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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    From his official website.
  2. Lil' Bitch

    New Champion Crowned on First European Show

    Nunzio won the CW title in Italy...makes sense.
  3. I think his last name fits him. He is a coward.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Eddie Special on MSNBC

    Okay, its official, I did some checking up and the show airs at 9 PM eastern time tonight. I'll be sure to record it.
  5. Lil' Bitch

    Eddie's autopsy report

    Well, I was refering to when I read the original report of him being found in his hotel room before the update mentioning the bathroom instead.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    *plays "Somewhere Out There" by Our Lady Peace
  7. Lil' Bitch

    Will WWE end.......

    Kerwin who?
  8. Lil' Bitch

    Eddie's autopsy report

    Thank God it wasn't suicide or a drug overdose like I originally thought.
  9. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    The ending of the show really got to me with Cena putting the belt down on Eddie's shirt. What a classy thing to do. I was crying a river.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    Eddie Special on MSNBC

    I live on PST so it starts at 6:00 PM and the repeat is shown at 10:00 PM PST so I'm assuming for other time zones, it will be shown at later times (9:00 PM EST for example). I'm just thankful Eddie's passing is getting some kind of coverage because I haven't seen anything on him on my local news or CNN.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Favourite Eddy Guerrero moments

    Yeah, it was Edge, Undertaker, and Rikishi.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Must See Matches

    Had the match been cut 10 - 15 minutes and Michaels gone over, I would have enjoyed the match. To my list I have to add: Chavo / Mysterio - GAB 04 Benoit / Orton - SS 04 Angle / Michaels | Undertaker / Orton - WM 21 Cena / Layfield - JD 05 Batista / HHH - Vengeance 05 Guerrero / Mysterio | Hogan / Michaels - SS 05 Flair / HHH | Cena / Angle / Michaels - TT 05
  13. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    RAW is Eddie
  14. Lil' Bitch

    Spoilers for Raw & SD! Tapings

    A fitting end to the Guerrero / Layfield feud.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Favourite Eddy Guerrero moments

    I'll just add his match against Batista at No Mercy last month on his birthday because some of the crowd was fully supporting Eddie now that he was back in the spotlight. Great moment.
  16. Lil' Bitch

    What was the real reasoning behind the IC title 02

    ^ There was a SD episode (I forgot the exact date) during that time where Eddie Guerrero had a match with John Cena. They were in Green Bay and Cena rapped ending with a rip on the Packers which got INSANE heat from the crowd and were immediately chanting for Eddie. I believe it was on that night where the real Eddie love began.
  17. Lil' Bitch

    The Impact of Eddy's Death on the WWE

    I really hope Benoit gets a run with the title especially after today's news.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    Tonight as I got back home, I found out one of my favorite wrestlers died. I'm in tears as I type this since a death in the wrestling industry hasn't hit me this hard since the passings of Owen Hart, Hawk, and the Big Boss Man. I was lucky enough to meet him on January 4, 2004. He was an awesome guy as he let me take a picture with him and being able to talk to him for a few minutes was just surreal. I'm really thankful he had a run being the WWE Champion because he was one of those guys that truly deserved it, not only in having the amazing skill of being such a great performer both in and out of the ring, but having the ability to make people laugh. I'm going to miss him so much as I've gone through life as a fan, seeing him for the first time on the TV screen back when he was working for WCW. Thanks for everything, Eddie, as you're now up in the big blue sky with your father. Steal A Halo For Me, Eddie! A wrestling moment I will remember for the rest of my life
  19. Lil' Bitch

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    What happened? I always thought his human form was a just a disguise so obviously nobody would see right off the bat that he was an evil Sith lord. Upon seeing the scene again, yeah Palpatine lost the duel right, but as soon as Anakin came in, he played possum to get Anakin on his side pretending to be the weak old man about to be executed. Sorry, I don't feel like going through 43 pages so pardon if these have been already. 1.) Why is Anakin's right eye scarred? 2.) Did Grevious even know Palpatine was the Sith lord or was he just under Dooku's orders the whole time?
  20. Lil' Bitch

    Just Watched the Bret Hart DVD

    Has Bret Hart ever wrestled Rick Rude on TV?
  21. Lil' Bitch


    Getting Away With Murder!!! (Almost)
  22. Lil' Bitch

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    ^ Thanks for reminding them of my post that bumped this thread. Well being faithful to the comics so far has done this movie series justice. I mean there's been a few minor changes, but they were for the best.
  23. Lil' Bitch

    Worst excuse to get out of a job/angle?

    . My problem with HBK is that he never wants to people over properly and I always bitch about that BUT he did job to Angle at Mania clean so I can't knock him as much as I do since he finally did it to somebody that truly deserved it. I can see what you're saying, but let me put it to you this way. If it was the same exact situation with Bret and Shawn's roles reversed with Shawn's last match in the WWE involved him being the world champion and dropping the title to Bret somewhere in TX, I would HIGHLY doubt Shawn would do it.