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Everything posted by AnonymousBroccoli

  1. AnonymousBroccoli

    The OAO TNA PPV thread for 7.14.04

    There wasn't a whole lot spot-wise, for an X match. Jeff wasn't awful, but didn't do anything special. It was maybe 8 minutes, with most of the appeal going to the crowd heat. I can send you the match if you want it.
  2. My dad came down last night, and sat at the computer for the last half of the episode. Gotta say, it's a lot harder to laugh out loud at "Porked & Beans" and "pearl necklace" with a parent right behind you.
  3. AnonymousBroccoli

    Cool/Historic Stuff You've Seen Live

    Rock's "I know you get wet... with perspiration! Standing this close to The Rock!" promo. (2001/09/04 live SD!) Kronik's debut. (2001/09/04 live SD!) Rock vs. Hogan. (2002/03/17 WM18) - Probably the only one I'd count as historic, and a lot of people were there. Hogan vs. Flair, which I don't think happened many times in WWE/F. (2002/05/13 Raw) Booker T joins the nWo. (2002/05/13 Raw) London, Ontario's first WWE/F event in many, many years, and the first at the John Labatt Centre. (2002/10/14 SD! house show) What I think was Nathan Jones' first appearance in a WWE ring on TV. (2003/02/25 SD! taping) Rhyno's return from his neck injury. (2003/02/25 SD! taping) The promo where John Cena named his finisher the F-U. (2003/02/25 SD! taping)
  4. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I watched Hero on Space tonight. I'm kind of surprised that Doyle only hit 9 episodes. For some reason, it seems like he had a more significant impact on the series than that. Also funny that Cordelia makes reference to using "one of the cheaper Baldwins" in a commercial for the business. I like the Connor episodes so far. I thought it was funny that Rudo stuck Ron Glass in his episode, and didn't even bother to name him otherwise. It was just "Ron Glass". It's a little late to mention now, but for a line in the first episode, where Kent is talking to Connor about The Powers That Be for the first time, you could have him reply with "The powers that be what?", as a little nod to Angel's initial reaction from City Of. Finally, the material of whatever the girl in Mole's sig is on looks strangely like that of my chair and couch.
  5. AnonymousBroccoli

    So now that it's over......

    They make more money on $40-$200 tickets for a PPV than $20-$50 for house shows as well.
  6. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Keller gives the ME ****1/4, Meltzer says "They had a very good match".
  7. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I watch WWE more now than when it was good. I don't know how that works.
  8. AnonymousBroccoli

    2 guys I now have great respect for.

    I met Crash Holly for a minute at WWF Axxess before WM18. He was standing around in front of one of the old cars from storylines past. He said he was just there to promote his wrestling school, so I took his card. I remember being nervous, and that I was at least half a foot taller than him. Also that kids were passing him by to take pictures with the car.
  9. AnonymousBroccoli

    Look at what you can bid on

    I can't figure out why they gave the mannequin a bra.
  10. I watched the third episode after Heat. The sack and box stuff was stupid, but good stupid. http://schmoblog.spiketv.com/2004/06/miscellaneous_c.html
  11. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Someone might want to introduce a military element to the Connor story. You'd figure that when one of the largest cities in the US is heavily under attack, it would be defended somehow.
  12. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    After The Harsh Light of Day comes the corresponding In the Dark to continue the Gem of Amara story. It also has a great sequence, during the opening, with Spike watching Angel and Rachel from a rooftop. I though it was extra funny, because some of the gestures that went with the goofy dialogue reminded me of cornball cutscenes during the Resident Evil game. [as Rachel] How can I thank you, you mysterious black-clad hunk of a night thing? [as Angel] No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. No, not the hair! Never the hair! [as Rachel] But there must be some way I can show my appreciation? [as Angel] No, helping those in need's my job, and working up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough. [as Rachel] I understand. I have a nephew who is gay, so... [as Angel] Say no more. Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away!
  13. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm watching The Harsh Light of Day, and I thought the whole scenario surrounding this line was very funny. Then there's the whole naked Anya appeal. Anya: I like you. You're funny, and you're nicely shaped. And frankly, it's ludicrous to have these interlocking bodies and not...interlock. Please remove your clothing now.
  14. AnonymousBroccoli

