cfm?NewsID=2099
  2. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I watched Fool for Love and Darla today--the episodes with some cross-series flashbacks delving into Spike and Darla's pasts. Even though Spike's an evil bastard, you have to feel for him when he simply gets crushed by the girl he loves, twice, 120 years apart, with the same line, no less. The ending scene was so strange, and still very touching. Were there other Slayers featured during either series, other than Buffy, Faith, Kendra, Wood's mother, the Chinese Slayer, the SITs, and Dana from Damage? I'm kind of curious what happened to the pre-Buffy Slayer, for example.
  3. AnonymousBroccoli

    The OAO Raw Is Randy thread for 08.16.04

    Had another bunch of fun tonight. I was in the section to the left of the stage on the floor (in front of JR & King), and again right against the guard rail, this time next to the ramp, and only 4 rows back from the ring. So I'm sure there was a big bald dude with a puffy red beard in a grey shirt and Leafs hat on camera at some point. A guy, who I think was heading up security, put his coffee on the wall right next to me, so he talked to me a few times. One thing of note he said was something to the effect of "Last night was a disaster". He also got me to admit that Canadians are a little crazy. After that, every time he came over for a drink, he jokingly gave me an evil eye as though I'd been messing with his brew. I also shook The Fink's hand when he was headed out at one point. Dark & Heat matches were: Shelton Benjamin vs. Rory McDudeInAKilt Val Venis vs. Rodney Mack Maven vs. TatankaLookin'Dude Rosey vs. Chuck Palumbo When Randy came out to start, our section was cheering for him, but I think the crowd overall was against him. The confetti was everywhere. The crew was cleaning it pretty much the whole show, during breaks. I grabbed what was on me and my chair, and stuffed it in my pockets for some reason. I nabbed a balloon off the floor on my way out of the arena. In case there was any confusion, the HBK Return sign started out like his entrance music, which got a big pop. Then the sign comes up, as in he wasn't there, so that was booed. Being there for Orton winning the title, and then being turned on by Evolution, that's all pretty cool. But they both lacked the impact they could've had. They're rushing things, and I don't know why. Orton's gone from losing the IC Title, to having a rematch, to becoming #1 contender, to winning the title, to being dumped by his faction, in like 6 weeks. SLOW THE HELL DOWN! It was about this time last year that Goldberg kind of hit a hot streak, and they just blew through his title chase, win, challengers, and loss, all within a couple of months. Just because they can blow their wad that quickly doesn't mean they have to. I'm trying to watch Raw now, but I'm falling asleep (it's been a long, draining couple of days, simultaneously some of the best and worst of my life), so I'll leave it at that. I might comment a bit more tomorrow.
  4. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I really liked the Faith sequence of episodes on both shows. I don't think I'd seen them before, so that helped a little, even though I knew she was somehow ending up in jail.
  5. AnonymousBroccoli

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I'm pretty tired by now, and I still need to get some decent sleep before Raw, so I'll say a few quick things. I think I saw C-Bacon and part of his Vollyball sign, which may have had "Lita is a Dumas" on the camera side. I wasn't sure what it said or meant at the time. I just saw the RVD part. Sitting at the back of your section on the floor, right at the retaining wall, with a clear view of the entrance and stage is very cool. Being 10 feet away from the pyro is very loud, and very hot, and yet, again, very cool. I wish I had a better digital camera, and some batteries to go with the one I brought. My brother and I were outside to see Heat start up a little ways behind us. We also ran into a girl puking and almost passing out near the doors. My brother gave her a bottle of water and got yakked on a little. Did they show Triple H dragging Flair down to the entrance after the match? That was damn funny. Edge came right by us, and smacked my brother's hand. Then the whole place dumped all over him. How much did they show of the drunken doofus who jumped on the limo? Dude came in, and was "escorted" out right near us too. A guy in front of us had a "The Diva Search Ruined My Life" sign. Loud, weird crowd, but not nearly as bad as some people have made it out to be. The Wave may not have been classy, but it was funny. I took it as a reaction to giving the title to someone who wrestled to crickets in the same building in May '02. Once that was out there, there was a good reaction to some of the more interesting spots of the match. Benoit damn near died 2 or 3 times. I don't know how good the matches were, or how it came across on TV, but I had a lot of fun. Again, I hope they don't do anything crazy due to the crowd.
  6. AnonymousBroccoli

