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Posts posted by Silence

  1. I still marked out more to CM Punk's win, but I think Jeff's win was quite classy. I really liked how the audience were allowed to soak up the atmosphere with no commentary. Now imagine Jeff doing the same thing in TNA. Tenay and West wouldn't stop screaming and we wouldn't be allowed to live the moment.


    Pun intended?

  2. The Armageddon Thread, started so the creator could complain about how he doesn't care about the show and won't watch, and rife with "Jeff Hardy does durgz!LOL" jokes.


    He also used to go on about how he lost interest in ECW a million times earlier this year. If he really lost interest, he'd stop posting in ECW threads.

  3. -Bret Hart vs WCW. Seriously, in two years, he didn't have enough worthwhile matches to count on two hands. What happened to that guy. Some of them were even shockingly bad, like that jaw-dropping abortion he and Sting shat out in the ring at Halloween Havoc 98.


    Sting's beard didn't help either.


  4. Is it me or does TNA seem to backstage segment/promo heavy. Whenever I watch Impact it always seem there's just promos or segments galore. It's not a bad thing because the matches are still quite good for matches on tv, but it just seems there are a lot of segments over and over again.


    Not to mention TNA seems to hire a new blonde interviewer chick every year just to have heels call her stupid.


    Also, does every black Knockout have to be a heel?

  5. What about Kane vs. Edge?


    They've feuded numerous times, and their matches have always been HORRIBLE. The later matches were a bit better than the horrible series they had after Edge's neck surgery, but never had a match I would consider anywhere close to "good"


    Batista and Edge also had bad matches with each other last year.
