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Posts posted by Silence

  1. I thought a burial would be a squash. Or not putting someone who is over, over. Like if Spanky was getting pops like crazy and someone who doesn't need to go over like Taker or Kane beats Spanky, that would be a burial. Like Brock and Spanky. But he isn't getting crazy pops either.

    Yeah, that definitely would be considered a burial too. I was talking about another type of burial as in bad wrestler refuses to put over good wrestler because he feels his high-flying technical style would upstage him, so he beats him on the PPV and the good wrestler gets demoted to mid-card.

  2. It's just like the word "buried". It has no meaning here because it's used so much. Every match has someone "carried" and every lose is a "burial".

    Well let me explain when the word "burial" is right to use after someone loses a match: For example, Chris Jericho vs. someone like RVD, right? If Jericho lost, that's just a loss, because RVD's worthy of a push much like Jericho is to the top(even though both scenarios are very unlikely obviously) because of his charisma and crowd-popping spots.


    Now, what about Jericho vs. HHH? If Jericho lost, that would be considered a burial because HHH has never put Jericho over cleanly on PPV, HHH is not as good as he once was in the ring, and does nothing to get a huge reaction from the crowd, while the more talented and over wrestler, Jericho, gets made to look like a bitch to the Flair-wannabe, and coincidently goes back down to mid-card eventually each time.


    Back to the topic: Like some have said, a carry job is when a match is considered decent when a good wrestler wrestles a bad wrestler, and a great match would not be considered a carry job because both wrestlers would have put their efforts into the match.

  3. He was in one of those Chef Boyardee commercials


    When? Where? What happened?

    It was back during his stale face run in 2000. All I remember him saying is: Jericho in storytelling mode:"Until the day.....I was rescued!" Jericho in commercial mode:"Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli?" Then, at the end, he said:"I am never.....*Hawaiian people say eeeever*.....leaving this, island paradise." Jericho then eats the Overstuffed Beef Ravioli from the bowl.

  4. I don't want her a) as Vince's latest love slave, or b) as another meaningless woman wrestler lost in the shuffle of RAW, or c) paired off with a heatless monstrosity like Billy Gunn in a futile attempt to get them over.

    WWE would either have her job to Torrie Wilson in pointless bikini matches or have Alexis job to Trish for the Women's title(assuming Trish gets it the 4th time, which she will eventually) over and over until Alexis starts jobbing on Heat to Jacqueline.

  5. Edge's Edgeography:


    "Hey Edgeheads, I hope you enjoy reading this book by yours truly.


    I recall the time when I made funny phrases on the back of Kurt Angle's pictures with one of them saying 'I have no testicles' during our feud last year. Needless to say, poor old Kurt didn't know about the phrases and ended up being the laughing stock in our feud, and even got his head shaved by me. To top it off, in another part of the feud, I edited his debuting T-shirt that year and he ended up getting pissed at me about it."


    Holy shit, I'm starting to sound like Anglesault! :o

  6. Um, that "news" is 4 years old and it happened on TV so I really wouldn't call it "backstage."

    What this thread was talking about wasn't really news, but what HHH said on TV 4 years ago most likely did relate to the fact that he's been holding Jericho down for a while now anyway. So anyway, what do you think would be a good name for you, since you're not a mark or WWE apologist?

  7. As for Zach as a Mattitude follower, I really don't know how I feel about that. The one thing that protects him is the fact that he's based on sympathy. Being an ass/treated like dirt by Matt Hardy will totally kill him.

    Either way, it's a no-win situation: Zach either gets treated like shit by Matt Hardy, or Matt starts playing to the crowd as a face saying "Someone needs a Mattitude adjustment", "Version 1", and "Aaaahhh!"(call for the second rope legdrop) every week while using the same moves almost every match(*cough cough* face Rock and Jericho *cough cough*).

  8. yeah his finisher will go from the London Calling to being a spinebuster called the "blimey."

    More like "The Bloody Spinebuster with a Cup of Regal's Soiled Tea". Hell, why doesn't WWE just go all out and make London speak in a fake British accent.


    London:"My wud, wrestling in WWE is awesome, jolly ol' chap!"

  9. I don't care how they use Paul London. London has said that this is his dream to be in WWE and I'm happy for him

    Once he finds out how WWE "uses" him though, he'll be going from "This is a dream come true, I've always wanted to wrestle in WWE since I was 11" to "Damn, I'm jobbing every week to A-Train, jobbing with Spanky in tag team matches, and I've also got some lame gimmick of carrying around a toy Big Ben clock just because my last name sounds like a famous town in the country of England. I hope I can go back to ROH where I can prosper once again."

  10. I agree completely.  I mean, I am a professional wrestling fan, and all of my favorite wrestlers should be competing in ROH and NWA:TNA only.  It doesn't matter if those promotions only get a couple hundred people to come out to their major shows, and have no realistic chance at getting a nationally syndicated television show.  At least I will know that my favorite wrestler has a chance of possibly being a world champion of a fake wrestling league, instead of spending the next couple years jobbing to some bum on Jakked (a nationally televised show... BTW).  Finally, my favorite wrestler shouldn't have the opportunity to make any money by practicing his craft...  Instead of working for the WWE and making a pretty good living, I think that my favorite wrestler should slave away for ROH, and have to live right above the poverty line...  And god forbid my favorite wrestler go to the WWE, because then (just like I did to all my favorite wrestlers in ECW) I will chant "You sold out!" at them, because that is what the cool guys that go to the shows do.


    I agree with you too. It's great seeing those no-talents Spanky and Paul London not going anywhere, along with that other untalented hack Ultimo Dragon getting only 3 minute matches, and, just like all the other indy no-talents, being forced to work the WWE style, while Big Show FINALLY gets his time to shine once again in the main-events. Big Show for WWE Champ, baby!

  11. Why can't they let my favourites win? WhY?

    Triple J of course. AJ Styles' title reign is similar to Jericho's heel Undisputed WWE title reign, and Raven's being booked as weak as he was in his final ECW days when Justin Credible kicked his ass every week, just like Shane Douglas is now in TNA, when it's obvious he sucks just as bad as Credible.
