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Detective Comics

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Everything posted by Detective Comics

  1. Detective Comics

    Pic of Warrior on C-SPAN 2

    How would one proceed to have sex with a goatee? Not that I would want to know... Shit happens in this world. People fuck goatees. LOL 2003 Warrior looks like a whole slew of people... If only I could find some footage of him fueding with Shango.
  2. Detective Comics

    The 1&Only Velocidential Thread

    I've got to be frank, I am looking forward to the Foley interview.
  3. BFD, WWE is in such a poor state that Bret Hart could only make it worse. Crippled fuck.
  4. Except Nunzio was funny. Why the fuck did the ban Nunzio, again? I think I'm going to start a petition to get him back, and save this board.
  5. Detective Comics

    WWE "who gets signed next" Game

    The only two from ROH I could envision are: Michael Shane - overrated but works WWE style already. CM Punk - great charisma, works a WWE style, too. Nobody else works a style that WWE would go for, whether they be too stiff, use too many neckdrops, or are flippy dippy spot artists. I don't follow too many other indy feds....
  6. Detective Comics

    Who is the best and worst actor in WWE?

    Yes! The way he is playing off his current situation with Rey is so bad it blows my mind.
  7. Detective Comics

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    That kid is hardcore. Maybe he should race one of them fat Subway guys.
  8. Detective Comics

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    Speaking of Angle and Lesnar being gay at House Shows, Big Show just got a handful of Angle's Taint.
  9. Detective Comics

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    I must admit when Cena came to the WWE last year, I was so sick of him. He had no gimmick, no charisma, and his tights were yellow and purple. And now, I can't get enough! This segment is pure Sports Entertainment!
  10. Detective Comics

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

    Wait, let me get this straight, HHH is going bald because he is on steroids? I had no clue HHH did steroids..... OH WAIT, I DID!
  11. Detective Comics

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

  12. Detective Comics

    New Mat Based WWE Style

    You're right. At the house show I attended Saturday, Charlie Haas put on the same submission 5 times in a row, and each time the crowd had to clap in order to get Rhyno pumped up. 5 times, no word of a lie. And the same move!! There is no need for as many rest holds, and I'm sure there are more visually impressive, easy to pull of, and safer moves out there.
  13. Detective Comics

    The Raw Review 6/29 - 7/5

    Was that the nutcase who shook the referees hands before matches but then had that move whree he grabbed their opponent's face and shook like he was having a seizure? And were the Hardys really in the WWF way back then? I thought they debuted later on... Who the hell is Dick Togo? Mark.
  14. Detective Comics

    Providence House Show

    Eh, I was going to write up how I felt about the show, but I am tired, and it's a day late. People went crazy for Sable and McMahon though.
  15. Detective Comics

    Providence House Show

    Angle, Lesnar Injured, Expected To Work House Shows Posted By Widro on 06.27.03 Working through the pain... Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar, both nursing injuries, are both still expected to work Smackdown house shows this weekend. Angle reaggrevated a hamstring injury he suffered at Wrestlemania. Lesnar had a deep leg bruise suffered on a boating accident last week. Vince McMahon is also appearing at Smackdown house shows this weekend. Just thought I'd let you know Nunzio
  16. Detective Comics

    JR's on Regis NOW

    No, JR seemed very pushy and awkward. BAH GOD, MAH MOMMA, GOD REST 'ER SOUL.
  17. Detective Comics

    Providence House Show

    Oh, except Piper got fired! Nunzio, so help me God, if I see you there, I will put you and your punk brother's asses back in their places. Awkward sentence? Don't give a fuck. Co-worker and all around alcoholic Richard Lopes will not be in attendance, the first time he has missed a Rhode Island house show in over 10 years. But I'm getting his free ticket. So bring your SD! slut, your gimmicks posts, but run ya mouth and ruin the show for me and I'm going to powerbomb you of the fucking DDC! Mark my words Nunzio, I am coming after you!
  18. Detective Comics

    Roddy Piper gone from WWE

    15 bucks to see the house show in Providence this Saturday. I am wondering if Vince is still going to go, even though Piper is gone. Eh, 1 more reason to go, IMO. That's one less useless segment; heck maybe they'll add a match or something.
  19. Detective Comics

    Nash Pushing To Be 4th Member Of Evolution

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I always thought "X-Pac Heat" meant they are sick of seeing the person performing, not the character. You could push X-Pac to the moon, and do anything possible to get him over, but it wouldn't work since nobody wants to see him. In that sense, "X-Pac Heat" very bad.
  20. Detective Comics

    A Yahoo! WWE Chat

    Utterly Hilarious!
  21. Detective Comics

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    Who the hell marks out for Goldberg? I don't think the average fan wants to see this guy, yet he gets shoved down our throats week after week. He deserves to get squashed because he is a bald, talentless, washed-up, no-good, time-wasting, piece of shit. Plus and ego, which means hes a backstage cancer.
  22. Detective Comics

    Worst Pay Per View Ever.

    I think I can agree with you here, however, I don't see Evolution as a great stable. They really have no point working together, and bringing up Jindrak who would be a no name guy to most WWE fans isn't going to get a big reaction. So you've got 3 decent guys, Flair, and all 4 are stale. Eh.... I'm not buying it.
  23. Detective Comics

    What about RVD?

    In an ideal world, once WWE wrestlers and angles are stale, they should trade wrestlers from show to show to lead to some make things interesting. RVD and Booker T really have nowhere to go on Raw. Booker lost for the IC and World Titles, and RVD isn't over anymore. If they sent them to SD! for, say, Cena and Rhyno, it would probably benefit everyone except Cena. RVD and Booker T can focus on titles they haven't yet competed for, and Rhyno should get pushed to main event status on Raw. If Benoit and Rhyno split on good terms, both can remain face. A face Rhyno can eventually go up against HHH, and whether or not he wins, it is a fresh opponent. Cena will end up as a midcarder, but I don't think he is ready to main event anyways, so its no big loss.
  24. Detective Comics


    In the Metro's defense: It is very fuel efficient which means I save money on gas. It's got a 4-star safety rating and duel side airbags. And it contains about 43 empty Aquafina bottles since I am always stealing water from work. And a roomy backseat.... Eh, who am I kidding. It's top speed is like 90mph and it smells like sandwiches. But if you ever see the blue rollerskate drive, you will hear the distinct sound of the loudest, most violent metal on the planet.
  25. Detective Comics


    Imagine? That'd be the most absurd booking to date. Total mayhem as the locker room spills out and everyone beats down Kane. Thats so crazy, I'd probably mark out like hell just to see what it would lead to. A huge push for Kane (the jobber to the stars) wouldn't be justified since he isn't that great, although I guess he has been loyal to the company..... Although watching him chokeslam everyone would certainly make me laugh. After that over I'd then realize how sad of a state WWE is, and probably get someone to help me throw my big TV out the window onto my '95 Geo Metro as to prevent me from driving to the Providence house show coming up. Boy, this post makes no sense. Whatev.