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Posts posted by Silence

  1. Kane has basically fallen back into the trap of being used as the GM's "enforcer".


    Remember how Bischoff every week would go "Tonight you're going to face...KANE!"? It's basically the same thing now, which sucks.


    Except Adamle didn't say anything about punishing Jericho for pissing him off like Bischoff would to anyone.

  2. I'm get sick of this Cena ego-stroke thing. The fans aren't exactly gonna forget about him, so why do we have to have this "Cena's so great" exercise every week? It sucks.


    It's WWE's way of saying that they're having a hard time getting male adults pop for him because he's been stale.

  3. Not to be redundant, but I rarely post in the RAW threads anymore...having said that, last night's show was pretty bad. Adamle is just awful and awkward in his role. Also, as I'm sure others have noted, the forced laughter from Cole and Lawler is getting really old. Couple those elements with an uninteresting and predictable main event (yeah, they tried something new, but it was stupid and pointless), and it was a pretty huge waste of time for all involved.


    Every Adamle Original always sucks. It's like the creative team just comes up with whatever "new concept" match comes to their mind and books it.


    Not to mention all the random matches Adamle makes on the show (For example, not too long ago, why would Jericho and Kane have a match even though they're not feuding and they're both heels?).


    Don't say "spilled coffee" either.

  4. On the flip side, it's rather childish to complain about something as minuscule as the "WWE Universe". I'd honestly rather watch them market to children than pander to people stuck in 1998. I'm pretty worn out on "edgy anti-hero curses and makes dick jokes to the boss" after seeing it probably six times in the past ten years.


    Unfortunately, we're getting Finlay and Hornswoggle as the new Doink and Dink and Kizarny out of this.


    Hate-filled feuds with no blading sucks too.

  5. Are Jeff's daughters of legal age or did Kurt Angle just admit he was a pedophile?

    Cause that was one of the oddest lines I can think of and honestly it doesn't make much sense for Jarrett to attack him unless that WAS what he was driving at.


    His kids are pretty young. What is with them turning Angle into a child predator? First with Sting's son at a football game, and now with Jarrett, yuck!


    This isn't the first time a wrestling promotion has made Angle into a creep (his WWE feud with Booker T involving Sharmell).

  6. I like the "Did You Know?" last night that touted ECW as "Sci-Fi's highest rated program last Tuesday." Boy, they are really scraping the botton of the barrel if they are bragging about that "accomplishment".


    WWE should get rid of the "Did You Know?" bullshit. It's been nothing but blowjobs about trivial "facts" since day one.

  7. That entire Jackass segment wasn't just a trainwreck, it was a trainwreck at a terminal with an explosion that killed 50 people. It was horrible and had zero redeeming quality. You had Knoxville giggling like Jimmy Fallon as he was slapped then a beyond horrible bodyslam. For some reason out comes Hornswoggle, a fat stripper guy that hasn't been funny ONCE and then Bogeyman!


    That whole segment took up too much time. I couldn't wait for it to end.

