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Everything posted by tekcop

  1. tekcop

    Konnan to the WWE

    His old costume wouldn't really hide how out of shope he's gotten compared to what he used to look like. I was watching some AAA TV from '94 and he looked roided as all hell.
  2. After watching a promo for Judgement Day earlier, I was thinking. Does anyone else think Mordechai's going to make his debut by causing Taker his match with Booker T this Sunday?
  3. tekcop

    HUSTLE 3 Results

    This show looks really fun. I'm definately getting it.
  4. tekcop

    Brian Christopher Released

    Y'know, I actually like Brian quite a bit, but damn that's some funny shit.
  5. tekcop

    The OAO Raw Fashion Report

    After watching last week's RAW, I was just thinking how good Trips was looking without all the uneed extra muscle. He looks much more comfortable. He's not the roided freak who looked like he'd pull something while running the ropes and he's not the pregnant woman in the bicycle shorts anymore. It works for him. Also, I can't really pin-point why, but Edge looks like he hasn't had a shower in years. He's like a hobo or something.
  6. tekcop

    Booker vs. Taker at Judgement Day

    I was just thinking... y'know Mordechai's promo videos act like he going to debut at JD and the dirtsheets say that he's supposed to either be the new Taker or Taker's new bitch so it would make sense.
  7. No. Well.. she does bump well in the ring...
  8. I remember Vince said on TV that Samu got food poisoning from eating fish. I shit you not. In Beyond the Mat there's a Somoan guy who said he got fired by Vince for skipping a show to watch his son being born. Was he Samu?
  9. Negro Casas and El Hijo del Santo did a really cool double team move at least once where Casas held Ultimo Guerrero down for a Santo swanton. Then Santo rolled to his feet and hit a tope on Rey Bucanero. GDI have a really cool double dropkick to the head double team. They also did a really swank double hiptoss-into-a-faceplant followed by stereo armbars on Shocker once. I'm a bit of a mark for the 3-D. While I haven't actually seen it, Low-Ki and Spanky's "King of the World" move sounds pretty awesome.
  10. From KrisZ at the DVDR boards: Edit: Something interesting form KrisZ's post:
  11. tekcop

    WWE Newz....Foley, Flair, Japan

    Pair that name with Misawa and see the people of TSM hand out the *'s. Or Kobashi. Oh, All Japan in the 90s How many headbumps will Foley take? Or will it be a weak Lariat-oooooooooooooooo finish? Er... since when did Kawada start using a lariat as a finisher?
  12. Why? Foley/Kawada probably won't be much outside of a markout moment and Outsiders vs. Hash/Ogawa will be pure shit.
  13. tekcop

    TNA On FSN Starts June 4th At 3PM

    So... what exactly is Fox Sports Net? I was looking for the channel on DirectTV and there's, like, nearly 20 diferent FSN channels. Most of which I don't get.
  14. tekcop

    Favorite tag matches

    Ah yes, great DATES They're all Kobash/Misawa vs. Kawada/Taue I believe.
  15. Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar (No Way Out 2004): I remember marking out like a little bitch throughout the whole match. The STF spot made me jump off the couch and start yelling "Tap!" I've never done anything like that before. Combat Toyoda vs Yumiko Hotta (AJW Big Egg): The first Joshi match I ever watched was Toyoda's retirement match against Megumi Kudo. That match made me realize that this joshi stuff was kinda awsome. It also made me fall in love with Toyoda. Everything from Onita crying during the match, to him yelling at the ring crew for more water to pour on the unconscious women, to him carrying Toyoda to the locker room, and especially both women lying on the ground crying at the end. To me, Toyoda is that girl you knew who always got picked on for being fat. She's kind of quiet and wouldn't really hurt a fly. Hotta is that uberbitch, perfect rich daddy's girl. This is even more exemplified in the pre show segment showing all the women in the tournament at, like, a party or something and the only time they focus on Toyoda she's by her self at the food table eating while Hotta get quite a few shots and she's always talking with someone. All the women walk up to a podium and make a short speach, Hotta's, of course, is the longest. In the match Hotta is the highly skilled technical wrester and Toyoda is the big brawler. Toyoda tries to a nice, friendly match but Hotta totally disrespects her. They do a little bit of stuff and then Hotta just kicks Combat straight in the face. She lays on the ground for a minute and then gets up and walks over to Hotta all pissed off but she just turns her back to Toyoda and walks away with a smirk on her face. The figure four spot really makes me with I understood Japanese. Toyoda puts Hotta in a figure four and Hotta fights the pain and acts like it's not hurting and trash talks her opponent. Both women's facials during that spot are awesome. After watching this match I'll never be able to look at Toyoda as a heel or Hotta as a face.
  16. tekcop

    WWE New Style

    Which begs the question: If you're going for a more realistic approach and a punch does so much damage, why are guys wasting time with chops? Well... punches aren't exactly legal in wrestling, right?
  17. tekcop

    New School Question Thread

    So there are three Flair/HBK matches on tape right? 91, Bad Blood, & MSG house show. That it?
  18. Jericho vs. Mark Henry on RAW was probably Henry's best match ever. Taker had a pretty hot steak of tv matches with Cena, Show, & A-Train around Vegance last year. Benoit vs. Hardy from the US Title tournament was pretty awesome.
  19. tekcop

    Lance Storm

    I haven't watched too many Storm matches but Storm/Venis vs. The Dudleys the week before WMXX was pretty swanktacular. Venis and Storm did a lot a neat things to keep the match interesting during the long face in peril section and the Dudleys actually wrestled instead of resorting to their stale crowd-popping spots. I'd give it about ***1/2 stars.
  20. tekcop

    Best Triple H match post quad tear?

    2004 Batista>2004 Flair EDIT: Guess I should answer the question as well. I picked HBK RAW match. The only other match that comes close to it is the WMXX match.
  21. When I saw this thread this is who I thought of first. Other than that, I don't know probably the regulars... Taker, Jericho, Rey...
  22. tekcop

    WWE Hall of Fame DVD Extras

    God really does love me...
  23. tekcop

    05/03/04 Raw

    That'll work. I'll send you a PM. Aren't you the guy that I got some SD! episodes from anyways?
  24. tekcop

    05/03/04 Raw

    Well.. I just got home from work and a certain someone's girlfriend decided not to tape Raw tonight.... So... can anyone hook me up with a tape. Definately don't want to pay more than $10 with shipping. Less if possible of course.
  25. tekcop

    TSM Mat Madness
