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Detective Comics

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Everything posted by Detective Comics

  1. Detective Comics

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    It's all because he injured Holly, the greatest wrestler of our times.... Seriously though, how many times did he do it? 5, 6?
  2. Detective Comics

    SPOILER For Y2J vs. Nash

    lol and for the Ninja Turtles sequel, it wouldn't surprise me, since they are making another one to be released late this year...
  3. Detective Comics

    I want something elimanated right now

    I gotta agree with you on this one. If not, the person would have to come out with a mic and interupt while walking down the ramp... someone like Kevin Nash could get a serious injury during that period of time. Plus, when the music hits, sometime the wrestler does not enter, but the music is a distraction to attack the foe from behind.
  4. I doubt he is getting the title. The only reason he is in the match is because he is involved with HBK, and it makes sense. And if he gets the title..... at least its not HHH?
  5. Detective Comics

    ok on a show of hands or whatever.

    I was torn between being bored and surprised, I thought it would have gone shorter but they had a few good spots in there. The ending itself was disappointing. It reminded me of a backyard wrestling match, though. So that probably isn't a good sign.
  6. I have to agree that because HHH is the champ, and is injured, that having this type of match will be for the best. It will be more entertaining with guys like HBK and Y2J in it, although you've got Nash and Orton in there too. I think the result of the match as it would have been if it was a 1 on 1 will stay the same, with either Goldberg or HHH going over. The only reason Orton is in there is because while Jericho fueds with HBK and Nash, Orton has started his fued with HBK. I wouldn't be too concerned with this change, in fact, I am pleased.
  7. Detective Comics

    Does this bug anyone else?

    Still, it is funnier that Slamball lasted longer then XFL
  8. Detective Comics

    Would RVD do better as a heel?

    LOL, RVD working a different style made me laugh for whatever reason.
  9. Detective Comics

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    I would agree Benoit isn't very marketable.... I don't see what that has to do with a title reign and whether or not he deserves it. Benoit doesn't even have a gimmick any more. Does he even have any motives in wrestling? Or does he just go out there every week and pointlessly wrestle? Other then getting thrown in the US Title tourney it seems to me the guy hasn't had any character motivations latelty.
  10. an Alien angle. would anyone here really be surprised?
  11. Detective Comics

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    I guess I am the only one who is sick of seeing the Angle v Benoit fued.... and nothing comes from it. Therefore, even if a title came from it, I still don't wanna see the same Benoit/Angle match. Granted Benoit is still one of the better wrestlers in WWE, hes has been squashed with Rhyno, and I have lost all interest in him. To tell the truth, I have lost interest in most aspects of wrestling. Things that still interest me: Evolution... I hate HHH, Orton, and I really don't care for 2003 Flair, but I love their presentation. Womens wrestling - more specifically, Molly Holly.... I was happy to see someone get a title out of nowhere based on skill. Too many new guys that they didn't do anything with while they forgot about the people I still enjoyed watching, and it is just too stale.... Boy, I am starting to sound like every other person who posts here.... HATE HHH
  12. Detective Comics

    Ultimo Dragon on Velocity...

    UD sucks, he blows as many spots as RED, and isn't nearly as impressive as the hype, whereas Mysterio lived up to it. The guy really isn't very good in WWE, and I don't see why I am the only one to realize he doesn't belong on SD!, PPVs, or anything worthy. Would Mysterio v UD be good? Sure, but it doesn't change the fact that UD ain't that good no more.
  13. Detective Comics

    Raw vs Monday Night Football

    Well at least we already know the excuse in advance for a low RAW rating.... not too much HHH, Orton, Mack, Jobbers but rather FOOTBALL.
  14. Detective Comics

    The Power Trip vs. Benoit/Jericho match....

    Awww man, me and my friends always bring up that match... that's the one where one goes to suplex the other onto the table but botches it and drops them back first onto the corner... or was that the first one... anyways, any other info about the match or somwhere to d/l it would be awesome!!!
  15. I really don't think things will get better. I just don't see it. WWE has the market, at least until TNA gets a cable deal, so I don't see them improving any time soon. They still make the money, no matter how much business is down, so to revamp things by January is a joke. Just accept the facts that WWE will never be run by smarks, and even if it was, everyone would bitch about it anyways.
  16. Detective Comics

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    Ah, the great Benoit debate.... wouldn't you guys at least agree Benoit isn't as good in WWE as he was in other feds, most likely because of his booking, but still, he isn't as fun to watch?
  17. Detective Comics

    The Raw Review 8/3 - 8/9

  18. Detective Comics

    The Smackdown Review 8/3 - 8/9

    They decided not to push Tazz as a threat because of his height. I thought I heard somewhere his suplexes were too stiff for WWE style and people were not comfortable taking them.... 100th post!!!
  19. Detective Comics

    The Raw Review 8/3 - 8/9

    HHH and Taker both deserve to hold people down, they jobbed to CHYNA!!!!
  20. Detective Comics

    Trivia's news

    LOL2003.... the excuses they come up with never cease to amaze me..... ah, good ol' WWE...
  21. Detective Comics

    The One and Only Heat Thread

    THE SUPER SLOPPY DEATH KILL DRIVER?! JesaFUCK that was dangerous.....
  22. Detective Comics

    The One and Only Heat Thread

    Love Stevens!!! Did they sign him or is he just an indy jobber still?
  23. Detective Comics

    The One and Only Heat Thread

    MARKS OUT LIKE FUCK FOR AARON STEVENS... should be a better contest than the last one too bad commentary sucks
  24. Detective Comics

    The One and Only Heat Thread

    I love this promo.... too bad noone wants to post with me.... I am saddened....