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Posts posted by Silence

  1. Edge is a different case. I usually enjoy his matches for the most part, but the Vickie Guerrero stuff is usually why I don't bother watching Smackdown. They had a perfect opportunity last summer to give Edge his edge back (no pun intended) when he left Vickie and destroyed Foley in preparation for HIAC... then he comes back alongside Vickie, playing the chickenshit heel here and there. It's way too much of a step backwards for him.


    My thoughts as well. He needs to drop the paranoia.

  2. He looked like his "normal" self in 2001 when he was WWE Co-Owner. Fast forward 2 years and if you look at photos of him when they formed Evolution, he looks like he aged about 15 years.


    After the Benoit tragedy, it was reported in a Palm Beach Post article that Flair received steroids in 2003 from a Tampa Bay clinic.


    I've said this before.. I think that Flair might have some form of diabetes.


    Or this too.

  3. I don't want to beat up on Flair too much, but can anybody help pinpoint when exactly he started looking "rough". I mean, when he first showed up (or technically, returned) to WWE the night after the Invasion in 2001, he still looked relatively fit and like his age for the most part.


    I want to say around 2003.