    I hate Toronto

    I'll just say that the reactions tonight may not have been rooted in wisdom, but it was darn fun. I didn't agree with everything that was going on. Eugene getting shit on, Eddie not getting much, "You screwed Bret"... again, "Go Leafs Go"... during the off-season, etc. There was a lot of stuff that seemed to be verbal masturbation, and I didn't really go along with that. Calling Lita a slut was funny. Booing the divas was funny. I'll admit the wave was funny. It was mainly the guys off to the right of the stage who started a lot of the shit during the Taker vs. JBL match. They'd do a countdown from 10 to try to get the wave started, and it worked once or twice. I had no interest in the match itself, so it was a fun alternative. I don't know how much respect the average person has towards the wrestlers, but I cheered for everyone as they made their way out. Except maybe JBL, but he was kind of incapacitated. That was a sick bump he took. All in all, I hope they don't do anything crazy due to all that happened tonight. Hogan at WrestleMania was fun too, but it really fucked up the shows afterwards. Changes need to be made, but if they do something like turn Eugene and de-push Eddie, that'll suck. The crowd tonight in London should be a little more normal. We're generally a less-rambunxious bunch.
  7. AnonymousBroccoli

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I'm getting ready to go to Toronto now. My brother's made a Triple H sign (OH THE HORROR~!), which looks something like this. We'll be near the front of the stage on the right side, should be 11 rows, and 7 and 8 people deep. Everyone who's watching, enjoy!
  8. AnonymousBroccoli

    Who is getting Summerslam?

    Same for me. I'm going to the show, and I'm just glad SD! has picked itself out of the gutter. When I bought the tickets, things were looking grim.
  9. AnonymousBroccoli

    Places to download full wrestling matches?

    Does anyone know where CSM went to? It's run by craiges and wweboy. The guys keep moving/messing with their forums. I kept track of them the first 5 times, but I've lost them now.
  10. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Dear Boy has some supreme mindfucking. The latter scene with Dru is awesomely twisted. I'm loving season 2 so far.
  11. AnonymousBroccoli

    TNA on TSN?!?

    This week, the show's switched to two 1-hour blocks. The first hour was a clipped version of week 2, including Jarrett vs. Hall, Killings vs. Lawler, the Miss TNA Lingerie Battle Royal, Apolo vs. Young, and not the first X Title match. The second hour so far has had AMW vs. The Johnsons and Monte Brown (using Abyss' music) vs. Abraham Abrams, from week 3. This whole thing is gonna be a bust if they don't include the X stuff.
  12. AnonymousBroccoli

    Family Guy pictures needed!

    http://www.geocities.com/anonymousbroccoli/freakyoldman.html That's DVD caps from To Live and Die in Dixie. If you can suggest other stuff to cap, I can get it for you.
  13. After 7 hours of this dumb show (I missed the first, because I didn't know it was on), my face hurts from laughing so much. My sister watched some of the later episodes, and she was having a hard time believing how retarded it is. I'm also finding Amanda increasingly cute.
  14. I'm watching the marathon. It's episode 3 now, where they tease Ingrid leaving.
  15. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Judgment was on tonight. All that needs to be said is, there was A FUCKING JOUST IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET.
  16. AnonymousBroccoli

    TNA on TSN?!?

    The ads being used for the TNA shows are using clips from Impact! and calling it "family-friendly".
  17. AnonymousBroccoli

    TNA on TSN?!?