    Big Show

    Show did an interview with TSN.ca where he said he was looking at an August/September return. Also that he'd lost 30 pounds. http://www.tsn.ca/wrestling/news_story.asp?ID=87297
  15. Looking back at the Raw the night after King of the Ring '98—which had a similarly surprising title change—its ratings were third-highest of the year. I think this would be a really good week to schedule a live SmackDown!. While I'm sure there are some who will be completely turned off by last night's events, there's bound to be plenty more thinking "I've gotta see what happens next". Or, in several minds, "How do they dig themselves out of this hole?" Then there's the possible trainwreck factor. In any case, the Bradshaw win (and the Bearer "death") has certainly generated interest. While I'm not optimistic about the situation, I'm curious to see if they can create something worthwhile. And the curiosity is bound to grow even further if I, and everyone else can't read about it two days early.
  16. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    I think the Sharpshooter-ish move was called the Edge-ucator. I don't think he's even used it 5 times on TV.
  17. AnonymousBroccoli

    Should WWE Break Out A Live SmackDown! This Week?

    Or they could pimp it hard on Raw, show it live Tuesday, then again Thursday during its regular slot. The first live event I ever went to was a semi-impromptu live Tuesday SmackDown!. It doesn't look like the arena they're scheduled at has anything going for Thursday, but the event calendar on the website is broken.
  18. The third episode is being advertised for Monday after Raw.
  19. AnonymousBroccoli

    Firefly on DVD

    According to this, Serenity is going up against Walk the Line, a biographical movie about Johnny Cash. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0358273/ Edit: Confirmed here. It's also opening 2 weeks before Mission: Impossible 3, and 4 weeks before Star Wars: Episode III. Eek.
  20. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Brian, from watching Home last night, I noticed that Connor seemed to have "sisters" given to him. One younger, and one older. I don't know if you want to do anything with that.
  21. AnonymousBroccoli

    the One and Only Smackdown thread 6/24

    I had to wait for the NBA draft to get through its first round before SD! started, then at midnight, with the last match still to go, I started watching and taping the first episode of Angel, because I'm a broke/cheap bugger. For some reason, I had this fleeting hope that London would win the battle royal. It was nice to see Eddie bust out the old cheating shtick that got him so over in the first place. The main event kept me interested, and was quite entertaining for what it was: 25 minutes of Taker beating up Cena and not selling anything until the end. So we have a spot where Taker goes knees first into the ring steps. Completely unaffected, save for a cut on the arm Cole makes a big deal about, he takes out Cena, then gives him a leg drop on the side of the ring. Yoinks. Also good to see that 11 months, and booming popularity later, Cena can still not be put over. Complaints notwithstanding, the show was an improvement.
  22. AnonymousBroccoli

    Firefly on DVD

    I'm also lazy with my name, because this one reeks of perfection. I made a few buddy icons for shameless point grabbing purposes. This one would be king, but it's twice as big as it should be.
  23. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Are there any episodes from season 4 Buffy/season 1 Angel that cross over story-wise, aside from Pangs and I Will Remember You?
  24. AnonymousBroccoli

    Who remembers John Doe?

    I saw every episode, but don't remember much about it, and can't say I really miss it. I'd still watch if it was on, but I'd rather have Dark Angel, which I believe it replaced, or Firefly, of course, or any number of other shows Fox has canned.
  25. AnonymousBroccoli

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    On the Canadian channel Space, they're showing Home tonight (right now, actually), and re-starting the whole Angel series tomorrow with City Of. I may take this opportunity to do some good, ol' fashioned, money-conscious video taping. With Buffy, they showed The Gift tonight (and re-playing at 3AM, which I'll probably watch), and starting season 6 tomorrow with Bargaining Pt. 1. That's no fun, though, since I've already got S6 from its first run, as far as I know.