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Posts posted by Silence

  1. I'd start another one, but you dropped the word that rhymes with Titler... also I was yanking your chain.


    Maybe you keep getting banned from places because you try and start revolutions, the revolution will not be YouTubed, it might be blogged though.


    I'm thinking of deflecting to Canada, any takers?



  2. The problem with that is, and it's my main gripe with Cole who I don't think is as bad in general as most do, when Cole does it he tends to quote entire promos. I swear he repeated that Kane promo about Mysterio near verbatum 5 times in the run-up to Cyber Sunday. Just keep it to the point, there's no need to repeat word for word what somebody said three weeks ago.


    If someone's promo consists of words like "fart" and "family jewels", Cole would probably quote that too.


  3. The following is the payroll for TNA wrestlers for the year 2008.All wrestlers are provided with airfare,accomadation and ground transport for house shows and ppv's held outside TNA studios in Orlando,Florida.In adittion to their salry all wrestlers get 20% of profits of their merchandise sold,1% of profits of the house shows and ppv's they paricipated in,and an annual bonus declared for wrestlers.Also their salary is cut off on a day to day basis for the period they are inactve in the tna roster due to injury or personal problems.The following depicts the dollars earned by tna wrestlers in a one year period for the year 2008.


    This part was excluded from the salary section. A 20% royalty on merch is pretty sweet.


    Sorry I didn't include that earlier.


    Anyway, the people over at DVD are saying that the numbers are likely inflated.


    sorry, but those salary numbers aren't legit, or else Gail Kim would've stayed. They only offered her 60 grand ($60000) These numbers are quite exaggerated at least for the women. Angelina Love is not making 60 G's when Gail Kim is getting released for refusing a contract similar to that.

  4. Why is he typing properly in General Chat but not everywhere else?


    Suicide is a sad thing, are you close with his parents/family?


    Let them know how important he was to you and to others and that he was special and loved, if you were. Also don't blame yourself, as suicide is brought on by depression and mental issues.


    Sadly, nothing you could have done would've probably helped, as the issues underneath the act needed counseling or therapy, and being a friend was important.

  5. I saw this over at DVD.


    Here's how much the TNA roster were paid this year:



    AJ Styles-$350,000

    Alex Shelley-$150,000

    Andrew Thomas-$75,000

    Angelina Love-$60,000

    Awesome kong-$100,000

    BG James-$250,00

    Black Reign-$200,000

    Booker T-$450,000

    Brother Devon-$300,000

    Brother Ray-$300,000

    Chris Sabin-$150,000

    Christian Cage-$450,000

    Christy Hemme-$75,000

    Consequences(Austin Creed)-$75,000

    Curry Man(Christopher Daniels)-$300,000

    David Penzer-$75,000

    Don West-$150,000

    Earl Hebner-$150,000

    Eric Young-$200,000

    Frank Trigg-$200,000

    Gail Kim-$100,000

    Hector Guerrero-$100,000




    James Storm-$200,000

    Jay Lethal-$150,000

    Jeff Jarrett-$750,000(vice-president of TNA)

    Jeremy Borash-$200,000

    Jim Cornette-$250,000

    Jimmy Rave-$75,000

    Johnny Devine-$100,000


    Karen angle-$100,000

    Kevin Nash-$450,000

    Kip James-$250,000

    Kurt Angle-$650,000

    Lance Hoyt-$150,000

    Matt Morgan-$200,000

    Mike Tenay-$200,000


    Petey Williams-$150,000

    Raisha Saeed-$50,000

    Rhaka Khan-$50,000


    Robert Roode-$250,000

    Roxxi Laveaux-$60,000

    Rudy Charles-$100,000


    Samoa Joe-$350,000

    Scott Steiner-$350,000

    Shark Boy-$100,000


    So Cal Val-$60,000

    Sonjay Dutt-$100,000

    Sting-$500,000(Has to make 12 Impact,8 PPV and 8 House show appearances)


    Traci Brooks-$100,000

    Velvet Sky-$50,000

    Willie Urbina-$75,000


    Kong and Kim being paid the same as fucking Shark Boy and Rudy Charles?!