    I didn't see PWF. I'm not even sure what it is. I watched the TNA PPV preview show, then the Next Action Star movie. If it's on next week, I'll take a look.
  18. AnonymousBroccoli

    TNA on TSN?!?

    James Storm & Psicosis vs. Dick & Rod Johnson? Definitely a lot of shit. The 6-man tag was good enough, but, damn. A lot of shit. Anyhow. They're taking commercial breaks, but they're pretty short, so the whole show might still fit in the 2-hour slot. Edit: Stan Dupp, Bo Dupp and Fluff Dupp. Aside from the weak finish, their match with York & Matthews was alright. Hey, country singing. I may cheer for Jarrett the first time ever when he runs in.
  19. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    'Twas a good Buffyverse day for me. I got my 1st season DVD sets of both series from the UPS dude this morning. Half-price crud rules. Then I watched the last two episodes of the 4th Buffy and 1st Angel seasons, Primeval & Restless, Blind Date & To Shanshu in LA, all very good to great. Thankfully, Space starts up Angel's season 2 tomorrow night, and I've got Buffy's 5th handy. I noticed during the bonus features on the Angel set, they used some widescreen footage which I think might've been the original pilot for the show. Has that whole thing been released on any of the other DVDs?
  20. AnonymousBroccoli

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    They could sell some of their stuff to the other teams, or random desert dwellers.
  21. AnonymousBroccoli

    TNA on TSN?!?

    Canada.com's TV listings and ExpressVu's on-screen guide have it listed as two one-hour blocks, but TSN.ca's schedule has "NWA-TNA Wrestling: Inaugural Episode (2 hours)". http://tsn.ca/classic/Schedule.asp?ShowDat...0&Channel=ESPNC I'm a little concerned about what kind of editing they'll do for content, and whether they'll have commercials. Still, it's better than nothing.
  22. AnonymousBroccoli

    TNA on TSN?!?

    Anyone gonna be watching this? I convinced my dad to order ESPNCC, so I'm set. I know there's a lot of shit during the first year, but I only got to see two full shows (05/14 and 1AS) and a few of the better X matches. I'm interested to see how things got started.
  23. AnonymousBroccoli

    Recent purchases

    FutureShop.ca had a half-price sale on certain 1st Season/Volume TV DVD sets, so I got King of the Hill, Buffy, Angel and Futurama, all for $105CAD. The latter three arrived today. The sale still seems to be going on the site too.
  24. AnonymousBroccoli

    411's top 50 US wrestlers

    Tajiri at #7 is mind-boggling. Lesnar seems to be pretty high for someone allegedly carried to his best matches. Goldberg... oy. His brief, shining moment was in the Elimination Chamber, and he lost. Jarrett is far too high for someone who relies on run-ins, guitar shots and stupid refs for the majority of his major matches. The timeframe of the list puts Paul London in WWE for most, it not the whole year, but he should still easily be top 30. Only having seen most of WWE's year, a good chunk of TNA, some ROH, and nothing else, I can agree with Eddie, Benoit, Styles and Michaels being at the top, but not much otherwise.
  25. AnonymousBroccoli

    The OAO RAW Thread for 8/2/04

    As far as the Orton title win goes, I'd do something to the effect of Orton losing at SumSlam, but he keeps getting title shots, and comes very close to beating Benoit several times. Meanwhile, Triple H struggles, and starts falling behind Orton. Hunter finally gets his shot again during the fall, but Orton involves himself again somehow. This leads to some kind of a multi-man match (Elimination Chamber at SurSer, maybe), where Orton beats Triple H to eliminate him, and goes on to finally win the title from Benoit during the same match. Orton gets sick of Hunter's shit about being THE GAME~!, since he's the champion, the guy who's supposed to be on top, and either leaves Evolution, or kicks Trips out. Preferably he leaves, so it doesn't reek of The Rock, and you can still have Evolution kept intact as a strong heel force, as long as they haven't gotten too stale.