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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. Well, i just watched the show and, sure enough, JBL/Cena stole the show. Just a great match. I think John Cena is probably the best at working from underneath/as a babyface that I've seen in my wrestling-watching life. Best performance by JBL since his return.

  2. JBL had THREE great matches with Eddie, a fantastic match with Rey at Judgment Day, a shockingly good cage match with Big Show, was probably the MVP of a really good six-pack elimination match in 2005, and some pretty damn cool but short matches with Child Murderer. And, of course, the Cena match. Keep in mind JBL had an incredibly short run as a singles wrestler so thats a pretty good resume.


    I'm not saying the guy is on the level of a Finlay or a Matt Hardy or a John Cena, but I've always been a mark for his style. He has a freakin awesome ability to put heat on himself in the match and add to its intensity(see the Rey match). I know he hasn't been the same in the ring since his return but keep in mind he's in there with freakin John Cena. Cena can light a fire in his ass. I wish it was the main event program cuz then it would get the time and the gimmicks and not be limited to protect the higher matches on the card.

  3. Tru dat. Angle's been pretty terrible for a while. What seperates a guy who is truly a good worker like the Undertaker from Angle is that Undertaker reinvents himself and gets better while Angle wrestles the same match with the same formula since 2002 when people starting getting in his ear telling him he was such a "great" worker.


    I don't watch TNA, so I don't know if his character is any better or not, but I wasn't impressed with the Joe match.

  4. You didn't think the match with Finlay was decent? I thought it was a really good plunder match. And I actually like the Mania 21 match. It was shortchanged on time, thats why I included the caveat that it would be good if given time, but the work itself in the match was fine, not to mention Cena is about a million billion times better now. It should be a really fun, snugly worked, flesh pounding brawl. Thats why it'll be better than HBK/Y2J, who have probably the two weakest offenses of all the main eventers. Not to mention that match probably won't have a clean finish with the Batista thing.

  5. The match was a draw not because of Angle but because of the hype about it being an MMA match and the fact that everybody and their momma knew Joe was gonna get his first title win. Angle really didn't factor in that much.

  6. A lot of Edges problems would be solved if he had a more credible offense. He goes up against Batista and taker and we're supposed to believe he can finish them off with that fuckin spear of his? Of course, I'm starting to sound like the mindless Cena haters who say his offense is weak. In reality, offense is the least important aspect of being a good worker. By far. Of course, Edge is nowhere near the seller that Cena is, but...


    I guess Edge's cheater, opportunist gimmick somewhat helps because fans aren't supposed to buy that he can beat the faces in clean matches but he definitely needs to switch finishers.

  7. Truthiness, Orton and Cena are destined to be the Bret and Shawn of this era, although they are of course vastly inferior to both of those guys. But by that I mean they are the guys WWE is trying to push in the aftermath of a successful time period. In the 90s those guys had to follow the highly successul Hogan/Savage era, much like how Orton and Cena have to follow the Austin/Rock era.


    Bull. Shit.


    And, current WWE is a whole helluvalot more successful than mid-nineties WWE. Mid-nineties WWE was barely afloat financially. This company just had its most profitable year ever. And the first quarter of this year was recently revealed to be more profitable than ANY quarter of last year!

  8. Cena's been the best thing in wrestling for two years now(though Orton may have passed him recently). I don't think thats a sad testament. He's also been a completely serious character since the end of last summer with the onset of the great feud he had with Orton.

  9. It's pretty much just from cabbageboy. the rest of us love Orton.


    And I loved the way the Fourway was booked. Orton finally kicking Cena in the head and beating him fair and square, and HHH finally exacting revenge on Orton bringing his reign full circle. Great, climactic way to tie up the last year of storylines.

  10. What is with all this Orton love? I mean let's face it, the guy had an ultra lame title run, never even main evented a PPV aside from the initial time he won the belt and the time he lost it. What's he been doing that's so great with the belt that he needed to keep it? Was he over as champ? Um...not really. Was he cutting awesome promos? Of course not. Was he having great matches? Passable, but any singles match was his usual headlock happy stuff. He was so utterly heatless and unbelievable as champ that they had to book him in 3 or 4 way matches on PPV.


    I believe someone posted the Observer notes from WM that noted Orton won at WM because WWE simply felt the card was too predictable with UT winning the title and Flair retiring. It's not like they seriously wanted to keep the title on Orton.


    Don't know what show your watching, but Orton has been awesome the last year. His promos are great heel promos. He's menacing with his deadly eyes which fit into his "viper" character. And the concussion kick is my favorite finisher in wrestling. Hitting Cena with it right after JBL tapped tonight was fucking brilliant. He combines the opportunist gimmick of Edge with the pussy character of JBL with the violent, cold, calculating persona of a heel Steve Austin and they all blend together perfectly. His work in the ring has been fantastic. I love, love, love his concussion-based offense, including the headlocks which fit perfectly into his offense. They're completely logical and complaining about them because they're not a hurriquebrada special lucha libre shit is so 2002 of you.


    Short story, Orton is god. Cena is Jesus and I would have settled for him winning. HHH is old news.

  11. I don't know if I would call Cena or Orton "generic". To me, "generic" indicates run-of-the-mill or nothing special. Cena/Orton may have a lot of classic face/heel characteristics about them, but they're very, very good at portraying their characters. They're easily the best face and heel in pro wrestling right now.

  12. Punk is a better worker(neither are great) but Jericho oozes charisma and is a fabulous heel on the mic. When he wants to be serious he can pull that off, contrary to popular opinion. His segments with Batista and HBK were great last week. But, please, grow the hair back.

  13. All the Jazz were missing was a good pure 3pt shooter. They got Korver, that was the missing piece. They're a young but experienced group. I think Sloan will get his ring sometime in the next 3-4 years if he sticks around.


    Great post game, great point guard, great depth, will be rested for 2nd round. I think they could maybe do it this year.
