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Posts posted by Silence

  1. And if people want a comparison for who Morrison would be similar to as a face, look at the troublemaking face Chris Jericho for example. That's the kind of push I'd expect for Morrison as a face. A guy relied on comedy to push along upper midcard feuds, but never taken seriously by the "real main eventers".


    With Stephanie back on TV again, he'll probably make fun of her like Jericho did in 2000-01.


  2. Kane is so damn played out - nobody sees him as any sort of threat anymore. I know the writers love his facials and all, but I think they really missed an opportunity when they didn't put the mask back on him. It was as simple as having a "Mask vs Mask" match with Mysterio where Mysterio would lose his, but if Kane lost he would have to put his back on.


    It doesn't help that he's lost to Mysterio multiple times either without a singles win against him.

  3. Hahahaha. Awesome. Why not just call them Special K and have done? :P


    Because if they did that, then they would have to have like 20 skinny wrestlers who look like they are backyard wrestlers come out with the group every week, and then have a really large black guy as their body guard.


    Kind of what I said, except you described them more in detail.


    Does that make ODB Becky Bayless?
