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Posts posted by Silence

  1. Facebook for sure. MySpace has always been one of the most poorly designed sites with a user-interface that is just the complete opposite of intuitive.


    I hate when someone on Myspace has a bunch of flash/images on their pages. Takes forever to finish loading.

  2. What was the deal with Scotty Anton anyway? The guy was always talentless, when he was Buff Bagwell's life partner to when he was One Eyed Anton taking on Raven and then joining the Flock to his ECW run. Even during his run in ECW, I just never understood why this guy had a job.



    But hey. He did have The Clap!


    I wanted that RVD/Anton feud over with as soon as it began.


    Oddly enough, Anton was one of RVD's friends.

  3. The problem being they probably didn't even have 8 guys to realistically put in that role at the time.


    I remember being really excited for ECW on TNN, because it was my first time to actually see ECW on TV (we never got the syndicated show in Wisconsin). However, it wasn't very good...the very first episode was a "best of" type thing, as I recall. After that, they actually did have some hot angles for a little bit, like Raven returning to team with Tommy Dreamer. However, the time slot was horrible...I had just entered college at the time, and had plenty of better things to do than try to remember to watch a third string wrestling show on Friday nights. Also, there were WAY too many commercial breaks. I would bet that in a one hour time slot, we maybe got 30 minutes of actual content.


    I really felt deprived of wrestling in ECW when it was on TNN.


    It's too bad Hardcore TV was on at 1 AM ET, because I wasn't staying up that late.


  4. It was my first time watching Impact in about a year or two. I turned it off after that promo where some chick plastered with make up, blond hair, and what was probably a pair of fake tits was dogging on those two chicks for having too much make up, blond hair and fake tits. The fuck?


    Taylor Wilde's quite the butterface.

