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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    WWE's Direction:

    I don't count Backlash since HHH wasn't the one who took the loss. No, but it was a breath of fresh air. Better than HHH maineventing again for the 100,000,000th straight time in a row. Well, its better than Eddie never getting a win back from Rey at all. Meh, at least they listened to the fans for once. Well, I can't stand Carlito, so its a lesser of 2 evils. More positives: The Royal Rumble Benjamin / Michaels HBK playing heel during the Hogan feud including the "Larry King" segment Most of the PPVs were good this year except for NYR, JD, and GAB. Victoria's heel turn No more Hassan The end (for now) of JBL's maineventing days
  2. Lil' Bitch

    Is Bischoff winning the title in two weeks?

    I guess I'm the only guy who liked the US Spinner Title. Its a hell of a lot better than the current US design IMO.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    WWE's Direction:

    Batista and Cena being crowned world champions due to popular demand. The HHHIAC Streak finally ending. HHH off TV for a nice 3 months after jobbing 3 PPVs in a row. The WWE Championship being the main focus of WWE Programming once again Chris Jericho maineventing a PPV. Angle Vs. Michaels and Orton Vs. The Undertaker at WM 21 Hogan Vs. Michaels Ken Kennedy Eddie Guerrero finally beating Rey Mysterio and ending easily the worst angle this year so far Matt Hardy being rehired Ric Flair winning the IC title (?)
  4. When was the first RAW on Spike?
  5. Lil' Bitch

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    "In The Deep" by Bird York Man, that's song so fucking depressing to listen to.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    Your Ring-tone

    Right now, I'm using "Hey Ya" by Outkast
  7. Lil' Bitch

    WWE news on the Ultimate Warrior DVD

    I doubt Shawn would have wanted to work with Warrior, but if Vince saw $ in the matter then Michaels wouldn't have a choice unless he whined hardcore. It wouldn't have a good match to say the least, but it would be...interesting had it happened. Then again, Sid wound up taking up Warrior's place and went on to win the title so who knows.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    X-Men Legends II

    Dead Pool?!! Holy fuck! SOLD! By the way, I remember this comic book a long time where Stryfe (Cable's evil clone brother) kicked the shit out of Apocalypse. I don't remember how, but he did. Believe me, I was shocked.
  9. Lil' Bitch

    WWE news on the Ultimate Warrior DVD

    Oh Lord, if the Warrior does call into Byte This, expect a nonstop rambling marathon over the phone. Its the new version of the Ultimate Challenge.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    Son of a Peach

    ^ What he said.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle

    A 30 minute Iron Man match is really REALLY lame.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Survivor Series 94?ish Question Why HBK in match

    That was pretty much the reason.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    WWEShop Goes Insane

    It looks like a fucking rat's nest.
  14. Lil' Bitch

    Britbey Spears Gives Birth

    I hope motherhood will be the end of her career as a "musician".
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    As badly as things are right now according to some people, I do appreciate the fact that WWE TV hasn't been cluttered by the McMahons like they did in 2003.
  16. Lil' Bitch

    The Rock Confirms WM22 Status

    I think its a supporting role for him in Doom though so he gets it easier in case the movie flops since he's not in the lead.
  17. Lil' Bitch

    Todd Grisham

    Even Michael Cole, yes, Michael COLE is better than Todd Grisham!
  18. Lil' Bitch

    House of the Dead

    This movie makes Super Mario Bros. and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation look like Oscar material.
  19. Lil' Bitch

    No More Hassan

    Sucks for him, but that's his fault for taking them up on a bad deal.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    HUGE Maven news

    Maven hanging around with Mrs. Brady? Oh man...
  21. Lil' Bitch

    WWE news on the Ultimate Warrior DVD

    Can you imagine if they didn't change name though and seeing how that classic promo would have gone instead? I am not THIS warrior! I am not THAT warrior! I am the DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WARRIOR! GROWL! SNARL! WOLF! WOLF!
  22. Lil' Bitch

    Vote on the new Edge shirt design

    I like them all except top right. I'd probably vote Choking Hazard, but they should stick with bottom left to just "be nice" to parents. I still like this one though:
  23. Lil' Bitch

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Unless this is typo, they don't even know what titles are on which show anymore! Well, I was hoping for Benoit / Layfield at No Mercy, but it doesn't look like its happening.
  24. Lil' Bitch

    WWE Celebrity Rumor

    I'd watch it.