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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. Awesome finish? He got his ass kicked for 10 minutes, then hits a finisher out of nowhere and wins. I hate that.


    Your not very perceptive. Did you see the end?


    He's the ultimate heel. He plays possom outside, hoping to get counted out. His contingency plan is to make Hardy push his dead weight into the ring and as soon as he slides in WHAM. Match over.


    It's a strategy, not as simple as "he got his ass kicked then won".

  2. In the WWE spring preview issue of WWE Magazine, Raw General Manager William Regal is asked to name the person he would trade from Raw to SmackDown or ECW. Regal says Ashley. He said, "Ashley. She's a scruffy mare. Dirty, filthy little thing, my goodness gracious. Take a bloody bath or something; She's just dirty looking. She's there with those bloody things in her lip and tattoos, like someone who works on the docks. She should be unloading fish off a ship somewhere."


    Regal is God.

  3. Is it too stupid to suggest Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio at this point? Jeff on his 2nd warning of the Wellness and Rey injured AGAIN.


    We might need to give you a wellness test, pal, cuz u on some drugs. I believe Rey is still the #2 ratings draw in the fed behind Cena and Hardy is as over with the live crowd as anybody.

  4. Randy Orton may have passed John Cena as the best thing going in wrestling. Cena's entrance was the shit(ie: good).


    Flair/HBK was perfect. I even liked it being outdoors as opposed an MSG-type. Something seems so fitting about Flair going out looking up at the night sky instead of your standard "looking up at the lights".


    Great show. Great ambience. Fireworks were great. Worth the money.

  5. I still don't see how Angle/Michaels was that good. The match makes no sense. Michaels, who was NEVER a mat wrestler, dominates an Olympic Champion on the mat for ten minutes, Angle then destroys HBK's back which he promptly no sells as usual, then Angle wins with an anklelock after ZERO work was done on the ankle, as usual. Give me Taker/Bats or Cena/HHH over that one as matces that exceeded expectations.
