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Everything posted by tekcop

  1. tekcop

    UTSU and Rrrsh

    Oddly enough, they actually were. Probably the only gimmick I've enjoyed around here in a long, long while.
  2. tekcop

    Best Wrestling Simulator???

    http://www.greydogsoftware.com/tew/ You can download the demo, which'll let you play through one month of in-game time.
  3. tekcop

    Best Wrestling Simulator???

    $35. EWR's decent enough especially considering it's free. But once you go TEW, you'll never go back.
  4. tekcop

    Best Wrestling Simulator???

    TEW 2005.
  5. tekcop

    Scary Thought on Dalip Singh

    Scroby is dumb. The world needs more marks and less of us. The man I was speaking of has been watching wrestling for 30 plus years and is very hard to please nowdays. For the first time in a long time, WWE did something that excited him. What's wrong with that?
  6. Yeah. AAA's LaParka sucks.
  7. tekcop

    Who's established nowadays?

    Yeah. Jingus needs to travel around the world telling people not to end up like him. He's depressing.
  8. tekcop


    Hey, didn't he even create a thread about the whole "You can't see me" thing years ago?
  9. tekcop

    Scary Thought on Dalip Singh

    Singh could be good for the WWE. I work with a couple of uber marks. One of them is in his 40's and has been watching wrestling since he was a little kid. He's been pretty bored with WWE for a while (only ordering the big PPV's and one's that really interest him) and doesn't care much for TNA. Today, he was the most excited I've seen him be about wrestling since... well, ever. He was just marking the fuck out over Singh's beatdown on Taker.
  10. tekcop

    Im going to need some advice..

    As soon as I saw your name, I knew you were going to say something to that affect. I don't know why, but I just knew it.
  11. tekcop

    Another Saturday Night.

    This thread sucks, I think I'll attempt to save it.
  12. tekcop

    Another Saturday Night.

    Fuck that, I'm sexy. This face can't be hated on.
  13. tekcop

    Im going to need some advice..

    I do have a penis, yes.
  14. tekcop

    Im going to need some advice..

    I hooked up with someone from Myspace a couple of week ago. I wasn't trying or anything. He contacted me and I figured "why not?" We went out twice and he's already planning our future together. Nah... fuck the internet, I'll stick to the real world. It's easier to dissapear on somebody if they can't stalk you.
  15. tekcop

    Another Saturday Night.

    I really hate that fucking picture.
  16. tekcop

    Scary Thought on Dalip Singh

    Meh, they're putting over his size and covering his limitations. It's kind of like watching a Kamala match. I see no problem with it. The Singh debut was the only thing I saw on SD last night, and it was way better than Gonzales's debut. Plus, I'm kind of with Leena here, he's a big assed super hoss, so I'm going to sit here and mark out no matter what.
  17. tekcop

    Scary Thought on Dalip Singh

    The chop looked bad, but I don't see anything wrong with the headbutt whatsoever.
  18. tekcop

    Future WWE Main Eventers

    I see London getting the push over Spanky. I'm still probably one of the very few people that sees London as a main eventer in a few years. Current London isn't much different from early Michaels at all.
  19. tekcop

    Hey Wildpegasus.

    Ok, fuck it. I don't like WP anymore. Just regulate him to the wrestling folders where he's still useful.
  20. tekcop

    What exactly is a geek?

    2Gold has totally gone off the deep end in this thread. He went from normal to... horrible in under 60 seconds.
  21. tekcop

    What exactly is a geek?

    I'm the proudest geek here. But, according to WP's numbers game, I'm only a -15 geek. Fuck that. I play a wrestling simulator game and wear Linux shirts, bitch. That's atleast 1,000 points right there.
  22. tekcop

    Who's established nowadays?

    I have a feeling I'm not very established here. Known, maybe. But established? Naw...
  23. tekcop

    And now presenting to you TSM...

    Someone tell me why I love Muggy's sig so much.
  24. tekcop

    Robot Chicken

    Very good episode. Felt more like the beginning of the first season than the end of it.
  25. tekcop

    What college do you go to?

    I start University of Tennessee in Martin in August. Went one semester to Jackson State Community College. Was suppsed to go to UTM last year, but I wrecked my car and needed to pay off that debt before I started school.